Thursday, 5 November 2020

The Great Compassion Sutra (Taisho 1060) A Parallel Chinese-English edtion Part 2: Effects and spells

 This present text is part two of the ... 








(For part 1 see here )

[Taisho 1060] 

Like the previous post, the Chinese text was taken from  the Taisho Tipitaka, text No 1060. It can be accessed here and here  as a PDF

The English translation of this work is  by Sifolng Tsun. It was derived from here . The previous post had a parallel translation by the Buddhist Text Translation society. However, the section here was found in that book by the BTTS, in part because of the lack of space.

Not that this text is particularly boring-- on the contrary! It contains a huge amount of theurgic and outright magical material. The text lists at length the whole pantheon of deities that will protect the practitioner, and the spiritual powers they can achieve. Near the end of the sutra there is an extensive set of exorcistic rituals involving the sutra, as well as an equally extensive set of medical receipts. (These sections have been marked out with a   should any magician wish to access them quickly. 

For more modern-- and simpler  rituals involving  the mantra, see here


[0108a04] 爾時,大梵天王,從座而起,整理衣服,合掌恭敬,白觀世音菩薩言:「善哉!大士!我從昔來,經無量佛會,聞種種法、種種陀羅尼,未曾聞說,如此無礙大悲心、大悲陀羅尼神妙章句。唯願大士,為我說此陀羅尼形貌狀相,我等大眾,願樂欲聞!」

S: Then the great Brahma heavenly king arose from his seat, tidied up his clothes, joined his palms respectfully, and said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: "How virtuous, Mahasattva! I had attended innumerable Buddha-Congregations and heard myriads of Dharmas and Dharanis, but never before had I heard such Sacrosanct Wonderful Phrases of the Unimpeded Great Compassionate Heart's Great Compassion Dharani. Mahasattva, please tell us the feature and characteristics of this Dharani, all of us will be pleased to know that."

[0108a09] 觀世音菩薩告梵王言:「汝為方便利益一切眾生故,作如是問。汝今善聽,吾為汝等,略說少耳!」

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told the Brahma king: "For the convenience of benefiting all living beings, you have asked me this question. Now you listen carefully, and I will tell you in brief."

[0108a11] 觀世音菩薩言:「大慈悲心是,平等心是,無為心是,無染著心是,空觀心是,恭敬心是,卑下心是,無雜亂心,無見取心是,無上菩提心是。當知如是等心,即是陀羅尼相貌。汝當依此而修行之。」

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said: "It is the great merciful and compassionate heart, the impartial heart, the motionless heart, the unpolluted and unattached heart, the emptiness-observing heart, the respectful heart, the humble heart, the uncluttered heart, the non-view and non-grasping heart, and the uppermost Bodhi-Heart. You should know that such hearts are the feature and characteristics of this Dharani, you should practice according to them."

[0108a15] 大梵王言:「我等大眾,今始識此陀羅尼相貌。從今受持,不敢忘失。」

Then the great Brahma king said: "We now know the feature and characteristics of this Dharani, from now on, we will recite and hold it and will never dare to forget or loss it."

[0108a17] 觀世音言:
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva said:

[0108a17] 「若善男子、善女人,誦持此神呪者,發廣大菩提心,誓度一切眾生。身持齋戒,於諸眾生,起平等心。常誦此呪,莫令斷絕。住於淨室,澡浴清淨,著淨衣服。懸旛、然燈、香華、百味飲食,以用供養。制心一處,更莫異緣,如法誦持。

"If any virtuous men or virtuous women, who recite and hold this holy Dharani, can arouse the vast Bodhi-Heart that vow to ferry all living beings to the shore of liberation, keep the Abstinent-precepts(*) bodily, arouse the heart of equality towards all living beings, keep reciting this Dharani without interruption, reside in a clean room, wash themselves clean, wear clean clothes, hang up streamers and light up lamps, make offerings with fragrances, flowers, vegetable foods of hundreds of tastes, make their hearts stay still at one place, do not think about others, and recite and hold this Dharani according to the Dharma,

[0108a22] 「是時當有,日光菩薩、月光菩薩與無量神仙,來為作證,益其効驗。我時當以千眼照見,千手護持。從是以往,所世間經書,悉能受持;一切外道法術、韋陀籍,亦能通達。

then, Sunlight Bodhisattva, Moonlight Bodhisattva and innumerable gods and immortals will come to bear witness and enhance the efficacy of their recitation." "At that time, I will illuminate them with a thousand eyes, and protect and support them with a thousand hands. From then on, they will be able to master all worldly literature, and will perfectly understand all Exterior-paths' theories and sorceries*, as well as the Veda Scriptures."

* The words are 一切外道法術: All the Methods of art of the Exterior paths. Perhaps a coded reference to Daoism? 


"One who recites and holds this holy mantra can heal all the 84000 kinds of diseases of the world, without exception. He also can command all ghosts and spirits, vanquish heavenly demons, and tame all Exterior-paths practitioners.If one is reading Sutras or practicing Dhyana (Zen) in a mountain or a wild field, and some mountain-spirits, various ghosts, demons, monsters or Devas come to disturb and make him unable to concentrate, recite this mantra once, then all those ghosts and spirits will be tied up."

[0108b01] 「若能如法誦持,於諸眾生,起慈悲心者,我時當勅一切善神、龍王、金剛密迹,常隨衛護,不離其側,如護眼睛,如護已命。」

"If one can recites this Mantra in accord with Dharma and arouse merciful and compassionate heart towards all living beings, I will then command all virtuous gods, dragon kings, and Vajra Secret-Traces Divinities to always follow and guard him, never leaving his side, guarding him as their own eyes and lives."

[0108b04] 說偈勅曰:
[Then Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva] said the Gatha:

「我遣密跡金剛士,  烏芻君荼鴦俱尸,
I command the Vajra Secret-Traces Knights:
    Ucchusma, Kundalin, Ankusa
 八部力士賞迦羅,  常當擁護受持者。
eight clans' powerful knight Shankara,
   to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣摩醯那羅延,  金剛羅陀迦毘羅,
I command Mahesvaras, Narayana,
   Kumbhiraba and Kapila,
 常當擁護受持者。  我遣婆馺娑樓羅,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
  I command Pajis, Sahassakkhas,
 滿善車鉢真陀羅,  常當擁護受持者。
perfect-virtuous chebuds and Kimnaras,
   to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣薩遮摩和羅,  鳩闌單吒半祇羅,

I command Sajamahoras,
   Kumbhandas, Katabhutanas, and Banjras,

 常當擁護受持者。  我遣畢婆伽羅王,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
   I command Bhipagara kings,
 應德毘多薩和羅,  常當擁護受持者。
and morality Vitasaharas,
   to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣梵摩三鉢羅,  五部淨居炎摩羅,
I command Brahma king Sambra,
    the five clans of pure-abode heavens and Yamarajas,
 常當擁護受持者。  我遣釋王三十三,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
    I command Sakra Devanam indra, the Lord of the thirty-three heavens
 大辯功德婆怛那,  常當擁護受持者。
Sarasvatis, and Vardhanas,
   to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣提頭賴吒王,  神母女等大力眾,
I command Dhritarastra king, Haritis
  goddess and great strength gods,
 常當擁護受持者。  我遣毘樓勒叉王,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
   I command Virudhaka king,
 毘樓博叉毘沙門,  常當擁護受持者。
Virupaksa king and Vaisravana king,
   to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣金色孔雀王,  二十八部大仙眾,
I command the Golden Peacock King,
   and the twenty-eight clans of great immortals,
 常當擁護受持者。  我遣摩尼跋陀羅,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
    I command Manibhadra,
 散支大將弗羅婆,  常當擁護受持者。
and Pancika-imperator Phalava,
  to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣難陀跋難陀,  婆伽羅龍伊鉢羅,
I command Nanda, Upandanda,
   and the Sagara dragon-king Ibhra,
 常當擁護受持者。  我遣脩羅乾闥婆,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
   I command the Asuras, Gandharvas,
 迦樓緊那摩睺羅,  常當擁護受持者。
Karunas, Kimnaras, and Mahoragas,
   to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;
 我遣水火雷電神,  鳩槃荼王毘舍闍,
I command the gods of water, fire, thunder, lightning,
   Kumbhanda king and Pisacas,
to guard the Mantra-holders constantly;

[0108b27] 「是諸善神及神龍王、神母女等,各有五百眷屬,大力夜叉,常隨擁護,誦持大悲神呪者。其人若在空山、曠野,獨宿孤眠,是諸善神,番代宿衛,辟除災障。若在深山,迷失道路,誦此呪故,善神龍王,化作善人,示其正道。若在山林、曠野,乏少水火,龍王護故,化出水火。」
"Those virtuous gods, dragon-kings and goddess, each along with 500 retinues of great-strength Yaksas, will always follow and guard the holders of the Great Compassion Holy Mantra. If the Mantra-holder dwells and sleeps alone in an uninhabited mountain or wilderness, those virtuous gods will guard him by turns to eliminate misfortunes. If the Mantra-holder loses his way deep in the mountain, because of reciting this Mantra, the virtuous gods and dragon-kings will transform themselves into virtuous people and tell him the correct way. If the Mantra-holder lacks water or requires fire in a mountain, forest, or wilderness, the dragon-kings will protect him by miraculously creating water and fire for him."

[0108c03] 觀世音菩薩復為誦持者,說消除災禍,清涼之偈:
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then said a misfortune-eliminating and refreshingly cool Gatha(verse):

E.W. Compare this verse with the celebrated gatha in Chapter 25 of the Lotus sutra, the Universal Gate Chapter of Guanyin. As may be expected, the evils Guanyin is said to be able to resolve in the Lotus Sutra are also found here.  

「若行曠野山澤中,  逢值虎狼諸惡獸,
"When walking in wilderness, mountain or marsh,
  if encountering tigers, wolves, or other fierce beasts,
 蛇蚖精魅魍魎鬼,  聞誦此呪莫能害。
or snakes, spirits, demons, monsters, ghosts,*
  they will be unable to harm the Mantra-holder when they hear this Mantra;

*The word “Ghosts” in the English conceals 3 different types  demons in the Chinese text:  the Mei, wang and liang.—E. W.

 若行江湖滄海間,  毒龍蛟龍摩竭獸,
When voyaging on river or sea,
   poisoned dragons, flood dragons and Makaras,

 夜叉羅剎魚黿鼈,  聞誦此呪自藏隱。
Yaksas, Rakshas, fishes, and soft-shelled turtles,
   will dodge when they hear this Mantra;
 若逢軍陣賊圍繞,  或被惡人奪財寶,
If besieged by battle arrays or robbers,
   or being robbed by villains,
 至誠稱誦大悲呪,  彼起慈心復道歸。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
   those villains will show mercy and go back;
 若為王官收錄身,  囹圄禁閉杻枷鎖,
If one is imprisoned by government official,
   jailed, chained and locked,
 至誠稱誦大悲呪,  官自開恩釋放還。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
   the officer will show mercy and set him free;
 若入野道蠱毒家,  飲食有藥欲相害,
If entered a house of a poisonous insects raising family* in a wild way,
   the family purpose to venom with drinks, foods or medicines,
* “Poisonous insects” refers to , gu, an extremely ferocious poison that was the favourite of sorcerers in Ancient China.
 至誠稱誦大悲呪,  毒藥變成甘露漿。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
   the poison will turn to nectar;
 女人臨難生產時,  邪魔遮障苦難忍,
When a woman is giving birth to a child,
   evil demons comes to obstruct the birth and causing suffering and oppressive pain,
 至誠稱誦大悲呪,  鬼神退散安樂生。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
   the demons will disperse, leaving a safe and comfortable birth;
 惡龍疫鬼行毒氣,  熱病侵陵命欲終,
If evil dragons or pestilence ghosts spread poison,
   people are infected by pyrexia and about to die,
 至心稱誦大悲呪,  疫病消除壽命長。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
   diseases will be healed and lives of people will be lengthen;*
*The editor has seen an account of a doctor in a Chinese village in the 1920s using this mantra to stem an epidemic, when western medicines had failed.  During the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, these stories were again circulated on the internet —E.W.
 龍鬼流行諸毒腫,  癰瘡膿血痛叵堪,
If evil dragons or ghosts spread the tumescent diseases,
people suffer from carbuncles, sore, abscess, ulcer and bleeding
 至心稱誦大悲呪,  三唾毒腫隨口消。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
then spit three times to the abscesses and it will be cured.
 眾生濁惡起不善,  厭魅呪詛結怨讐,
If there are muddled and wicked living beings who aroused immoral minds,
causing hatred by sending nightmares, ghosts and curses to you,
 至心稱誦大悲呪,  厭魅還著於本人。
recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
then the hexes and evil spells will return to its original senders.
 惡生濁亂法滅時,  婬欲火盛心迷倒,
When Dharma is about to disappear, the world is evil, feculent and disordered,
people’s sexual desire are like raging fire, their hearts are deluded and they confuse right and wrong.*
  * This may explain why master Hsuan Hua recommended the recitation of this verse to stem the AIDS epidemic, and his more general opposition to homosexuality —For more see here
 棄背妻婿外貪染,  晝夜邪思無暫停,
They have adulteries behind their spouses,
and think of lust days and nights ceaselessly.
 若能稱誦大悲呪,  婬欲火滅邪心除。
If they can recite the Great Compassion Dharani sincerely,
the fire of sexual desire will quench and the evil minds will extinguish.
 我若廣讚呪功力,  一劫稱揚無盡期。」
If I glorify the effect and power of this Mantra in detail,
even one kalpa is not enough for the glorification."

[0108c27] 爾時,觀世音菩薩,告梵天言:
Then Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva told the Brahmas:

[0108c27] 「誦此呪五遍,取五色線作索,呪二十一遍,結作二十一結,繫項。

"Recite this Mantra 5 times, use threads of 5 colors to tie knots, then recite the Dharani 21 times, tie 21 knots, wear it on [the] neck. 

[0108c29] 「此陀羅尼,是過去九十九億恒河沙諸佛所說。彼等諸佛,為諸行人,修行六度,未滿足者,速令滿足故;未發菩提心者,速令發心故。若聲聞人,未證果者,速令證故。

This Mantra has been spoken by previous 9.9 billions Ganges-river-sands Buddhas. Those Buddhas spoke this Mantra for the practitioners who practice the six Perfections (Paramita) but have not yet fulfilled them, to make them succeed quickly; For those who have not yet aroused Bodhi-Heart, to make them arouse their Bodhi-Heart quickly; For Sravakas who have not yet achieved fruitions, to make them achieve fruitions quickly;

[0109a03] 「若三千大千世界內,諸神仙人,未發無上菩提心者,令速發心故。若諸眾生,未得大乘信根者,以此陀羅尼威神力故,令其大乘種子,法芽增長。以我方便慈悲力故,令其所須,皆得成辦。

For all gods and supernatural persons in the three-thousand-great-thousand worlds, who have not yet aroused the unsurpassed Bodhi-Heart, to make them arouse the Bodhi-Heart quickly; For all living beings who have not yet gained the root of faith in Mahayana, with the mighty holy power of this Dharani, their seeds of Mahayana and Dharma-buds will grow quickly; with the power of my expedients, mercy and compassion, all of their needs will be supplied.

[0109a07] 三千大千世界,幽隱闇處,三塗眾生,聞我此呪,皆得離苦。有諸菩薩,未階初住者,速令得故,乃至令得十住地故。又令得到佛地故,自然成就三十二相、八十隨形好。

For those living beings of the three evil paths, who live in the gloomy regions of the three-thousand-great-thousand worlds, when they hear this Mantra, they will all be free from suffering; For Bodhisattvas who have not yet achieved the first Bhumi, to make them achieve quickly, and make them achieve even up to the tenth Bhumi, and even up to the Buddhahood, with the thirty-two marks and the eighty minor marks achieved naturally.

[0109a11] 「若聲聞人,聞此陀羅尼,一經耳者,修行、書寫此陀羅尼者,以質直心,如法而住者,四沙門果,不求自得。

If a Voice-Hearer (Sravaka) once hears this Dharani pass by his ears, if he practices and writes this Dharani, and if he settles down with straightforward heart in accord with Dharma, then he will naturally achieve the four Sramana-fruits even if he does not seek for the fruitions.

[0109a13] 「若三千大千世界內,山河、石壁、四大海水,能令涌沸;須彌山及鐵圍山,能令搖動;又令碎如微塵,其中眾生,悉令發無上菩提心。
Suppose all the mountains, rivers, cliffs, and oceans in the three-thousand-great-thousand worlds can be boiled; the Sumeru mountains and Cakravada-parvata mountains can be shaken, and grinded to dust, all living beings of that magnitude will arouse the unsurpassed Bodhi-Hearts [by the power of this Dharani].

[0109a16] 「若諸眾生,現世求願者,於三七日,淨持齋戒,誦此陀羅尼,必果所願。從生死際,至生死際,一切惡業,並皆滅盡。三千大千世界內,一切諸佛、菩薩、梵釋四天王、神仙、龍王,悉皆證知。

If anyone prays for any wish in his present life, he should keep the Abstinent-precepts* and keep reciting this Dharani for 21 days, then his wishes will certainly be fulfilled. From the verge of the previous birth-and-death to the verge of the next birth-and-death, all his evil karmas will be cleaned up. In the three-thousand-great-thousand worlds, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Brahmas, Sakra Devanam-Indra (heavenly lord), the four guardian gods, divinities, immortals, and dragon-kings, will bear witness."

* Abstinent-precepts: The precepts of Tzie/Zhai.[] To observe these precepts, one must:
1. eats only vegetarian food;
2. takes only one meal before noon each day, eating after noon is prohibited;
3. also keeps the five basic precepts: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no false speech, no consumption of alcohol.—footnote in original. 

[0109a20] 「若諸人天,誦持此陀羅尼者,其人若在江河大海中沐浴,其中眾生,得此人浴身之水,霑著其身,一切惡業、重罪,悉皆消滅,即得轉生他方淨土,蓮華化生,不受胎身、濕卵之身,何況受持讀誦者?
If a human or heavenly being, who recites and holds this Dharani, baths in a river or a sea, the nearby living beings wet by his bath-water will have all their weighty sins cleaned and be reborn in pure-lands of other directions. They will be born through miraculous creation from lotuses, and will not undergo birth from wombs, moistures, or eggs. How much more so, for those who recite and hold this Dharani themselves!"

[0109a25] 「若誦持者,行於道路,大風時來,吹此人身、毛髮、衣服,餘風下過,諸類眾生,得其人飃身風,吹著身者,一切重罪、惡業,並皆滅盡,更不受三惡道報,常生佛前。
"If one who recites and holds this Dharani is walking, a wind blows his hair and clothes, then the living beings blown by the wind that previously touched the Mantra-holder will have all their heavy obstructions and evil karmas cleansed, will not continue to suffer from karmas of the three evil paths, and often be born in front of Buddhas. 

[0109a28] 「當知受持者,福德果報,不可思議。誦持此陀羅尼者,口中所出言音,若善、若惡,一切天魔、外道、天龍、鬼神聞者,皆是清淨法音,皆於其人起恭敬心,尊重如佛。

It should be known that the Mantra-holder's blessings, virtues, and fruit-repayments will be unimaginable. If the Mantra-holder says anything, no matter good or bad, it sounds like pure Dharma-sound to all heavenly demons, Exterior-paths practitioners, gods, dragons, ghosts, and spirits, thus they will respect the Mantra-holder as if he were a Buddha."

[0109b03] 「誦持此陀羅尼者,當知其人,即是佛身藏,九十九億恒河沙諸佛所愛惜故。當知其人,即是光明,一切如來光明照故。

"As to one who recites and holds this Dharani, we should know that he is a store of Buddha-bodies, because he is cherished by 9.9 billions Ganges-river-sands Buddhas; We should know that he is a brilliant light store, because he is illuminated by the light of all Tathagatas;


We should know that he is a store of mercies and compassions, because he constantly saves living beings with this Dharani; We should know that he is a wonderful-Dharmas store, because this Dharani includes all Dharani-Gates;


We should know that the he is a store of Dhyana and Samadhi, because hundreds of thousands of Samadhis often appear in front of him; We should know that the he is an Empty Spaces store, because he constantly observes living beings with wisdom of emptiness;


We should know that the he is a store of intrepidities, because he is constantly guarded by dragons, gods, and virtuous gods; We should know that the he is a Wonderful Language store, because the Dharani-Sound come from his mouth is uninterrupted;


We should know that the he is an Eternally-Abiding store, because the three-disasters and evil-kalpas cannot harm him; We should know that the he is a Liberation store, because heavenly demons and Exterior-paths practitioners cannot detain him;


 We should know that the he is a Medicine-King store, because he constantly heals living beings with this Dharani; We should know that the he is a supernatural power store, because he can freely travel round the Buddha-Worlds. The glorifications for the merits and virtues of the Mantra-holder are endless."

Magical uses of this mantra 

[0109b16] 「善男子!若復有人,厭世間苦,求長生樂者,在閑淨處,清淨結界。呪衣著。若水、若食、若香、若藥,皆呪一百八遍,服,必得長命。

"Virtuous men, if one tires of the sufferings of the world and seeks for happiness of long life, he should settle down in an unoccupied and clean place, make a pure Secure Boundary, recite this Dharani towards his clothing, water, foods, fragrances, or medicines for 108 times and then use them, then he will certainly gain a long life. 

[0109b18] 「若能如法結界,依法受持,一切成就。其結界法者,取刀,呪二十一遍,劃地為界。或取淨水,呪二十一遍,散著四方為界。或取白芥子,呪二十一遍,擲著四方為界。或以想到處為界,或取淨灰,呪二十一遍為界。或呪五色線二十一遍,圍繞四邊為界。皆得。

If he can make a Secure Boundary法結界, accept and hold the Dharani in accord with Dharma, then all things will be achievable."

Recite the Dharani 21 times towards a knife, and then countermark the ground with the knife to make a boundary;

or recite the Dharani 21 times towards some clean water, and then sprinkle it around as the boundary;

or recite the Dharani 21 times towards some white mustard seeds, and then scatter them around to mark a boundary,;

or make a boundary by mental visualisation;

or recite the Dharani 21 times towards some clean ashes(of Incense) and use them to mark a boundary;

or recite the Dharani 21 times towards a five-colored thread and then make a closed circle on the ground with the threads as a boundary.

All of these will do.

[0109b24] 「若能如法受持,自然剋果。若聞此陀羅尼名字者,尚滅無量劫生死重罪,何況誦持者?若得此神呪誦者,當知其人,已曾供養無量諸佛,廣種善根。

If one can accept and hold the Dharani in accord with the Dharma, he will achieve the fruit naturally. If anyone just hears the name of this Dharani, his weighty sins of births and deaths of countless kalpas will be eliminated, how much more so, of those who recite and hold this Mantra themselves! If anyone can know and recite this holy Mantra, we should know that he has already offered and sustained innumerable Buddhas and have widely planted his virtuous roots. 

[0109b27] 「若能為諸眾生,拔其苦難,如法誦持者,當知其人,即是具大悲者。成佛不久,所見眾生,皆悉為誦,令彼耳聞,與作菩提因,是人功德,無量無邊,讚不可盡。

If he can recite and hold the Dharani in accord with Dharma to relieve all living beings from sufferings, we should know that he is the one with the great compassionate heart, and will become a Buddha soon. If he recites the Dharani for all living beings that he sees, make them hear the Dharani and make it become a cause of their achievement of Bodhi, then, his merits and virtues are immeasurable, boundless, and cannot be praised completely.

[0109c02] 「若能精誠用心,身持齋戒,為一切眾生,懺悔先業之罪,亦自懺謝,無量劫來,種種惡業,口中馺馺,誦此陀羅尼,聲聲不絕者,四沙門果,此生即證。其利根有慧,觀方便者,十地果位,剋獲不難,何況世間小小福報?所有求願,無不果遂者也。

"If he can, with pure sincerity, apply his heart to keep the Abstinent-precepts, repent the previous sins on behalf of all living beings, also repent his own various sins accumulated in countless past kalpas, keep reciting this Dharani and never allow the sound of recitation to be interrupted, then he will achieve the four Sramana-fruits in his present life; if he has excellent talent for Dharma (literally: sharp root) and masters the skillful means of Wisdom-Observing, then achieving the fruits of ten Bhumis is not difficult for him, not to mention those small worldly blessings. All his wishes will be fulfilled."

[0109c07] 「若欲使鬼者,取野髑髏淨洗,於千眼像前設壇場,以種種香華、飲食祭之,日日如是,七日必來現身,隨人使令。
"If he wishes to command ghosts, he should find a skull in the wild, wash it clean, set up a Mandala(altar) in front of a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and make offerings of multifarious fragrances, flowers, drinks, and vegetable foods. Do this day after day, then 7 days later, the ghost will appear and obey his orders."

[0109c10] 「若欲使四天王者,呪檀香燒之。
"If he wish to command the four guardian gods, he should recite towards a sandalwood and burn it, then he will achieve the goal

[0109c10] 「由此菩薩大悲願力深重故,亦為此陀羅尼威神廣大故。」
- because the power of the Bodhisattva's great compassionate vows are deep and weighty, and the power of this holy Dharani is mighty and vast."

[0109c12] 佛告阿難:
The Buddha told Ananda:

[0109c12] 「若有國土,災難起時,是土國王,若以正法治國,寬縱人物,不枉眾生,赦諸有過,七日七夜,身心精進,誦持如是大悲心陀羅尼神呪,令彼國土,一切災難,悉皆除滅,五穀豐登,萬姓安樂。
"When there are catastrophes in a country, if the king of the country can manage state affairs according to correct laws, be liberal toward people and animals, not to do anybody an injustice, absolve people from blames, and for 7 days and 7 nights, keep both his body and his mind sincere and diligent, and in this way recite and hold this Great Compassionate Heart Dharani Holy Mantra, then all the catastrophes of his country will disappear, the five kinds of crops will be abundant and his people will live in peace and happiness."

[0109c16] 「又若為於他國怨敵,數來侵擾,百姓不安,大臣謀叛,疫氣流行,水旱不調,日月失度。

"If a country is being frequently invaded by enemies from other countries, people are unsafe and ministers are traitorous, pestilences are spreading everywhere, the rains and the droughts are unbalanced and unseasonable, or even the sun and the moon lost their accuracy, 


when such disasters come, the people should make a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and set it facing the west, make offerings to it sincerely with fragrances, flowers, streamers, precious canopies, or vegetable foods and drinks of hundreds of tastes, and, for 7 days and 7 nights, if the king of the country can keep both his body and mind sincere and diligent, and in this way recite and hold the Sacrosanct Wonderful Phrases of this Dharani, 

then the foreign enemies will be tamed of themselves, they will return to their own countries and make no further disturbance. These countries will be in communication and will have friendly relations, the princes and officers will be loyal, the queen, the prince's wife, and the maids will also be loyal to the king. Dragons, ghosts and spirits will protect this country, the rains will be seasonal, the fruits will be abundant, and the people will be happy."

[0109c25] 「又若家內,遇大惡病,百怪競起,鬼神邪魔,耗亂其家,惡人橫造口舌以相謀害,室家大小內外不和者,當向千眼大悲像前,設其壇場,至心念觀世音菩薩。誦此陀羅尼,滿其千遍,如上惡事,悉皆消滅,永得安隱。」
"If anyone in a family gets a serious evil disease, or if hundreds of monsters appear, or if ghosts, spirits, and demons deplete and demolish the family; or if some villains malign the family and plot to harm them; or if the members of the family are disharmonious, they should set up a Mandala(altar) in front of a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with their deep-felt sincere heart, and then recite this Dharani fully 1000 times, then all those misfortunes will disappear, the family will be peaceful forever."

[0110a02] 阿難白佛言:「世尊!此呪名何?云何受持?」
Ananda asked the Buddha: "Bhagavan, what is the name of this Mantra? How should we accept and hold it?"

[0110a02] 佛告阿難:「如是神呪有種種名。一名:廣大圓滿。一名:無礙大悲。一名:救苦陀羅尼。一名:延壽陀羅尼。一名:滅惡趣陀羅尼。一名:破惡業障陀羅尼。一名:滿願陀羅尼。一名:隨心自在陀羅尼。一名:速超上地陀羅尼。如是受持。」
he Buddha told Ananda: "This holy Mantra has many names, one of them is Vast, Great, Perfect, another is Unimpeded Great Compassion, another is Relieving Sufferings Dharani, another is Lengthening Life Dharani, another is Extinguishing Evil Destinies Dharani, another is Breaking Evil Karma Hindrances Dharani, another is Wish-Fulfilling Dharani, another is The Dharani Of The Freedom In Accord With The Heart, another is Quickly Exceeding The Upper Stages Dharani. Thus should you accept and hold it."

[0110a07] 阿難白佛言:「世尊!此菩薩摩訶薩,名字何等?善能宣說如是陀羅尼。」
Then Ananda asked the Buddha: "Bhagavan, what is the name of this Bodhisattva-Mahasattva, who is so good to teach us this Dharani?"

[0110a09] 佛言:
The Buddha said:

[0110a09] 「此菩薩名『觀世音自在』,亦名『撚索』,亦名『千光眼』。

"This Bodhisattva is called Avalokitesvara, the Unrestricted One, also called Nipping a Lariat, also called A Thousand Bright Eyes. 

[0110a10] 「善男子!此觀世音菩薩,不可思議威神之力,已於過去無量劫中,已作佛竟,號『正法明如來』。大悲願力,為欲發起一切菩薩,安樂成熟諸眾生故,現作菩薩。

Virtuous man, this Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has unimaginable mighty and holy powers. Uncountable kalpas before, he had already been a Buddha named True Dharma Brightness Tathagata. Because of the power of his great compassionate vows, and in order to call upon all Bodhisattvas to comfort and please all living beings, he appears as a Bodhisattva. 

[0110a14] 「汝等大眾、諸菩薩摩訶薩、梵、釋、龍、神,皆應恭敬,莫生輕慢。一切人天,常須供養。專稱名號,得無量福,滅無量罪,命終往生阿彌陀佛國。」
All of you, including the Bodhisattvas, Brahmas, Gods of the 33 heavens, dragons, and divinities, should show respect to him, do not despise him. All heavenly and human beings should constantly make offerings to him and recite his name absorbedly, then they will get infinite blessings and eliminate countless sins, and at the end of their lives, they will be reborn in the Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha."

❖ [Exorcistic and medical uses of the mantra] 

The Buddha told Ananda: 

[0110a17] 「此觀世音菩薩,所說神呪,真實不虛。若欲請此菩薩來,呪拙具羅香(拙具羅香,安息香也)三七遍,燒,菩薩即來。
"This holy Mantra spoken by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is true, real, and not false. If you wish to invite this Bodhisattva to come, recite the Mantra 21 times towards Guggula Incense* and burn it, then this Bodhisattva will come."
* Also Anxi xiang = Benzoin 

[0110a19] 「若有猫兒所著者,取弭哩吒那(死猫兒頭骨也)燒作灰,和淨土泥,捻作猫兒形,於千眼像前,呪鑌鐵刀子一百八遍,段段割之,亦一百八段,遍遍一呪,一稱彼名,即永差不著。

"If being possessed by a soul of cat, find a dead cat's skull, burn it to ashes, mix the ashes with clean soil, and then use them to shape a cat. In front of a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite the Dharani 108 times towards a wrought iron knife, and then cut the model into 108 pieces with the knife. Recite once, cut once, and say his name once, then the cat's soul will leave and never return."

[0110a23] 「若為蠱毒所害者,取藥劫布羅(龍腦香也),和拙具羅香,各等分,以井華水一升和煎,取一升,於千眼像前,呪一百八遍,服,即差。
"If harmed by mediumistic insects (Gu), mix Karpura (Dragon Brain Incense) [ Borneol Camphor – E.W.]  with a same bulk of Guggula Incense, add 1 bowl of Well-flower-water* and decoct them into 1 bowl of decoction; when done, recite the Dharani 108 times towards the decoction in front of a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, then take the decoction, the illness will be healed."

*[Note] Well-flower-water: the purest water from a well - each morning, the very first bucket of water from the well. 

[0110a25] 「若為惡蛇蠍所螫者,取乾薑末,呪一七遍,著瘡中,立即除差。
"If bitten by fierce snakes or scorpions, recite the Dharani 7 times towards some powder of dry gingers, apply the powder on the bite and they will be healed."

[0110a27] 「若為惡怨橫相謀者,取淨土、或麵、或蠟,捻作本形,於千眼像前,呪鑌鐵刀一百八遍,一呪一截,一稱彼名,燒盡一百八段,彼即歡喜,終身厚重,相愛敬。

"If someone plots to harm you because of hatred and resentment, you should find some clean soil, or flour, or wax, to shape the enemy's body. In front of a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite the Dharani 108 times towards a wrought iron knife, then cut the model into 108 pieces with the knife. Recite once and cut once and say his name once, and then burn up all 108 pieces. After that, the enemy will be happy, will respect you and will like to befriend you for his entire life."

[0110b01] 「若有患眼睛壞者,若青盲眼暗者,若白暈、赤膜,無光明者,取訶梨勒果、菴摩勒果、鞞醯勒果,三種各一顆,擣破細研。當研時,唯須護淨,莫使新產婦人及猪、狗見。口中念佛,以白蜜、若人乳汁,和封眼中。著其人乳,要須男孩子母乳,女母乳不成。其藥和竟,還須千眼像前,呪一千八遍,著眼中,滿七日,在深室慎風,眼睛還生。青盲、白暈者,光奇盛也。

"If you have the eye-diseases of dimmed vision or blindness, or if your eyes are covered by a white haze or a red film, you should find a Haritaki fruit, an Amala fruit, and a Vihetaki fruit, and grind them into powder. During the grinding, you must guard their purity: do not be seen by women who have just given birth, or by pigs or dogs, and you should keep reciting a Buddha's name, mix the powder with white honey or human milk. The human milk must be from a mother of a boy, not from mothers of girls. When the medicine is done, in front of a statue of Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite the Dharani 1008 times towards the medicine, then apply it on the sick eyes for fully 7 days, stay in a quiet room and do not be exposed to wind, then the eyes will recover, the white haze and red film will disappear, and the eyesight will be very clear."

[0110b09] 「若患瘧病著者,取虎、豹、犲、狼皮,呪三七遍,披著身上,即差。師子皮最上。若被蛇螫,取被螫人結[*],呪三七遍,著瘡中,即差。
"If you are afflicted by recurrent fevers, recite the Dharani 21 times towards the skin of a tiger, panther, or a wolf, place the skin on your body and the fever will be healed. The skin of a lion is best. If someone is bitten by a snake, get some earwax of that person, recite the Dharani 21 times towards the earwax, apply them on his sore, then it will be healed."

[0110b12] 「若患惡瘧,入心悶絕欲死者,取桃膠一顆,大小亦如桃顆,清水一升和煎,取半升,呪七遍,頓服盡,即差。其藥莫使婦人煎。
"If an evil fever enters your heart, and it is so oppressive that makes you even wish to die, in this case, you should find a peach-glue as big as a normal peach, add 1 bowl of clean water and decoct them into a half bowl of decoction. When done, recite the Dharani 7 times towards the decoction, take them all, than the disease will be healed. The medicine should not be decocted by a woman."

[0110b14] 「若患傳屍鬼氣、伏屍連病者,取拙具羅香,呪三七遍,燒熏鼻孔中。又取七丸如糞,呪三七遍,吞,即差。慎酒肉五辛及惡罵。若取摩那屎羅(雄黃是也),和白芥子印成鹽,呪三七遍,於病兒床下燒,其作病兒,即魔掣迸走,不敢住也。

"If you are possessed by a ghost, recite the Dharani 21 times towards a Guggula incense and burn it to fume the nostrils, further, make 7 pills of Guggula each as big as a rabbit dung, recite the Dharani 21 times towards them and take them, then you will be cured. Be careful: do not drink alcohol, do not eat meat or the five-pungencies*, and do not abuse others. If you find some Manahsila (realgar)**, mix it with white mustard seeds and YanSheng-salt, then recite the Dharani 21 times towards the mixture and burn it under the bed of the patient, then the possessing ghost will run away and not dare to stay.

*[Note] The five-pungencies are: onions, leeks, garlic, chives or shallots
** Arsenic Sulfide. THIS IS VERY POISONOUS. – E.W. 

[0110b19] 「若患耳聾者,呪胡麻油,著耳中,即差。
"For deafness, recite the Dharani towards some sesame oil and drop the oil into ears, then the disease will be healed."

[0110b20] 「若患一邊偏風,耳鼻不通、手脚不隨者,取胡麻油,煎青木香,呪三七遍,摩拭身上,永得除差。又方取純牛酥,呪三七遍,摩,亦差。
"If someone is suffering from hemiplegias, his nose is blocked and his hands and feet cannot move because of apoplexy, you should mix some sesame oil with Green-wood-spice and decoct them, recite the Dharani 21 times towards the mixture, and rub it on the body, then the diseases will forever be healed. Another prescription: recite the Dharani 21 times towards some pure cow ghee, and rub it on the body, then the diseases will also be healed."

[0110b23] 「若患難產者,取胡麻油,呪三七遍,摩產婦臍中及玉門中,即易生。
"For dystocias, recite the Dharani 21 times towards sesame oil and apply on both the navel and the jade-gate* of the woman who is giving birth, then there will be an easy birth."

* Vulva—E.W. 

[0110b25] 「若婦人懷妊,子死腹中,取阿波末利伽草(牛膝草也)一大,清水二升和煎,取一升,呪三七遍,服,即出一,無苦痛。胎衣不出者,亦服此藥,即差。
"If a baby dies in a pregnant woman's womb, find one large Lerng(*) of hyssops, mix it with 2 bowls of clean water, and decoct them into 1 bowl of decoction. Recite the Dharani 21 times towards the decoction and let the woman take it, then the dead baby will come out, and the woman will not be in pain. If the placenta does not come out, let her take this medicine again and it will be fine."

* Lerng: a Chinese measurement. [This is now spelt liang ; it is usually translated to as ‘tael’]

[0110b28] 「若卒患心痛不可忍者,名『遁屍疰』,取君柱魯香(薰陸香),乳頭成者一顆,呪三七遍,口中嚼咽,不限多少,令變吐,即差。慎五辛、酒肉。
"If you have a disease that your heart is often attacked by an unbearable pain, this is called Hidden Corpse Disease. Find a Fume-Land Incense with mature nipples, *recite the Dharani 21 times towards it, chew and swallow it - no matter more or less. After some time, it will cause vomiting or diarrhoea, then the disease will be healed. Do not eat any of the five-pungencies, do not eat meat, and do not drink alcohol."

* The “Fume land incense” is 薰陸香 Xunlu xiang in Chinese. The word is probably a transcription of a foreign word into Chinese.  Its exact identification is uncertain. 

[0110c01] 「若被火燒瘡,取熱瞿摩夷(烏牛屎也),呪三七遍,塗瘡上,即差。
"If burned by a fire, recite the Dharani 21 times towards some dung of black cows, apply them on the sores, the pain will be healed."

[0110c03] 「若患蛔蟲齩心,取骨魯末遮(白馬尿也)半升,呪三七遍,服,即差。重者一升,蟲如綟索出來。
"If one's heart is being attacked by ascarids, recite the Dharani 21 times towards a half bowl of urine of a white horse and take it, then the disease will be healed. If the disease is serious, take more medicine up to 1 bowl, then the ascarids will come out like a linked rope."

[0110c05] 「若患丁瘡者,取凌鎖葉擣取汁,呪三七遍,瀝著瘡上,即拔根出,立差。
"For a Nail-sore, find some Ling-Sil-leaves, grind them and get the juice, recite the Dharani 21 times towards the juice, apply the juice to the sore, pull the sore out by the root and it will be healed immediately."

[0110c06] 「若患蠅螫眼中,骨魯怛佉(新驢屎也)濾取汁,呪三七遍,夜臥著眼中,即差。
"If one's eyes were bitten by flies, find some new dung of donkey, filter it and get the liquid, recite the Dharani 21 times towards the liquid, drop it into the eyes when lying on the bed at night, then the disease will be healed."

[0110c08] 「若患腹中痛,和井華水,和印成鹽三七顆,呪三七遍,服半升,即差。

For bellyaches, mix Well-flower-water with YanSheng-salt* to make 21 pellets, recite the Dharani 21 times towards them, take half a bowl of the medicine, then the disease will be healed."

*The Chinese is 印成鹽, Yincheng Salt. 

[0110c09] 「若患赤眼者,及眼中有努肉及有翳者,取奢奢彌葉(葉也),擣濾取汁,呪三七遍,浸青錢一宿,更呪七遍,著眼中,即差。

"For red-eyed diseases, or neoplasms in eyes, or cataracts, find some leaves of Chinese-wolfberry (Gau-Gey), grind them and get their juice, recite the Dharani 21 times towards the juice, soak a bronze copper coin in the juice overnight, recite the Dharani towards it 7 more times, drop the juice into the eyes, then the disease will be healed."

[0110c12] 「若患畏夜,不安恐怖,出入驚怕者,取白線作索,呪三七遍,作二十一結,繫項,恐怖即除。非但除怖,亦得滅罪。
"If someone is afraid and not peaceful at night, and he may even be frightened when entering or leaving a house, he should make a rope with white threads, recite the Dharani 21 times towards it, tie it into 21 knots, and wear it on his neck, then the fear will disappear. Not only will his fear disappear, his sins will also be eliminated."

[0110c14] 「若家內橫起災難者,取石榴枝,寸截一千八段,兩頭塗酥酪蜜,一呪一燒,盡千八遍,一切災難悉皆除滅,要在佛前作之。
"If some unexpected calamities come to your household, find a guava* branch, cut it into 1008 segments, smear some ghee and honey on both ends of them, recite the Dharani once and burn one segment, burn up all 1008 segments in this way, then all calamities will disappear. This must be done in front of a Buddha."
* The Chinese words are actually “Pomegranate” 石榴

[0110c17] 「若取白菖蒲,呪三七遍,繫著右臂上,一切鬪處、論義處,皆得勝他。
"If you recite the Dharani 21 times towards a white flagleaf* and tie it to your right arm, you will always win others in all fighting places and debating places."
*Sweet Flag白菖蒲

[0110c18] 「若取奢奢彌葉枝柯,寸截,兩頭塗真牛酥、白蜜牛酥,一呪一燒,盡一千八段,日別三時,時別一千八遍,滿七日,呪師自悟通智也。
"If you find some leaves and branches of Sami*奢彌, cut them into 1008 segments, smear some true-cow-ghee and white-honey-cow-ghee on both ends of them, recite the Dharani once towards each segment and burn it, and burn up all 1008 segments in this way. Do this 3 times each day, 1008 times each time, for 7 days, then you, as a Mantra-master, will realize the Through-Wisdom of yourself."

* Sami: Chinese wolfberry / medlar

[0110c21] 「若欲降伏大力鬼神者,取阿唎瑟迦柴(木患子也),呪七七遍,火中燒,還須塗酥酪蜜,要須於大悲心像前作之。若取胡嚧遮那(牛黃是也)一大兩,著瑠璃瓶中,置大悲心像前,呪一百八遍,塗身、點額,一切天、龍、鬼、神、人及非人,皆悉歡喜也。

"If you wish to tame powerful ghosts or spirits, find some Wood-Wan-Tzee*, recite the Dharani 49 times towards them, smear some ghee and honey on them, and burn them up. This must be done in front of a statue of Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. "If you put 1 large [liang] of bezoar(Cow yellow) into a lapis-lazuli bottle, then put the bottle in front of a statue of Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite the Dharani 108 times toward it, apply the bezoar on your body and dot it on your forehead, then all gods, dragons, ghosts, spirits, human and non-human beings will be pleased."

*木槵子Sapindus mukorossi 

[0110c26] 「若有身被枷鎖者,取白鴿糞,呪一百八遍,塗於手上,用摩枷鎖,枷鎖自脫也。

"If being chained and locked, find some dung of white pigeons, recite the Dharani 108 times towards them, smear them on your hands and rub the chains and locks, then the chains and locks will open of themselves."

[0110c28] 「若有夫婦不和,狀如水火者,取鴛鴦尾,於大悲心像前,呪一千八遍,帶,彼即終身歡喜相愛敬。

"If a husband and wife have a disharmonious relationship and their situation is like that of water and fire, find some feathers of the tail of mandarin ducks, in front of a statue of Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, recite the Dharani 1008 times towards the feathers and let the couple wear them, then the couple will be delightful, and will love and respect each other unto the end of their lives."

[0111a01] 「若有被蟲食,田苗及五果子者,取淨灰、淨沙或淨水,呪三七遍,散田苗四邊,蟲即退散也。果樹兼呪水灑者,樹上蟲不敢食果也。」
"If the seeds and fruits in your farm are being eaten by insects, find some clean ashes, or clean sands, or clean water, recite the Dharani 21 times towards them, sprinkle them around the farm and the seedlings, then the insects will quit. If you sprinkle some Mantra-water on the fruit trees, the insects will not dare to eat the fruits."

[0111a04] 佛告阿難:「若為富饒,種種珍寶資具者,當於如意珠手。若為種種不安求安隱者,當於羂索手。若為腹中諸病,當於寶鉢手。若為降伏一切魍魎鬼神者,當於寶劍手。若為降伏一切天魔神者,當於跋折羅手。若為摧伏一切怨敵者,當於金剛杵手。若為一切處怖畏不安者,當於施無畏手。若為眼闇無光明者,當於日精摩尼手。若為熱毒病求清涼者,當於月精摩尼手。若為榮官益職者,當於寶弓手。若為諸善朋友早相逢者,當於寶箭手。若為身上種種病者,當於楊枝手。若為除身上惡障難者,當於白拂手。若為一切善和眷屬者,當於胡瓶手。若為辟除一切虎狼犲豹諸惡獸者,當於旁牌手。若為一切時處好離官難者,當於斧鉞手。若為男女僕使者,當於玉環手。若為種種功德者,當於白蓮華手。若為欲得往生十方淨土者,當於蓮華手。若為大智慧者,當於寶鏡手。若為面見十方一切諸佛者,當於紫蓮華手。若為地中伏藏者,當於寶篋手。若為仙道者,當於五色雲手。若為生梵天者,當於軍遲手。若為往生諸天宮者,當於紅蓮華手。若為辟除他方逆賊者,當於寶戟手。若為召呼一切諸天善神者,當於寶螺手。若為使令一切鬼神者,當於髑髏杖手。若為十方諸佛速來授手者,當於數珠手。若為成就一切上妙梵音聲者,當於寶鐸手。若為口業辭辯巧妙者,當於寶印手。若為善神龍王常來擁護者,當於俱尸鐵鉤手。若為慈悲覆護一切眾生者,當於錫杖手。若為一切眾生常相恭敬愛念者,當於合掌手。若為生生之不離諸佛邊者,當於化佛手。若為生生世世常在佛宮殿中,不處胎藏中受身者,當於化宮殿手。若為多聞廣學者,當於寶經手。若為從今身至佛身,菩提心常不退轉者,當於不退金輪手。若為十方諸佛速來摩頂授記者,當於頂上化佛手。若為果蓏諸穀稼者,當於蒲萄手。如是可求之法,有其千條,今粗略說少耳。」

The Buddha told Ananda: "
For richness, treasures, or various valuables and necessities, use the Wish-Fulfilling Pearl Mudra(gesture).

For seeking stable life in various unstable situations, use the Pasa(lasso / lariat) Mudra.

For various diseases in abdomen, use the Precious Bowl Mudra.

For vanquishing all demons, monsters, ghosts, and spirits, use the Precious Glave(double edge sword) Mudra.

For vanquishing all heavenly demons and deities, use the Vajra Mudra.

For taming all enemies, use the Vajra Pestle Mudra.

For eliminating all fears in any situation, use the Fearless-Giving (Abhayam-dada) Mudra.

For healing dim eyes, use the Sun-Quintessence Mani Mudra.

If one has a disease caused by the poison of heat and seeks for refreshing coolness, he should use the Moon-Quintessence Mani Mudra.

For high positions and promotions, use the Precious Bow Mudra.

For meeting all virtuous friends as soon as possible, use the Precious Arrow Mudra.

For healing various diseases on one's body, use the Willow Branch Mudra.

For eliminating evil obstacles and misfortunes of one's body, use the White Whisk Mudra.

For good harmony among all relatives, use the Precious Vase Mudra.

For evading all tigers, wolves, jackals, panthers, and other fierce beasts, use the Shield Mudra.

For always resting in peace and avoiding being imprisoned, use the Axe-Tomahawk Mudra.

For commanding men and women, use the Jade Bracelet Mudra.

For various merits and virtues, use the White Lotus Mudra.

For rebirth in pure lands of the ten directions, use the Blue Lotus Mudra.

For great wisdom, use the Precious Mirror Mudra.

For personally meeting all Buddhas of the ten directions, use the Purple Lotus Mudra.

For underground precious deposits, use the Precious Box Mudra.

For achieving the Way(Tao) of immortals, use the Five Colored Cloud Mudra.

For rebirth in Brahma heaven, use the Bath Bottle Mudra.

For rebirth in heavenly palaces, use the Red Lotus Mudra.

For vanquishing traitors of other places, use the Precious Halberd Mudra.

For summoning all virtuous heavenly gods, use the Precious Trumpet Shell Mudra.

For commanding all ghosts and spirits, use the Skull Staff Mudra.

For the Buddhas of the ten directions coming to receive you with their hands quickly, use the Prayer Beads Mudra.

For achieving all superior wonderful Brahma sounds, use the Precious Bell Mudra.

For the ability of eloquent, clever, and wonderful speech (mouth karma), use the Precious Seal Mudra.

To be constantly guarded by virtuous gods and dragon kings, use the Kusinagara Iron Hook Mudra.

For mercifully sheltering and protecting all living beings, use the Tin Staff Mudra.

For making all living beings always respect and love each others, use the Joining Palms Mudra.

For always being reborn beside Buddhas for all lifetimes, use the Nirmana(Miraculously Created) Buddha Mudra.

To be always reborn in the palaces of Buddhas for all lifetimes, and never be born from a womb, use the Nirmana-Palace Mudra.

For eruditeness, use the Precious Sutra Mudra.

If you wish that from your current incarnation(lifetime) to the incarnation that you are a Buddha, you will never retrogress from or lose the Bodhi-Heart, use the Non-retrogression Gold Wheel Mudra.

If you wish that the Buddhas of the ten directions will come quickly to rub your summit and award you the mark of future Buddhahood, use the Summit Nirmana Buddha Mudra.

For fruits, melons, and various crops, use the Grape Mudra.

There are thousands of such requesting Mudras, now I have just briefly said some of them."

[0111b13] 日光菩薩為受持大悲心陀羅尼者,說大神呪,而擁護之:
Sunlight Bodhisattva then spoke a great holy Mantra for those who accept and hold the Great Compassionate Heart Dharani to protect them:

[0111b15] 「南無勃陀瞿(上聲)(上聲)() 南無達摩莫訶低() 南無僧伽多夜泥() 底(丁以切)哩部畢薩(僧沒切)(登沒切)檐納摩

"Namo Buddha Kunami, Namo Dharma Mahadi, Namo Sangha Tayeni, DhriBhuBhi Sattva Yam Namo"

[0111b18] 「誦此呪,滅一切罪,亦能辟魔及除天災。
"This Mantra can extinguish all sins, and can evade demons and natural disasters. 

[0111b18] 「若誦一遍,禮佛一拜,如是日別三時,誦呪禮佛,未來之世,所受身處,當得一一相貌端正,可喜果報。」
If one can recite the Dharani once and bow to the Buddhas once, 3 times daily, recite the Dharani and bow to the Buddhas, then in his next lifetime, he will gain the delightful fruit-repayment that all of his facial features are handsome."

[0111b22] 月光菩薩亦復為諸行人,說陀羅尼呪,而擁護之:
Moonlight Bodhisattva also spoke a Dharani to protect practitioners:

[0111b24] 「深低帝屠蘇吒() 阿若蜜帝烏都吒() 深耆吒() 波賴帝() 耶彌若吒烏都吒() 拘羅帝吒耆摩吒() 沙婆訶
Sumdhidi Tusuza Ahjamidi Uduza SumKiza Bolaidi Yemijaza Uduza Kuladiza Kimoza Svaha". [ This uses a nonstandard form of romanization] 

[0111b27] 「誦此呪五遍,取五色線,作呪索,痛處繫。
"Recite this Mantra five times, making a Mantra-Rope with five colored threads, and wear it on where it is sore.

[0111b27] 「此呪乃是過去四十恒河沙諸佛所說,我今亦說。為諸行人,作擁護故,除一切障難故,除一切惡病痛故,成就一切諸善法故,遠離一切諸怖畏故。」
This Mantra had been spoken by the previous 40 Ganges-river-sands Buddhas, now I also speak it, for supporting all practitioners, for eliminating all obstacles and calamities, for healing all serious diseases and relieving all sufferings, for accomplishing all virtuous Dharmas, for eliminating all fears."

[0111c02] 佛告阿難:
The Buddha told Ananda:

[0111c02] 「汝當深心清淨,受持此陀羅尼,廣宣流布於閻浮提,莫令斷絕。

You should accept and uphold this Great Compassion Dharani with a deeply pure heart, spread it abroad widely throughout Jambudvipa and never allow it to be lost. 

[0111c03] 「此陀羅尼,能大利益三界眾生,一切患苦身者,以此陀羅尼治之,無有不差者。

This Dharani can greatly benefit all living beings of the Three Realms of Transmigrations, all living beings suffering from diseases can use this Dharani to heal their diseases. 

[0111c05] 「此大神呪,呪乾枯樹,尚得生枝、柯、華、果,何況有情、有識眾生?身有病患,治之不差者,必無是處。
Even a withered tree can grow new branches, flowers and fruits when someone recites this great holy Dharani towards it. Thus, it is impossible that any diseases of sentient and conscious beings cannot be healed by this Dharani."

[0111c07] 「善男子!此陀羅尼,威神之力,不可思議!不可思議!歎莫能盡。若不過去久遠已來廣種善根,乃至名字不可得聞,何況得見?汝等大眾,天、人、龍、神,聞我讚歎,皆應隨喜。
"Virtuous man, the mighty and sacrosanct power of this Dharani is unimaginable, is unimaginable, and one will never be able to fully praise it. If one has not extensively planted virtuous roots since the long distant past, he is not able to hear even the name of this Dharani, much less that he could see it. All of you in this congregation -- the gods, human beings, dragons, spirits, should accordingly rejoice when hearing my praise. Slandering this Dharani is equal to slandering those 9.9 billion Ganges-river-sands Buddhas.

[0111c11] 「若有謗此呪者,即為謗彼九十九億恒河沙諸佛。若於此陀羅尼,生疑不信者,當知其人,永失大利,百千萬劫,常淪惡趣,無有出期,常不見佛、不聞法、不覩僧。」

If anyone doubts, or disbelieves this Dharani, we should know that he loses great benefits forever. For billions of kalpas, he will constantly fall into the evil categories (of hell beings, hungry ghosts, and animals) and unable to escape; he will always be unable to see the Buddhas, unable to hear the Dharmas, and unable to see the Sanghas."

[0111c15] 一切眾會菩薩摩訶薩、金剛密跡、梵釋四天、龍、鬼、神,聞佛如來讚歎此陀羅尼,皆悉歡喜,奉教修行。
After hearing the Buddha praise this Dharani, the whole congregation -- the Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas, Vajra Secret-Traces Divinities, Brahmas, Sakra, gods, the four heavenly kings, dragons, ghosts, and spirits, were all delighted, they accepted the teaching respectfully and started practicing it.

End of Translation
Translated into English by Silfong Tsun


to l.c. f.o. x.  To L.c.----- F.O. -----X -- FB mm, TH ah cl bt,ol lyr,ggwl CC CH AB JRR JL LGS tch scc 

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