Wednesday, 4 November 2020

The Great Compassion Sutra (Taisho 1060) A Parallel Chinese-English edtion Part 1: From the introduction, to the mantra








Part 1

(For part 2 see here 

In this text, I have aimed to bring together three texts surrounding the 大悲咒- Great Compassion Mantra in Chinese. Although a huge part of contemporary chinese Buddhist practise, it is hardly studied at all. By bringing together these texts, I hope to improve the scholarship  and understanding of this significant part of everyday buddhist ritual. 

This present blog post contains three texts. 

First, printed in black, is the Chinese text of the sutra itself, specifically  the Taisho Tipitaka, text No 1060. It can be accessed here and here  as a PDF

The first translation, printed in black is by Sifolng Tsun. It was derived from here Each entry is headed with an "S"

The second tranaltion is by the Buddhist text translation Society, of  Dharma Realm Buddhist University, USA. It was found in a booklet that was printed in the 1970s, which I scanned into the internet archive. translation is printed in blue, and each entry headed with a B. The square brackets in the Blue parts indicate page breaks in the original book. 

It is the author's opinion that Sifolng's translation is the slightly better one, if only because it is more complete, translating passages that  B omits. 

This text will only contain the first half of Taisho 1060, or rather the extent that was translated by the Buddhist Text translation Society. The second half should appear in due course.



S: Thus I have heard, once Sakyamuni Buddha was at Potalaka Mountain, in the treasure-adorned Way-place in Avalokitesvara’s palace,

B:  [7] SUTRA:
Thus have I heard. At one time Shakyamuni Buddha dwelt in the jewel-adorned way field in the palace of the One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, on Potala mountain. 

S: sitting on a precious Lion-Throne adorned n purity with countless multifarious Mani-jewels. Hundreds of precious streamers and banners were hanging all around.


B: The jeweled lion throne upon which he sat was adorned in purity with limitless varicolored mani-jewels, and a hundred jeweled banners hung suspended around it. 

爾時如來於彼座上。將欲演 說總持陀羅尼故。與無央數菩薩摩訶薩俱。其名曰總持王菩薩寶王菩薩。藥王菩薩藥 上菩薩。觀世音菩薩大勢至菩薩。華嚴菩薩大莊嚴菩薩。寶藏菩薩德藏菩薩。金剛藏 菩薩虛空藏菩薩。彌勒菩薩普賢菩薩文殊師利菩薩。如是等菩薩摩訶薩。皆是灌頂大 法王子。 

S: At that time, the Tathagata, who was sitting on his throne, intending to explain a teaching of the Total-Retention Dharani, was along with innumerable Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas, whose names are: Dharani King Bodhisattva, Treasure King Bodhisattva, Bhaisajya- Raja(Medicine King) Bodhisattva, Bhaisajya-Samudgata(Medicine Superior) Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Maha-stamaprapta(Great Strength) Bodhisattva,Avatamsaka Bodhisattva, Great Sublime Bodhisattva, Precious Deposits Bodhisattva,Virtue Store Bodhisattva, Vajragarbha Bodhisattva, Akasagarbha(Space Store)Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra(Universal Goodness) Bodhisattva,Manjusri Bodhisattva, and so on. Such Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas are all great Dharma-Princes who had been empowered through their crowns (Abhiseka).

B: At that time, the Thus Come One, sitting upon his throne, was about to proclaim the uniting and holding Dharani. With him were numberless Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas, their names were: Uniting and Holdings King Bodhisattva, Jewel King Bodhisattva, Medicine 

King Bodhisattva, Medicine Superior Bodhisattva, The Bodhisattva Who Regards The World’s Sounds, 'Great Strength Bodhisattva, Flower Adornment Bodhisattva, Great Adornment Bodhisattva, Jewel Treasury Bodhisattva, Virtue Treasury Bodhisattva, Vajra Treasury Boddhisattva, Empty Space Treasury Bodhisattva Maitreya Bodhisattva, Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, Manjushri Bodhisattva, and others such as these, all Bodhisattvas,Mahasattvas, great Dharma Princes who had been anointed on the crown. 

S: The Buddha was also along with innumerable great Voice-Hearers (Sravakas), all of whom were practicing the tenth stage of Arhat, headed by Maha-Kasyapa

B: Also with him were limitless, numberless, great Sound Hearers, all practicing Arahatship at the Tenth Ground, Mahakashyapa was at their head.

又與無量梵 摩羅天。善吒梵摩而為上首。
S: He was also along with innumerable gods of Brahma-Heaven, headed by Sinza-Brahma
Also with him were countless gods of the Brahma world. The Brahma Shan Cha was at their head.

S: Also along with Him were innumerable Gods of heavens of the desire realm, headed by Gopaka-God;

B: Also with him were all the innumerable gods of the desire realm. The God Gopaka was at their head. 

與無 量護世四王俱。提頭賴吒而為上首。
S: Also along with Him were innumerable four-guardian-gods, headed by Dhritarastra;

 Also with him were guardian kings of the four directions from limitless worlds, Dhrtarashtra was at their head. 

又與無量天龍夜叉乾闥婆阿修羅迦樓羅緊那羅摩 睺羅伽人非人等俱。 天德大龍王而為上首。

S: Also along with Him were innumerable gods, dragons, Yakshas, Gandharvas, Asuras,Garudas, Kinnaras, Mahoragas, human beings, Amanusyas, headed by Heavenly Virtue great dragon king;

B: Also with him were countless gods, dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kinnaras, mahoragas, people, non-people, and so forth. The Great Dragon King Heavenly Virtue was at their head.

又與無量欲界諸天女俱。童目天女而為上 首。
S: Also along with Him were innumerable goddesses of heavens of the desire realm, headed by Virginal Eye goddesses;

Also with him were all the countless goddesses of the desire realm. The goddess Youthful Eye was at their head. 

又與無量虛空神。江海神泉源神河沼神。藥草神樹林神舍宅神。水神火神地神風 神。土神山神石神。宮殿等神皆來集會。 

S: Also along with Him were innumerable Sunyatas(Gods of spaces), gods of rivers and oceans, gods of fountains and spring, gods of stream and pond, gods of herb, gods of forest, gods of houses, gods of water, gods of fire, gods of earth, gods of wind, gods ofground, gods of mountains, gods of rocks, gods of palaces, and so on. They all came and gathered in the congregation.

B: [9]Also with him were countless empty space spirits, river and sea spirits, spring and fountain spirits, stream and pond spirits, medicinal herb spirits, tree and forest spirits, spirits of dwellings, water spirits, fire spirits, earth spirits, wind spirits, land spirits, mountain spirits, stone spirits, palace spirits, and so forth. All came and gathered together in the assembly. 

時觀世音菩薩。於大會中密放神通。光明照 曜十方剎土。及此三千大千世界。皆作金色。 

S: At that time in the congregation, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva secretly emitted his sacrosanct light, thereupon, the worlds in the ten directions, along with this three thousand-great-thousand worlds system, were all illuminated and became golden.


SUTRA:  At that time the Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s Sounds[Guanshiyin], in the midst of the great assembly, secretly put forth spiritually penetrating bright light which brilliantly illuminated the fields of the ten directions and reached throughout three thousand great-thousand worlds, so that they were all colored gold. 

天宮龍宮諸尊神宮皆悉震動。江河大海 鐵圍山須彌山。土山黑山亦皆大動。日月珠火星宿之光皆悉不現。 

S: Heavenly palaces, palaces of dragons, and palaces of all gods were all shaken. Rivers,oceans, Iron-Ring Mountains (Cakravada-parvata), Sumeru Mountains, Earth Mountains,and black mountains were also shaken. The light of suns, moons, pearls, fire, and constellations all disappeared.

B: All the heavenly palaces, dragon palaces, and all the venerable spirit palaces trembled. The large rivers, small rivers, and seas, Iron Mountain, Sumeru Mountain, Land Mountain, and Black Mountain also shook. The pearl fire of the sun and moon and the light of the constellations -all ceased to shine. 

於是總持王菩薩。 見此希有之相怪曾有。即從座起叉手合掌。以偈問佛。如此神通之相是誰所放。 以偈問曰

S: Witnessing this rare scene, Dharani King Bodhisattva was more surprised than ever before, so he arose from his seat, joined his palms and asked the Buddha with a Gatha(verse):



At that time Uniting and Holding King Bod[10]hisattva, seeing this rare and unheard-of appearance, arose from his seat, joined his palms, and with a verse, asked the Buddha who it was who had put forth such an appearance of spiritual penetration. The verse runs:

誰於今日成正覺 普放如是大光明
S: "Who achieved the Correct-Awakening today,
emitting such great bright light universally?

B: Who on this day has realized right enlightenment, 

Putting forth such great brilliant light?

十方剎土皆金色 三千世界亦復然
S: The worlds of the ten directions are all golden,
so do these three-thousand-great-thousand worlds.

B: The fields of the ten directions are all colored gold,
And three thousand world systems are also shining.

誰於今日得自在 演放希有大神力

S: Who attained the ultimate freedom today,
manifesting the rare great holy power?

B: Who on this day has attained comfort. 

Diffusing spiritual powers, great and rare? 

無邊佛國皆震動 龍神宮殿悉不安
S: Innumerable Buddha-Worlds are shaken,
so do palaces of dragons and gods.

B: Boundless Buddhalands tremble and shake.
Dragon and spirit palaces are not at peace. 

今此大眾咸有疑 不測因緣是誰力
S: Now the entire congregation is wondering,
not knowing whose power caused these.

B: The entire assembly now holds doubts. 

Not knowing whose power created these conditions. 

為佛菩薩大聲聞 為梵魔天諸釋等
S: Is he a Buddha, Bodhisattva, or great Voice-Hearer,
or a Brahman, demon, heavenly god, or Sakra?

B: Is it the Buddha, the Bodhisattvas, or the great Sound Hearers?
The Brahma gods, Mara gods, or Shakra perhaps?

唯願世尊大慈悲 說此神通所由以 

S: We pray for the Bhagavan (World Honored One)'s Great Compassion,
to tell us the source of this great supernatural power."

B: We pray for the World Honoured One’s great compassion, 

To explain to us the cause of this spiritual penetration. 


S: The Buddha told Dharani King Bodhisattva: "Virtuous man, you all should know that in this congregation there is a Bodhisattva-Mahasattva named Avalokitesvara, the Unrestricted One. He had achieved the Great Kindness and Great Compassion since uncountable Kalpas before, and he excels at practicing countless Dharani-Gates. In order to comfort and please all living-beings, he secretly emits such great sacrosanct power.

B: The Buddha told Uniting and Holding King Bodhisattva, “Good Man, you should all know that present in this assembly is a Bodhisattva, Mahasattva named The One Who Regards the 

World’s Sounds in Comfort who, from the remotest past onwards has attained great kindness and compassion and who is fully able to practice the limitless Dharani-doors. Desiring to delight all beings and to make them peaceful, he secretly puts forth such great spiritual penetration, power as this.’’


S: After the Buddha said that, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva arose from his seat, tidied up his clothes, joined his palms towards the Buddha and said

B: After the Buddha had finished speaking, the Bodhisattva Who Regards the Sounds of the World then arose from his seat, arranged his robes, inclined his joined hands towards the Buddha and said, 

S: Bhagavan, I have a mantra of Great-Compassionate Heart Dharani and now wish to proclaim it, for comforting and pleasing all living beings; for healing all illness; for living beings to attain additional lifespan; for living beings to gain wealth; for extinguishing all evil karma and weighty sins; for keeping away from hindrance and disasters; for producing merits of all White (pure) Dharmas; for maturing all virtuous-roots; for overcoming all fears; for fulfilling all good wishes. Bhagavan, please be merciful and allow me to speak."

B: “World Honoured One, I have a Great Compassion Dharani-Mantra which I now wish to speak so that all living beings might obtain peace and delight, be rid of every sickness, and attain long life; so that they might obtain prosperity, wipe away the evil Karma of heavy offenses, separate themselves from obstacles and hardships, grow in all the pure Dharmas and in every kind of merit and virtue; so that they might create only good roots, become separate from fear, and quickly fulfill all their longings. World Honored One, please be merciful and allow it to be heard.” 



S: The Buddha said: "Virtuous man, you have great kindness and great compassion, in order to comfort and please all living beings, you wish to speak the holy mantra, it is the proper time now, please speak it soon, the Tathagata approves and rejoices it, and so do all Buddhas."

B: [12] SUTRA 

The Buddha said, “Good Man, your great compassion puts living beings at ease. You wish 

to speak the spiritual mantra; now is the proper time. It is right and fitting that you speak it without delay. The World Honored One and all the Buddhas approve." 


S: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then said to the Buddha: "Bhagavan, I remember that countless billions of kalpas ago, a Buddha, whose name was Thousand Rays King Stillness Thus Come One, appeared in the world. Because of his mercy and mindfulness towards me and all living beings, that Buddha, the World Honored One spoke this Vast, Perfect, Unimpeded, Great Compassionate Heart Dharani, rubbed my crown with his golden hand and said:

B: The Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s Sounds again addressed the Buddha, saying, “World Honored One, I recall that in the past, uncountable millions of aeons ago, a Buddha named Thousand Ray King Who Dwells in Stillness Thus Come One appeared in the world. Out of pity for me and all living beings, that Buddha, the World Honored One, spoke this Vast, Great, Perfect, Full, Unimpeded, Great Compassion Heart Dharani. With his golden-colored hand he rubbed the crown of my head and spoke thus:


S: 'Virtuous man, you should hold this heart-mantra to give great benefit and happiness to all living beings in the future evil age.'

B: “ ‘Good man. you should now hold this heart mantra for the sake of all living beings in the evil times of the future, for it will cause them great benefit and delight.* 


S: At that time I was just at the first Bhumi(stage of Bodhisattva), right after hearing this mantra, I exceeded the eighth Bhumi. At that time, as my heart was joyful, I vowed: 'If I will be able to give benefit and happiness to all living beings in the future, let me have one thousand hands and one thousand eyes immediately.'

B: “I was then dwelling as a beginner at the First Ground, but upon once hearing this mantra, I ascended to the Eighth Ground. At that time, because of the great joy in my heart, I made this vow: [12]‘If, in the future, I am able to benefit living beings and make them happy, then may my body right now be complete with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes.’ 


S: Instantly after the vow, I got fully one thousand hands and one thousand eyes on my body, then, the grounds of the worlds of the ten directions quaked in six ways, thousands of Buddhas of the ten directions emitted their light to my body and illuminated boundless worlds of the ten directions.

B: “After making this vow, my body immediately was fully complete with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. In the ten directions, the great earth trembled in six ways. A thousand Buddhas in the ten directions each emitted bright light which illuminated my body and the boundless worlds of the ten directions.


S: From then on, from countless Buddhas and congregations, I have repeatedly heard, accepted and held this Dharani, and the joys were also repeatedly aroused from my heart, and made me greatly enthusiastic. Therefore, I transcended imperceptible births and deaths of countless billions of kalpas. Since then, I have always been reciting and holding this mantra, and have never forgotten it. 

B: From that time onward, all beings in the places of the countless Buddhas and in limitless assemblies were able to hear, personally accept, and maintain-this Dharani. There was happiness and dancing for joy without end as they transcended countless millions of aeons of subtle birth and death. From that time onward, the mantra has been constantly recited and never forgotten'

S: Because of holding this mantra, I was always born by miraculous creation (nirmana) from lotuses in front of Buddhas, and have never been born from any womb."
“Because one holds this mantra, one is always born in the presence of the Buddhas, one is born by transformation from a lotus, and is never born from a womb.

S: "If there are monks(Bhikshus), nuns(Bhikshunis), laymen(Upasakas), laywomen(Upasikas), pure youth and maidens who wish to recite and hold(keep reciting) this mantra, they should first arouse heir great merciful and compassionate hearts for all living beings, and follow me in making these vows:

B: “If there are Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, Upasikas, young men or young women who wish [14] to recite and hold this mantra, and to bring forth a heart of great compassion for all beings, they should first follow me in making these vows: 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我速知一切法。

 S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
   May I quickly know all Dharmas;

B: Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I quickly know all dharmas,

南無大悲觀世音!  願我早得智慧眼。
S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I soon obtain the Wisdom Eye;

B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

  May I soon attain the wisdom-eye 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我速度一切眾。
S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I quickly ferry all living beings (to the shore of liberation);
B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I quickly save all beings, 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我早得善方便。
S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
   May I soon obtain virtuous skillful means (to enlighten various living beings);

B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I soon attain good skillfull-means, 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我速乘般若船。
S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I quickly board the Prajna Boat;

B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

  May I quickly board the Prajna-boat, 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我早得越苦海。
S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I soon transcend the ocean of suffering;

B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I soon get out of the sea of suffering, 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我速得戒定道。

S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I quickly achieve precepts, Samadhi and the Way;
B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I quickly attain morality, samadhi,and the Way. 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我早登涅槃山。

S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I soon ascend the mountain of Nirvana;
B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

[15]May I soon ascend Nirvana Mountain, 

南無大悲觀世音!  願我速會無為舍。

S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I quickly dwell in the house of non-action;
B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I quickly dwell in the unconditioned.

南無大悲觀世音!  願我早同法性身。

S: Namo great compassionate Avalokitesvara,
  May I soon unite with the Dharma-Nature Body.
B; Namo Compassionate One Who Regards the World’s Sounds, 

May I soon unite with the Dharma-nature body. 

我若向刀山,  刀山自摧折。
S: If I go towards the mountain of knives,
   the mountain of knives of itself breaks up;

B; When I face the mountain of knives, 

The mountain of knives of itself breaks up ; 

我若向火湯,  火湯自消滅。
S: If I go towards the boiling oil,
  the boiling oil of itself dries up;

B; When I face the boiling oil, 

The boiling oil of itself dries up, *

* another possible translation is “If I am to face a fiery pool, the fiery pool shall extinguish of itself” 

我若向地獄,  地獄自枯竭。
S: If I go towards the hells,
the hells of themselves disappear;

B; When I face the hells, 

The hells of themselves disappear,


我若向餓鬼,  餓鬼自飽滿。
S: If I go towards the hungry ghosts,
   the hungry ghosts of themselves become full.

B; When I face the hungry ghosts, 

The hungry ghosts of themselves are full, 

我若向修羅,  惡心自調伏。
S: If I go towards the Asuras,
  their evil thoughts of themselves are tamed.

B; When I face the asttras, [Asuras?]

Their evil thoughts of themselves are tamed, 

我若向畜生,  自得大智慧。
S: If I go towards the animals,
   they themselves attain great wisdom."

B; When I face the animals, 

They themselves attain great wisdom 


S: "After making these vows, recite my name(Namo Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva) with the deep-felt sincere heart, also recite single-mindedly the name of my teacher -- Amitabha Tathagata[i.e. Namo Amitabha] , then recite this mantra, 5 times or more in a day, to remove from the body the weighty sins of births and deaths accumulated in hundreds of thousands of billions of kalpas."

<B Does not translate this section.> 


S: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva then said to the Buddha: "Bhagavan, if humans or gods recite and hold the phrases of the Great Compassion Dharani, when they are about to die, all the Buddhas of the ten directions will come to receive them with their hands, and they will be reborn in whichever Buddha-World according to their wishes."

B: The Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s Sounds again addressed the Buddha, saying, “World Honored One, if humans and gods re[16]cite and hold the phrases of the Great Compassion Mantra, then when they approach the end of life, all the Buddhas of the ten directions will come to take them by the hand to rebirth in whatever Buddhaland they wish, according to their desire." 

S: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva continued to say to the Buddha: "Bhagavan, Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantra of Great Compassion fall into the three evil paths, I vow not to achieved the Correct-Awakening.

B: He further said to the Buddha. “World Honored One, should any living being who re¬ 

cites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion fall into the three evil paths, I vow not to realize the right enlightenment.

S: Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantra of Great Compassion not be reborn in any Buddha-World, I vow not to achieve the Correct-Awakening.

 B: Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not be reborn in any Buddhaland, I vow not to realize the right enlightenment.

S: Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantra of Great Compassion not obtain unlimited Samadhis and eloquence, I vow not to achieve the Correct-Awakening.

 B: Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not obtain unlimited samadhis and eloquence, I vow not to realize the right enlightenment. 

S: Should any living being who recites and holds the holy mantra of Great Compassion not obtain whatever he seeks in his present life, then it cannot be called the Dharani of the Great Compassionate Heart, unless it is used by those who are not virtuous or not completely sincere.

B: Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not obtain the fruits of whatever is sought in this very life, then he cannot have been making proper use of the Dharani of the Great Compassion Heart' 

[0107a16] 「若諸女人,厭賤女身,欲成男子身,誦持大悲陀羅尼章句。若不轉女身成男子身者,我誓不成正覺。生少疑心者,必不果遂也。
S: If a woman dislikes her female body and wishes to become a male, if she recites the phrases of the Great Compassion Dharani but can not change from a female to a male, I vow not to achieve the Correct-Awakening. However, if she arouses even a slightest doubt, her wish will not be satisfied.

If a woman, who is unsatisfied with her base female body, and wishes to have the body of a male, [they should] recite this Great Compassionate Dharani’s sentences. If their bodies do not transform from female to that of a male, I [Guanyin] vow to not attain true enlightenment. [but] if their hearts are have even the slightest doubt, they will not attain this fruit. 

-- The editor (E. White's) translation 

<B Does not translate this section.> 

[0107a19] 「若諸眾生,侵損常住、飲食、財物,千佛出世,不通懺悔,縱懺亦不除滅。今誦大悲神呪,即得除滅。若侵損食用,常住飲食、財物,要對十方師懺謝,然始除滅。今誦大悲陀羅尼時,十方師即來,為作證明,一切罪障,悉皆消滅。
S: If any living being usurps the drinks, foods, or possessions of Sanghas (group of monks), even though one thousand Buddhas appear in the world, he will not get to repent and reform. Even if he repents, his sins will not be eliminated. But now, by reciting this Great Compassion holy mantra, his sins will be eliminated. If anyone usurps, eats, or uses the drinks, foods, or possessions of Sanghas, he must repent to teachers of the ten directions to eliminate his sins. Now, when he reties this Great Compassion Dharani, the teachers of the ten directions will come to bear witness, and then all his weighty sins and hindrances will be eliminated.

<B Does not translate this section.> 

S: All evil karma and weighty sins such as the ten evil deeds, the five rebellious sins, slandering people, slandering the Dharmas, breaking the Abstinent-precepts *, breaking other precepts, destroying stupas (holy towers), wrecking temples, stealing properties of Sanghas, and profaning Brahma (pure) practices, can be completely eliminated (by reciting this Dharani), except this: if one has doubts about this Dharani, then even his small sins and light karma cannot be eliminated, not to mention the weighty sins. Although the weighty sins do not disappear immediately, the reciting can still be the cause of Bodhi in the future."

* Abstinent-precepts: The precepts of Tzie/Zhai . To observe these precepts, one must:
1. eats only vegetarian food;
2. takes only one meal before noon each day, eating after noon is prohibited;
3. also keeps the five basic precepts: no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no false speech, no consumption of alcohol. [Note by S]



S: Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva continued to say to the Buddha: "People and gods who recite and hold the Great Compassionate Heart Dharani will obtain fifteen kinds of good birth and will not suffer fifteen kinds of bad death. The bad deaths are:

He addressed the Buddha further, saying, World Honored One. people and gods who re[17]cite and hold the Great Compassion Heart Mantra will obtain fifteen kinds of good birth and will not suffer fifteen kinds of bad death. The bad deaths are:

S: 1. They will not die of starvation or poverty;

B:  1) They will not die of starvation or privation. 

S: 2. They will not die from having been yoked, imprisoned, caned or otherwise beaten;

B:  2) They will not die from having been yoked, imprisoned, caned or otherwise beaten.’

S: 3. They will not die at the hands of hostile enemies;

B:  3) They will not die at the hands of hostile enemies.

S: 4. They will not be killed in military battle;
B:  4) They will not be killed in military battle. 

S: 5. They will not be killed by tigers, wolves, or other fierce beasts;

B:  5) They will not be killed by tigers, wolves, or other evil beasts.


S: 6. They will not die from the venom of poisonous snakes, black serpents, or scorpions;

B:  6) They will not die from the venom of poisonous snakes, black serpents, or scorpions.

S: 7. They will not drown or be burned to death;
B:   7) They will not drowned or be burned to death.

S: 8. They will not be poisoned to death;
B:  8) They will not be poisoned to death.

S: 9. They will not be killed by mediumistic insects;*

 B:  9) They will not die as a result of sorcery.*

*The word translated as”Mediumistic insects” in S, and  ‘Sorcery’ in B is Gu  , which refers to a kind of poison made of insects by sorcerers; Up till the end of the Qing dynasty, manufacture of this poison was a capital offence

S: 10. They will not die of madness or insanity;

B:  10) They will not die of madness or insanity. 

S: 11. They will not be killed by landslides or falling trees;

B:  11) They will not be killed by landslides or falling trees.

S: 12. They will not die of nightmares sent by evil people;

B:  12) They will not die of nightmares sent by evil people.*

*Literally: They will not be killed by the Pressing Mei-demon of evil people.

S; 13. They will not be killed by deviant spirits or evil ghosts;

B:   13) They will not be killed by deviant spirits or evil ghosts.


S: 14. They will not die of evil illnesses that bind the body;

B:  14) They will not die of evil illnesses which bind the body. 

S: 15. They will not commit suicide;

B:  15) They will not commit suicide. 


S: Those who recite and hold the Great Compassion Holy Mantra will not suffer any of these fifteen kinds of bad death and will obtain the following fifteen kinds of good birth:


“Those who recite and hold the spiritual Mantra of Great Compassion will not suffer any 

of these fifteen kinds of bad death and will obtain the following fifteen kinds of good birth: 

S: 1. Their place of birth will always have a good king;

B:  1) Their place of birth will always have a good [18] king.

S: 2. They will always be born in a good country;

B:   2) They will always be born in a good country. 

S: 3. They will always be born at a good time;

B:  3) They will always be born at a good time

S; 4. They will always meet virtuous friends;

B:  4) They will always meet good friends. 

S: 5. The organs of their body will always be complete;

B:  5) The organs of their body will always be complete. 

S: 6. Their hearts of Way(Bodhi) will be pure and mature;

B:  6) Their heart will be pure and full in the way.

S: 7. They will not violate the prohibitive precepts;

B:  7) They will not violate the prohibitive precepts.

S: 8. All their relatives will be kind and harmonious;

 B:  8) Their family will be kind and harmonious. 

S: 9. They will always have the necessary wealth and goods in abundance;

B:  9) They will always have the necessary wealth and goods in abundance. 

S: 10. They will always obtain the respect and help of others;

B:  10) They will always obtain the respect and help of others. 

S: 11. Their possessions will not be plundered;

B:  11) Their riches will not be plundered. 

S: 12. They will obtain everything they seek;

B:  12) They will obtain everything they seek. 

S: 13. Dragons, gods, and good spirits will always protect them;

B:  13) Dragons, gods, and good spirits will always protect them. 

S: 14. In the place where they are born they will see the Buddha and hear the Dharma;

B:  14) In the place where they are born, they will see the Buddha and hear the Dharma. 

S: 15. They will awaken to the profound meaning of that Proper Dharma which they hear.

B:  15) They will awaken to the profound meaning of that Proper Dharma which they hear. 


S: Those who recite and hold the Great Compassionate Heart Dharani will obtain these fifteen kinds of good birth. All gods and people should constantly recite and hold it without laziness."

B:  “Those who recite and hold the Great Compassion Heart Dharani will obtain these fifteen kinds of good birth. All gods and people should constantly recite and hold it, without carelessness.” 



S: After saying that, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva joined his palms and stood upright in front of the congregation, aroused his great compassionate heart for all living beings, smiled and in this way spoke the Sacrosanct Wonderful Phrases of the Vast, Perfect, Unimpeded, Great Compassionate Heart Great Dharani. The Dharani is:

B:  After speaking these words before the assembly, the Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s [18] Sounds put his palms together, stood upright, and brought forth a heart of great compassion for all beings. He beamed, smiled and thus spoke the spiritually wonderful phrases of the Dharani of Great Compassion, perfect, unimpeded, vast, and great. The Dharani runs like this: 

Note: This is the Sanskrit version of the mantra, which seems to have been derived from Lokesh Chandra’s reconstruction in his The Thousand Armed Avalokiteśvara 

Chandra, for his part is rather dismissive of the dharani:  “It was transcribed, in ancient times itself, from a sloppy recitation or from a defective manuscript which was not properly intelligible. Duru occurs as an expletive to slur over a lacuna when the words were not perceived clearly” 

The “Meaning” of the dharana, which is reproduced at the end of the sutra, will be found in a separate post 

[0107b25] 「南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜[口*耶](一) 南無阿唎[口*耶](二) 婆盧羯帝爍鉢囉[口*耶](三) 菩提薩跢婆[口*耶](四) 摩訶薩跢婆[口*耶](五) 摩訶迦盧尼迦[口*耶](六) 唵(上聲)(七) 薩皤囉罰曳(八) 數怛那怛寫(九) 南無悉吉利埵伊蒙阿[口*耶](十) 婆盧吉帝室佛囉[口*楞]馱婆(十一) 南無那囉謹墀(十二) 醯唎摩訶皤哆沙咩(羊鳴音)(十三) 薩婆阿他豆輸朋(十四) 阿逝孕(十五) 薩婆薩哆那摩婆(十六) 摩罰特豆(十七) 怛姪他(十八) 唵阿婆盧醯(十九) 盧迦帝(二十) 迦羅帝(二十一) 夷醯唎(二十二) 摩訶菩提薩埵(二十三) 薩婆薩婆(二十四) 摩羅摩羅(二十五) 摩醯摩醯唎馱孕(二十六) 俱盧俱盧羯懞(二十七) 度盧度盧罰闍耶帝(二十八) 摩訶罰闍耶帝(二十九) 陀羅陀羅(三十) 地利尼(三十一) 室佛囉耶(三十二) 遮羅遮羅(三十三) 摩摩罰摩囉(三十四) 穆帝囇(三十五) 伊醯移醯(三十六) 室那室(三十七) 阿囉嘇佛囉舍利(三十八) 罰沙罰嘇(三十九) 佛羅舍耶(四十) 呼嚧呼嚧摩囉(四十一) 呼嚧呼嚧醯利(四十二) 娑囉娑囉(四十三) 悉利悉利(四十四) 蘇嚧蘇嚧(四十五) 菩提夜菩提夜(四十六) 菩馱夜菩馱夜(四十七) 彌帝利夜(四十八) 那囉謹墀(四十九) 地唎瑟尼那(五十) 波夜摩那(五十一) 娑婆訶(五十二) 悉陀夜(五十三) 娑婆訶(五十四) 摩訶悉陀夜(五十五) 娑婆訶(五十六) 悉陀喻藝(五十七) 室皤囉耶(五十八) 娑婆訶(五十九) 那囉謹墀(六十) 娑婆訶(六十一) 摩囉那囉(六十二) 娑婆訶(六十三) 悉囉僧阿穆佉耶(六十四) 娑婆訶(六十五) 娑婆摩訶阿悉陀夜(六十六) 娑婆(六十七) 者吉囉阿悉陀夜(六十八) 娑婆訶(六十九) 波陀摩羯悉哆夜(七十) 娑婆訶(七十一) 那囉謹墀皤伽囉[口*耶](七十二) 娑婆訶(七十三) 摩婆利勝羯囉夜(七十四) 娑婆(七十五) 南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶(七十六) 南無阿唎[口*耶](七十七) 婆嚧吉帝(七十八) 爍皤囉夜(七九) 娑婆訶(八十) 唵悉殿都曼哆囉鉢(八十一) 娑婆訶(八十二)

*Namo ratnatrayaya/Namo aryavalokitesvaraya/ 

Bodhisattvaya / mahasattvaya / mahakarunikaya/ 

Om/sarva abhayah/sunadhasya/Namo sukrtvemama/ 

aryavalokitesvaragarbha/Namo nilakantha/ [Siri] 

mahabhadrasrame / Sarvarthasubharp / ajeyam / 


avaloke / lokite /kalate / Hari / mahabodhisattva / 

sarva sarva/mala mala/[Masi] Mahahrdayam/kuru 

kuru karmam/[Kuru] Kuruvijayati/mahavijayati/ 

Dharadhara/dharin suraya/Chala chala/mama 

bhramara/muktir/Ehi ehi/chinda chinda/harsam 

prachali/Basa basam presaya/hulu hulu mala/ 

Hulu hulu hilo/sara sara/siri siri/suru suru/Bodhiya 

bodliiya/bodhaya bodhaya/Maitreya/nilakantha/ 

dharsinina/Payamana svaha/siddhaya svaha/ 

mahasiddhaya svaha/Siddhayogesvaraya svaha/ 

nilakanthasvaha/Varahananaya svaha/ 

simhasiramukhaya svaha/Sarvamahasiddhaya 

svaha/cakrasiddhaya svaha/Padmahastaya svaha/ 

nilakanthavikaraya svaha/Maharsisankaraya svaha/ 

[20] Namo ratnatrayaya/Namo aryavalokitesvaraya 

svaha/Om siddhyantu/mantrapadaya svaha 



When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finished speaking this mantra, the earth shook in six ways. The heavens rained down precious flowers, which fell in colorful profusion. All the Buddhas of the ten directions were delighted, while the heavenly demons and Exterior-paths practitioners were so frightened that their hair stood on end. Everyone in the congregation achieved different fruitions, including the fruitions of stream-enterer (srota-apanna), once-returner (sakrd-agamin), non-returner (Anagamin), and Arhat; others achieved the first Bhumi(stage of Bodhisattva), the second Bhumi, the third, fourth, fifth ...... up to the tenth Bhumi. Innumerable living beings aroused the Bodhi-Heart (The resolve to save all living beings and help them to achieve the Correct Awakening).

B: When the Bodhisattva Who Regards the World’s Sounds had finished speaking this Mantra, the great earth trembled and moved in six ways. The heavens rained forth jewelled flowers, which fell in colorful profusion. All the Buddhas of the ten directions were delighted, while the heavenly demons and externalists were so afraid their hair stood on end. Everyone in the entire assembly certified to the result. Some won the result of a stream-winner, some won the result of a once-returner, some won the result of a never-retumer, some won the result of an arhat. Others attained to the first ground of a Bodhisattva, the second, third, fourth and fifth ground, even up to the tenth Bodhisattva ground. Countless living beings brought forth the Bodhi heart. 

[At this point the sutra goes on for about six more pages, each detailing the reaction of the various members of the audience to the wonderful teaching they have just received. This section was not found in B, but is translated in S. Owing to the great length of this post, it will be featured separately. 

to l.c. f.o. x.  To L.c.----- F.O. -----X -- FB mm, TH ah cl bt,ol lyr,ggwl CC CH AB JRR JL LGS tch scc 

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