Friday, 6 November 2020

佛為海龍王說法印經 The Dharma-Seal Sutra Spoken by the Buddha for Ocean Dragon King- A bilingual edition

The Dharma-Seal Sutra Spoken by the Buddha for Ocean Dragon King
( Taisho Tripitaka 大正大藏經 0599)

This is an extremely short sutra. With punctuation, the text contains just under 250 Chinese characters. It is possibly one of the shortest texts in the Chinese Buddhist canon. 

In the preparation of this bilingual text, I have consulted two sources: 

The Chinese text was taken from here 

The English translation <So far the only one I know of> comes from here. It was done by an anonymous translator, and is fairly good. I have only altered it in two places of the title, to remedy the now non-standard romanization of Chinese

This sutra was evidently popular enough for it to be translated into Tangut, a now-extinct language spoken in in what is now Northwestern China A transcription of this translation in its truly extraordinary writing system can be found here:

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大唐三藏法師義淨奉 詔譯

The Dharma-Seal Sutra Spoken by the Buddha for Ocean Dragon King
Translated into Chinese during [Tang] Dynasty by Tripitaka master Yi-[Jing]


Thus have I heard, At one time the Bhagavan was in Ocean Dragon King's palace, along with one thousand two hundred and fifty great monks, and many Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas. 


At that time, Sagara the dragon king arose from his seat, went ahead,bowed to the feet of the Buddha, & said: "World-Honored One, is it possible to accept & uphold a few Dharmas but gain a lot of blessings?" 


The Buddha told Ocean Dragon King: "There are four especially exalted Dharmas, if one can accept, uphold, read, and recite them, and can understand their meanings, although he spends little effort, he will gain lots of blessings. The merits and virtues that he gains will be the same as reading and reciting eighty-four thousand Dharma-Stores." 

"What are these four? They are:*

All movements are impermanence.
    All beings suffer
Everything has no ego
   The tranquil extinction is the Bliss." 


*A better translation would go " "What are these four?" The Buddha recited thus:  "


"Dragon king, these are the Four especially exalted Dharmas, which can grant the exhaustless Dharma-wisdom to the Bodhisattvas, make them achieve the uncreated stage earlier, and reach the Perfect Tranquility quickly. Therefore, you all should often recite and be mindful of them." 


When the World-Honored One spoke this Dharma-Seal Sutra of the four sentences, those Voice-Hearers, great Bodhisattvas, and the eight kinds of super-mundane beings, Including the gods, dragons, Asuras, Gandharvas, and so forth, having heard the Buddha's words, were greatly delighted. They accepted the teachings with faith, and began upholding and practicing them. 


Here is a picture of the scripture: 

to l.c. f.o. x.  To L.c.----- F.O. -----X -- FB mm, TH ah cl bt,ol lyr,ggwl CC CH AB JRR JL LGS tch scc 

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