Thursday, 18 June 2020

Lilly's Easy and Familiar method of judging eclipses, Part 1: Eclipses in general, and the Lord of the Eclipse.

An easie and familiar method whereby to judge the effects depending on eclipses, either of the sun or moon

By William Lilly, student in Astrology

Non Nobis nati summus; partim partria, partim amici vendicant. 

London, printed by the Company of stationers, and H, Blunden at the Castle in Corn Hill, 1652. 

The following short work is, as far as I know, William Lilly's major work on mundane astrology. It's long drawn out title excepted, it gives a fairly straightforward method of determining the effects of eclipses on various nations.

The pamphlet is only about 50 pages long, but placing the whole of it in one blog post would be unwieldy. So I have decided to split it into several parts.

Part 1: A discourse on eclipses in general, as well as how to determine the "Eclipse Lord" and interpret it : (p 1- 17) -- This post.

Part 2: Interpretations on the eclipse depending on decan of the sign it is in,

Part 3: A "Sidereal Zodiac" for 1652.( As will be made plain below, this "Sidereal zodiac" is used to add an additional level of interpretation for eclipses, but is worthy as a standalone article.

Part 4: A summary of Ptolemy's method of judging eclipses.
Part 5: Lilly's response to someone in Bristol who criticised him on religious grounds.

I have no plans to transcribe parts 4 and 5 yet.

The source text that I am using is a PDF of a scan of the pamphlet that has been uploaded on to Early English Books Online. The original (IIRC) was in the British Library.


Editorial conventions:
MN= Marginal note
Page numbers in original are signified by numbers in square brackets.
My notes are indented, and preceded with “Ed”
I have added more subheadings to make reading the text easier. These are in brackets.
The rather erratic and profuse italicisisation in the original has not been observed here.

I have also attempted to modernize the spelling, but if Lilly uses archaic nouns or verbs, I have left them be [eg, "Water foul" for what we would spell "Waterfowl"] 

I have expanded the signs Lilly used, so:

is transcribed thus:

Fixed signs, as Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio, show much ado about buildings, double bodied signs, as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, threaten matter to Kings, Princes or Principal magistrates. 

Here is a two-page spread of the original for comparison (EEBO) 

Here Begins the text

To the reader
Intended in 1648 to have printed this small discourse for judging of eclipses (for so long time it hath lain by me) how or by what means it was not then done, I do not now remember; such as it is, i here present unto the young students, intending by the blessing of Almighty God, one day or other to enlarge it; on the mean time accept if it, and of Ptolemy's own method, though somewhat more harsh, which I have also taken care to be printed together with mine . Several persons, and men of great learning have treated of eclipses, but as yet I cannot well approve of their methods or ways, being their doctrines are full of intricacies, too [page break] much to puzzle any younger brother. I will endeavour with Captian Wharton or Master Harflet to frame some tables, and print them in their next labours , whereby without any prolixity, thou mayest find either he day when the effects will begin, or the continuance of the,.


[1]A short method how to judge the effects of eclipses, and what effects may be expected form them

What an eclipse is
AN eclipse is no other thing than an interception or privation of light of the luminaries, viz, of the Sun and Moon, A lunar eclipse or of the moon, is privation of light in the moon, occasioned by interposition of the earth between the Sun and the moon; a solar eclipse is an interception or obscuration of the light of the Sun caused by interposition of the Moon’s body between the sun and our sight.

Of these eclipses, some are total, others but in part; we may call an eclipse total, in respect of the obscuration of the whole body of the light so far as it occupies the whole body of the luminary, distinguished into twelve Digits by the wisdom of astronomers;
            MN: So that when the digits eclipsed are less than 12. It is not a total eclipse.
A partill eclipse, or but in part, is when those twelve digits or parts of the luminar body are not all of them darkened; so then we say an Eclipse of the Sun is ever upon the new Moon or change, an eclipse of the Moon is always upon her opposition with the sun or upon the full Moon, which is all one. In every eclipse there are [2] four things considerable, after you have erected the scheme and reduced the Planets to the meridian desired:

1.     Unto what region, kingdom, city or people the eclipse shall appertain
2.     The time is to be inquired, viz. either when the effect shall begin, or how long time the events of an eclipse shall continue.
3.     What events may be expected from the eclipse
4.     The quality or species of them, whether they intend war or famine, &c. whether plenty or dearth &c. or who or what people shall do best if they signify war &c.

To know unto what kingdom or city the effects shall belong
In every great eclipse of the sun or Moon, you must observe the place of the Zodiac, that is in which of the twelve signs the Defect is in, and consider the Kingdoms, cities or countries subject unto that sign, which we have sufficiently performed in our introduction in Page 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 &c.

You must also observe the ascendant or midheaven at the time of the building of any city, and the place or signs wherein wither the Sun or Moon were at that time, and see if the signe wherein the eclipse is, be any of those signs yea or no! you are also to take notice if the midheaven, viz. or sign culminating of the king or principal governor of that kingdom, metropolitan city or country, viz. if the sign wherein the eclipse is; be his, viz. the king’s or governor’s midheaven, or if at his birth either of the lights, viz. sun or moon, were near the degree eclipsed, or where the present defect is. For you shall usually find, that where the ascendant, or midheaven of those cities do concur with the place of heaven eclipsed or defective, that in a great measure the effects shall appear and manifest themselves upon those men, kings, or rulers, kingdoms, or cities, especially if the [3] eclipse be above the earth, for all eclipses are held to extend their effects most forcibly when above the earth, weakly and not so vigorously when under the earth; but they have also then some manifest operation, greater or lesser, I could manifest by many examples of eclipses in this age, and confirm my own judgment by the opinion of several learned men;

Ed: the upshot of this rather confusing passage is this. If the eclipse falls on the MC, or ASC of a town, the eclipse will be felt strongly there. The same holds for the MC, ASC of a ruler’s natal chart. Unlike other authors, Lilly is willing to interpret eclipses even though they are not visible from a particular location.

I shall instance only cardan seg 7 apho. 81. Eclipsis in quatro domo juxta cæli immum, validores quam in octavo vel duodecimo loco & in prima domo quam in nona vel undecima , eclipses in the fourth house of heaven are more forcible than those in the eighth or eleventh, those in the first more strong than they in the ninth or twelfth, and it must be acknowledge that although eclipses in the first house cannot be visble, yet we are by no author prohibited to judge them, nay leovitius the most painful man that every wrote in astrology and of eclipses, doth deliver many judgments and predictions upon eclipses falling in the ascendant itself, and that I may not proceed to former times, let us consider that in June 1648, viz. The 10th day, 12th hour 38’ P.M. an eclipse of the [Sun] was in 0d3m of [Cancer] near the cusp of the fourth house;  Cancer is in the ascendant of Scotland, then did that people raise their malignant army, which in august 1649 plundered our Northern Counties.

              Ed: Eclipses affect persons whose natal Sun, Moon, Asc, Mc fall on the eclipsed point]

Because I would leave no scruple in the minds of young students, I shall by example explain this chapter more fully. IN the eclipse of 19 No[v] 1648 you see the Sun was in 8d44 of [Gemini]. If the astrologian know any man, who had in the radix of his nativity either the sun or moon in that degree, or in the degree opposite, viz 8d44’ of [Sagittarius] or the like degrees of Virgo  or Pisces, which signs are in quadrate aspects to the former, or if the degree culminating in any man’s nativity was either the 9. Of [Gemini , Sagittarius, virgo or pisces] or if the degree ascending was in those degreed, or within one degree thereof, the native did suffer more or less by the influence of this eclipse; and according  to the signification  of the house of heaven, wherein the Sun of Moon [4] was in at the birth, and was either well fortified  or aspected of the benevolent planets, or afflicted of the malevolents.

         ed: The same holds for cities, corporations, and inceptions generally; Effects increase with increasing magnitude and angularity 

If you have the ascendant of a city, town, or corporation  of if you have the radix or posture of heaven, of a family, or any new and old inception &c. do therein as formerly  directed: ever observing that the more digits eclipsed, the greater the eclipse is, and by how much more near to an angle the eclipse falls, the more strong and forcible will the effects demonstrate themselves. London is subject  to the sign Gemini as page 95 of our introduction  appears, Ergo much trouble it did produce there , as also to Spain subject to Sagittarius, vide pag 97. So Portugal , vide pag 99. Paris also in France, vid. Pag 96. Charles, late King of England, had the sun in 8 Deg and 2 min of Sagittarius: and this eclipse 19 nov. 1648 of the New Moon was celebrated the day of the revolution of his birth, she being in 8 degr 44’ of Gemini. In direct opposition  to the place of the sun; who also hastened unto an opposition of Saturn. We know how suddenly after he was beheaded.

Of the time when the events shall appear

Ed: If the solar eclipse lasts X number of hours, it shall last X number of years, as proportionate. Lunar eclipses are the same, except they last as many months]

You are to observe in every region where the eclipse is visible, that so many hours as an eclipse of the sun continues, so many years the effects of a Solar Defect shall continue, and so parts of hours, shall signify parts of the year proportionable to the minutes of the hour; but in an Eclipse of the Moon, so many hours as she is defective or suffers and Eclipse, so many months the events thereby signified shall continue; as the Lunar Eclipse 1649. Continuing from the beginning to the end 3 hours and 33 minutes the effects of it did operate three whole months and a half, and two days &c.  wherein you must observe that in the duration of all eclipses, the length of the hour is according to the equal hour, or 60 minutes for one hour, and not the artificial or astronomical hour, being more or less unequal by reason of the[5] motion of the sun, and length or shortness of the day.

The beginning, the increase and determination of the effects are know, by that palce or part of the scheme of the heaven wherein the eclipse is, having relation to the angles of the figures.

Ed: It follows for Solar eclipses, 1 minute of the eclipse comes to 365/60=> 6 d1hr of its real-time effects.

For the lunar eclipse , one minute of the eclipse brings 28/60=> 11 hours of real-time effects

[MN: When the effects shall begin

For when the place eclipsed, or eclipse itself, shall be in the ascendant, the effects shall begin in the 1, 2, 3, 4, months next after the appearance of the eclipse, but its greatest vigour and most material accidents designed from that eclipse, shall show themselves in the first third part of time allotted to the universal duration thereof.

But of the place defective, or eclipse itself be in the midheaven, or near it, the effects shall begin in the 5, 6, 7, and 8 months, taking place from the beginning of the eclipse, and shall operate most forcibly in the second division of time allotted to the whole continuance; but of the eclipse be in the angle of the west, or seventh house, the first apparition of the effects shall be in the 9, 10, 11 and 12 last months  after the eclipse, and the most vehement effect s in the third term or part of time assigned for continuance of the eclipsar effects.

These last lines require an easy explanation, and some perfect methods, else we shall not benefit either the more ancient or modern scholar in these our astrological well wishes. The method you must understand, and continually follow, viz. if an eclipse be in the ascendant or near to it, and it doth signify either war, famine, plague, tumults murders &c. its then intended, that suchlike things shall being their operation , and to appear, within the first four months after the day of the eclipse; and whereas we mention, that it shall most forcible operate in the third part of time allotted unto the whole duration of its effects, which Ptolemy calls prima triens, the true meaning of our words and his are these, viz. that if a solar eclipse be of one hour, and one half hours continuance, and be bear the ascendant, or in it, that then in the four first months next succeeding the day of the eclipse, the effects [6]thereof, or of that eclipse shall begin, and shall operate most forcibly by the space of six months succeeding next after those four months, and then shall after by little and little decrease and vanish for 18. Months, being the whole time limited for continuance of the effects, the first six months are the first third part of the continuation of the effects, the middle six months are the second trient as Ptolemy calls it, and the last six months are the third trient, or third part of time.

Again if the eclipse be in , or near the midheaven, then the matter or thing signified by that eclipse shall apparently declare itself betwixt the fourth and eighth months form the hour of the eclipse; and for the next six months immediately succeeding, that is during the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth months from the time or day of the eclipse, the plague or matter signified shall begin to appear, and to increase moderately, bit in the fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth months form the hour of the eclipse, the thing or business designed shall most effectualky operate, and the last six months begin to less and decline &c.

Again, let the eclipse be near the cusp of the seventh house, or in that house, then the effects depending theron shall begin to be active and take place form the eighth month until the twelfth to be accounted from the day of the eclipse, and then for twelve whole months next after, the effects shall operate very sensibly and to purpose, but in the last six months of that whole time assigned for its continuance, the plague, pestilence or famine signified thereby shall be in greatest force, and do most mischief; form hence it appears, an eclipse according to the doctrine of Ptolemy shall begin to declare its effects within one year next after the day of its being; nor can the effects of a solar eclipse continue, or be extended above three years and one half, or a lunar eclipse above six months &c. so that Haly and those adhering unto him were much deceived &c.

            [Note: These figures were derived from the maximum duration of a solar eclipse.

But if you will judge when particular remissions or more [7] hasty intentions shall be, or in more plain language, if you would know when the effects would work with great force,  when more slowly, you must take notice thereof from the several conjunctions, oppositions  or quadratures which shall be made either in that part, viz. degree of the sign wherein the eclipse was, or in such parts of the zodiac, viz. in such degrees of the signs as behold that place so eclipsed, as also from the several quadratures and oppositions of other planets as well as of the sun and moon, or their arising or first appearance above the horizon, together with either of the lights in that place of the zodiac, and which have signification in determining the events of that eclipse you do astrologically judge of, and these especially when either in the ascendant or seventh house, or in their stations, or in their vespertine rising, viz. When they first appear upon the sun’s setting, they aspect the signs and degreed where the eclipse was.

The rising of the planets and their stations in those places or parts wherein the eclipse was, declare the increase and greatness of the events which are to succeed. But when those stars or planets are either under the Sun beams, or in their vespertine rising, they intends a more remissensse, and not so strong events to succeed. By station is intended, when a planet comes to be stationary, or to stand still, and to move very little in any degree of the Zodiac, either in the degree eclipsed, or opposition thereof, or in dexter or sinister quadrate unto it. Its believed by many, and found true by experience, that when a planet is stationary, he is then by reason of standing still, firm and able to settle an impression; but when a planet is under the Sunbeams, he resembles a man limited, and one that hath none or little power of himself, or a masculine planet having power in the said places when he first rises above the earth, after the sun set is conceived to produce very small, or but weak effects in any eclipse or conjunction of the superior planets.


Of the kind or quality of events

Ed: Determining the lord of the eclipse: Take the angle that is before the house where the eclipse occurs, as well as the point of the eclipse itself; Determine which planet "owns" the most levels of essential dignity across these 2 points. That planet is the eclipse lord. 

This is NOT the same as finding the planet that has the most essential dignities in the chart. as I have said above, you must find the planet that has the most levels of dispositorship over the eclipse point and the angle. I will write a post of more detail on this subject. 

That this be artificially, and with judgment performed; first you must erect the scheme of heaven for the middle time of the eclipse, and reduce the motion of the Sun, Moon and other planets to your own meridian, or to that place of the world, for which you intend to erect the figure, and thereupon to give judgment, and then seriously considering the degree of the sign wherein the eclipse is (the sign I mean wherein the Sun is if it be a solar eclipse, the sign wherein the mon is, if it be a Lunar Defect.) Consider also the place, asterism, sign and degree of of the zodiac next following the ellipse , as if the eclipse be in the ninth, eighth, or seventh you are to consider what planet hath most power and dignities in the tenth house, for that is the Angle succeeding them; but if the eclipse be in the tenth, eleventh or twelfth then you must see the fortitude of that planet who hath most dignities essential in the ascendant, that being the angle subsequent to the eclipse, being in the 10, 11 or 12th house. Herein you must reckon no dignities unto any planet, but what that planet hath either by house, exaltation, triplicity, term, or face, accidental dignities in this judgment are not admitted. For that planet who hath most dignities in the place, viz. in the sign and degree eclipsed, and angle succeeding it, in the sign or degree either culminating or ascending he shall be Lord of the Eclipse, or principal ruler; but if it happen that one planet alone have not most dominion or greatest fortitude  in the place eclipsed and angle subsequent, but there are two which may be equally challenge prerogative, he shall be preferred who is Lord of the place or sign eclipsed, and the other planet shall be joined with him in signification who agreeth to either place and shall be called partner in judgment. But if many planets have equal dignity in the aforesaid places, and do also behold [9]both the place eclipsed, and succeeding angles, we mean not the whole sign, but the degree that planet shall be preferred who is in situation or position nearest to an angle, or more powerful in signification, or more agreeable in quality that is in nature, or by triplicity

Ed: Fixed stars in eclipses:
[9]Concerning the fixed star or stars which shall participate in judgment, this is generally observed to take that fixed star which is at the time of the eclipse doth precede the place eclipsed in an angle, and is of great of eminent magnitude, viz. of the first or second, and hath little latitude but is seated near the ecliptic line or which at that instant time of the defect doth arise or culminate, following the place eclipsed, the preceding words are thus to be understood, viz. That if an eclipse be between the seventh house and the midheaven most consideration is to be had unto that fixed star which possesses the angle of the 7th, for that star precedes; next who are in the 10th house, for they follow; but if the eclipse be between the midheaven and ascendant, those fixed stars in the midheaven are preferred before those in the ascendant

            MN: Other notable considerations
The asterism also, or constellation in which the eclipse is, as also the principal ruler or rulers of the eclipse, are most to be considered, as also the sign wherein the eclipse itself is, for such signs in the zodiac and constellations which have humane [i.e. human] shape or form, have signification of men, and things humane, terrestrial signs signify according to the forms and shapes thereof; signs that signify the milder creatures or beasts show loss and damage in suchlike beasts as are useful to man according to the reason of the singular shapes, forms and figures thereof, whether they be of horse, oxen &c.

Septentrional Constellations whew sudden earthquakes, meridional, declare unexpected [sic]and great showers. When the ecliptical place is either in virgo or sagitary, damage follows to such fowl as men feed on, but if it be in watery signs or constellations, much of the event shall appear in the waters, at sea, and in fish, or fishing and to men navig[10]ating., yet if it fall out in Aquarius or Pisces, men receive great loss by overflow of rivers, and swelling of fountains.

[Eclipses in signs ]

When the eclipse is in tropic or æquinoctial signs viz. in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, commonly the air is prejudicial to the air and the present season. In ths spring it destroys the growth of such herbs as spring out of the earth and the budding and blossoming of trees. In the summer solstice, it hurts the corn, and lessens the burden of fruit; in the autumnal  equinoctial it prejudiceth the seed; in the winter it gives too much moisture: When the eclipse is also in Aries or Libra, there follows controversies in religion, or some change or alteration; in Tropics, viz. Cancer or Capricorn, an alteration of the air, and of offices or places or governments.

Fixed signs, as Taurus, Leo, Aquarius [and] Scorpio, shew much ado about buildings, double bodied signs, as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces threaten matter ti kings, princes or principal magistrates.

Those defects which happen in the first house, have relation to fruits, or to youth, or matter newly begun, in the midheaven, to kingdoms, cities, or countries, kings and prines, or nobles, or persons of quality, or men of middle age; in the west or 7th house. The change and mutation of laws, customs, contentions, lawsuits, quarrels, wars, the death of aged men, for the most part some slaughter or bloodshed.

The greater the defect is, and the stringer the principal ruler or rulers of the eclipse is or are, so much more famous and eminent are the effects of the eclipse. All effects are diminished when the eclipse of the sun is near his setting, or of the moon to her matutine rising, but when any eclipse of the sun in sin the morning or matutine, or of the moon verspertine or towards sun-setting, the evils signified thereby are increased, and the effects operate most vigorously. Leovitius doth deliver a method for finding the time when the effects of an eclipse shall begin, in his book fol. De eclipsi[11]bus, but because the operation is troublesome and doth nothing conduce for enlarging the student’s judgment, and also because it would make our book swell too too much, I leave further discourse thereof.

What manner of events shall happen, an whether they shall be good or ill

This doctrine being most necessary and profitable, is naturally thus deduced, viz. from the nature of the predominating planets in the principal places of the figure, viz, in that sign of the eclipse and sign of the angle subsequent, their commixion with one another, and with those places or houses of the zodiac in which they are posited in this signification you must not collect the dignities of the sun or moon, or make them significators of the kinds or qualities of the vents, for they being governors of other planets and the principal causes of events, commanding the power of other stars, either confirm or destroy the virtues of the predominant planets.

The consideration of those planets, who have most right, and greatest fortitude in their commixtions, doth declare the quality and kind of events which may ensure after the eclipse, or of which the eclipse is precursor. But let us begin with the planets in their several kinds, and first of Saturn, when he is principal ruler of, or lord of the eclipse, or when any fixed star of his nature doth most principally manifest the effects fo the eclipse.

            When Saturn is the lord of the eclipse.
He is generally the cause of corruptions by reason of cold, more properly he declares continued diseases in the bodies of men, as wasting of the body, or a consumption which hath its original from some deflux of reume, he denotes disturbance of the radical humors, fluxes, quatrain agues, banishments, poverty, misery, lamentation, vain fears, mortality of old men especially: a scarcity of such cattle as are [12] useful for mankind, afflicting those cattle which escape death with diseases, so that men are infected that use those cattle, or after the cattle’s death feed upon them; in the air, he stirs up most horrible colds, frosty and icy weather, cloudy and pestilent, the air oftentimes molested; long continued frosts, thick clouds, misty foggy weather, much darkness, abundant snows, nothing profitable but destructive from whole corruptions [,] many poisonous and hurtful creatures proceed. In the rivers and the sea commonly he stirs up most bitter tempest, sudden and manifold shipwrecks, difficult and dangerous voyages and passages, scarcity of corn, and a dearth of fish and water foul[=fowl] . Generally in the sea peculiar recesses or backslidings of the sea from its former bounds and banks, leaving thereby its former channels. In rivers there are great overflowings, violent innundations and corruption of the waters; upon earth there follows scarcity of grain, fruit and corn, all things very dear, all manner of provisions scanty and rarely to be had, especially which conduce to the preservation of man’s life; destruction of fruits by caterpillars, worms, locusts &c. of grass and hay by floods, by immoderate showers, or by sudden hailstorms and furious tempests so that men perish by famine and suchlike casualties, and beasts by the unseasonable getting in of winter provisions, and the unnatural nourishment of that food they eat: old men die more plentifully, or more abundance of them perish than in other years; much rancor and malice, and stiff lawsuits do rage amongst the vulgar clowns or county people

MN Jupiter, when he alone is ruler of the eclipse.

When Jupiter alone hath the chiefest dominion in an eclipse, generally he produceth the increase of all things; and when the event appertains unto men, he signifies glory, fertility, tranquility and peace; every men thrives and becomes rich, each man signified by him enjoys health and quiet of mind. He promiseth gifts and favors from kings, he adorns gover[13]ners, or magistrates with fame and estimation, and to speak truly, he  is the cause of all good things.
            MN Viz. He signifies such things unto man
He multiplies all living creatures which are behoofull to man, and portends destruction to such animals as are hurtful unto man. In the air he declares a good and wholesome temperature, windy, moist, or inclining to showers; nourishing all living creatures procreated from, or feeding on the fruits of the earth. Sailors and merchants sail without danger and make good voyages; the rivers swell with no immoderate floods; plenty of all manner of fruit appears; religious men increase in the church, many whereof attain to very high preferments, or have great honours conferred on them; ministers grow proud and haughty,  (an easy sin in that generation;) the laws are executed and upright judges are employed by the states; New Customs or Privileges are conferred on the people; new corporations, new honours &c.

            MN Of Mars, when lord of the Eclipse.
When Mars alone shall obtain the government of an eclipse, he generally is the cause of corruption in regard of his too much dryness, and this especially when he is in a firey sign. When the events appertain unto men, he stirs ip wars, seditions, interstine risings,  tumults, imprisonments, banishments, besieging and taking of towns and cities, popular tumults, frowns of princes upon several of their subjects, diverse principal men suddenly arraigned, condemned, and beheaded 

[Ed: this sounds oddly specific ];

 moreover he portends terrain fevers, acute diseases, corruption of blood, or infirmities by breaking or stretching the veins, violent, untimely and the sudden deaths of young men; he inclines kings and princes unto tyranny, violence, injures and justice; the soldier to the firing of houses, to manslaughters, rapines, thefts, robberies o highways, lawsuits, duels. In the air, he stirs up extraordinary sultry blasts and great heat, hot pestilent winds, pestiferous and infectious, thunder, lighting, whirlwinds, immeasurable droughts. IN the sea he occasions impetuous[14] storms  , and denotes sudden and violent shipwrecks by reason of inordinate blasts &c.  In rivers he lessens ro drys up the streams, and drains the fountains dry, corrupting all waters, causing putrefaction in them; he occasions or more naturally  signifies scarcity of grain and of all such things as are produced or grow out of the earth, either causing untimely heats whereby nourishment sufficient cannot come to maintain the root, or destroying the tender grain by unseasonable dry blasts of wind ere it be mature, and by mildews &c. Usually he excites mens minds to great rashness and foolhardiness , proving to duels and all manner of evils as thefts, murders &c. great dissension amongst kindred, much undutifulness in children, yet many times it foreshadow amongst mechanical men, some rare or admirable man produced to light

            MN Venus when she only rules, the effects of an eclipse
Venus, generally in all things is like unto Jupiter, and produceth such like effecks with a certain kind of gracefulness; perculalry she gives renown unto men, honour, cheerfulness, plentiful years in the fruits of the earth, or great increase of all harmless living creatures, delightful, marriages, numerous issues, firm friendships, constant leagues, increase of mens estates, cleanliness in diet and manner of living, reverence obedience and conformity in religion, mens bodys are sound and lusty, little needing physick, much unity and good correspondency betwixt the king and his subject, a perfect understanding betwixt the magistrate and the vulgar people. In the air she stirs up temperate blasts of wind, moist and fructifying, no unpleaasing weather, or troublesome tempests, serene fair seasons in all parts of the year, very pleasing moistening showers, successful navigations, gainful and advantageous to the merchant, safe for his own person, wholesome for the mariner. In rivers ,it notes their gentle inundation and pretty swellings without harming any thing, not destructive or violently breaking forth, plenty of all manner of working[15] cattle, and abundance of all sorts of fruit growing firth and out pf the earth, great store of wine, oil and figs; in general it’s the forerunner of a quiet peacable time upon earth, I mean in those countries where the eclipse is visible.

            MN When Mercury is the sole ruler of the eclipse.
When Mercury  of himself is lord and principal ruler of the eclipse, he generally assumes unto himself part of the nature with whom  he is in aspect or is corporally joined unto, however he is the author of quick and violent motion; he declares in humane affairs celerity, industry, craft and subtlety, in performing what is then upon the stage of this world; he shews the highways obstructed with thieves, and the seas with pirates; he causeth men to be short breathed, and to fetch their wind difficultly and when he is joined with the infortunes, he signifies dry diseases, quotidian feavers, the Ptisic, consumptions, alteration in ceremonies, heresies  and schisms in religion, detriment in the revenues of kings, and of the nobles and gentry of the kingdom; great controversy in the customs, laws, and privileges of the people, and all this according to the nature of that planet with whom he hath familiarity. In the (air, himself being dry and swift, and always in motion near unto the Sun)
            Is this an error – ed.
 he produces inordinate high winds, sudden tempests quickly changing, thunders, lightnings, opening of the earth, and earthquakes; in regard of these properties his influence or effects are destructive to plants and living creatures: when he is occidental he lessens the growth or increase of rivers, when oriental he increaseth their streams, causing abundance of waters. This is the nature of every planet by himself, but being mixed with others, they have signification of other events and effects, by reason of the variety of aspects and signs, and their position to the sun, and so conveniently do change the actions which they solely of themselves did signify, but this commixition is left to the discretion of every astrologer, being impossible to give such [16] particular rules as in every posture of heaven would hold good.

MN: Who participate in eclipses

[Ed: Eclipses falling on the position of the natal sun or moon, or in opposition are significant to the native, but seldom fatal.]

IN general it is held for an assured maxim, that as into men’s or women’s nativities, every eclipse of the sin or moon chancing in that very degree of the sign, wherein either of them both were at the birth of anyone, shall in one way or another be very fatal, or signify somewhat very material unto the native. I have found by experience that much affliction and trouble do accompany those persons, who casually in the course of their lives have an eclipse in either of the signs and degrees, where either of the luminaries were, or in the opposite degree, at the time of their birth, but I have not yet found that death did ensue, although either the sun or moon was at birth the only and principle hyleg or apetha (except in King Charles.) I do attribute nothing to the colours in the eclipse, yet would wish every man in this nature to follow what he hath found true by experience.

(MN: When either of the lights are eclipsed in the several triplicities, what they signify

[The Firery triplicty]
There are some who do much adhere to the Arabic doctrine in astrology, have added what they thought fit for illustration of this learning  concerning eclipses, and do say, that eclipses of the sun or moon in the firery triplicity, do declare the death of herds both of great and small cattle, the banishment of some great king, price or eminent and, or his imprisonment or beheading. Amongst the vulgar people, or men of somewhat better quality, it excites enmity, jarring with one another, much dissembling with each other, the motion of some great army or company of men, horrible wars, slaughter of men, thefts, murders, many towns or places depopulated, women suffering by abortions, sharp fevers, strange apparitions  in the air, epidemical diseases by reason of scorching heat, scarcity of fruit, especially in those countries which are subject to the sign eclipsed, admirable mutation in many things

           [Earthy triplicity]
When an eclipse happens in the earthly triplicity, there [17] follows scarcity of corn, especially of fruit, and of all such things as are annually sown, or put into the earth.

[Airy triplicity]

An eclipse of either of the lights in the airy triplicity shews famine, most violent and fierce sickness, pestilent diseases, stormy high winds, very prejudicial to mankind, and blowing down trees by the roots, and very many houses.

[Watery triplicity]
An eclipse of the sun or moon in the watery triplicity presages a rot or consumption in the vulgar sort of people, rumors, seditions, and expectation of wars, destruction of Water Foul [Waterfowl?] , great inundations and overflowings of the sea-banks

[Eclipses in signs]
Again, they affirm if an eclipse appear in Aries , it produceth great alteration in fruits, as in tender vines, corruption in fig trees.

In Taurus, Leo, scorpio or Aquarius, many ancient buildings are ruinated or pulled down, the divisions of the clergy are high, they hate each other obstinately, and stir up tumults, a thing very frequent with them in all ages.

In cancer, and eclipse procures a rottenness or corruption in the fruit when its gathered, occasioning surfeits, and sicknesses unto such as eat them; sea fights, long and dangerous navigations

In gemini or Sagittarius, an eclipse threatens destruction to flying fouls [=fowl], unto such especially, which men eat or feed upon, whereby many men come to sudden death

In virgo or pisces, it signifies much harm to vegetable plants, and to such creatures as live in water or of the water [.] it shews that many fountains shall be corrupt and grow impure , and the river waters not wholesome.

In Capricorn it denotes olives to be devoured by locusts or worms, many ships drowned, alteration in mens manners and conditions, peculiarly in those cities or countries subject to the sign wherein the eclipse is.

So ends the first part of my edition; the next part, which talks about decans shall be published shortly. 

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The Sutra of the Sun and moon: Part 2: The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經

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