Thursday, 18 June 2020

Lilly's Easy and Familiar method of judging eclipses, Part 2: Eclipses in the Decans

This is the second installment of Lilly's treatiese on eclipses. You can find the first installment here:

In this section, Lilly provides an even easier method of determining the effects of eclipses: Simply looking at the decan they fall in. If you know the zodiacal position of the eclipse, and the type of eclipse it is, a simple matter of looking in what decan the eclipsed body falls at the point of the maximum eclipse, and reading the corresponding interpretation. 

Some of you may want to know how this works.  A Decan , or Face is one third of a zodiac sign, or 10 degrees. So, the First decan of Aries, or "Ari 1" for short ran from 0°-9° of Aries, the 2nd decan of Aries, ran from 10°-19°. and  the 3rd decan or Aries ran from 20°-29° Aries. When we get to Taurus the process repeats, so 0°-9° of taurus was the first decan of taurus "Tau 1" etc  

Here are 2 examples: 

For example, for the Solar Eclipse of Dec 2019, the sun was at 4 Capricorn. Since 4 capricorn is within the 1st 10 degrees of Capricorn, it occurred in the first Decan of Capricorn. Lilly has this to say:

"In the first decanate of Capricorn, it moves many slanders and false aspersions against many men, and declares an untimely death unto some person of worth"

Oh,  how many worthy men have died before their time since then! 

As for a Lunar Eclipse, you look at the position of the Moon at the time of the Eclipse. For example, in the Lunar Eclipse that occurred on Jun 5 2020 , the moon was at 15 Sagittarius. As this is within 10-20 Sgr, we say it is in the second decan of Sagittarius. Here is Lilly's interpretation:

"In the second decanate, diseases rage against, and amongst horses, mules, &c. the seas troubled with pirates."

Oh Dear. 

Anyway, for another interpretation of eclipses in decans, you may want to look at Ramesey's Astrologia restaurata. The relevant section can be read, starting from Here . It must be admitted Ramesey's predictions are much less comprehensive than Lilly's 

Anything in square brackets has been added by me. The numbers in square brackets represent the page breaks in the original. Here is a sample of the original document (from EEBO) for completeness:

Here Begins Lilly's Text

[18] Of the Sun eclipsed in any one Decanate of the 12. Signs


[Ari 1] When the sun is eclipsed in the first ten degrees of Aries, it portends the frequent motions of Armies, and rumours of wars, continual expeditions, assaults, and batteries, yea, and wars, with much noise and tumut; seditions, controversies, and intermediary of the air verging principally unto dryness.

[Ari 2] When in the second decanate, or from 10 to 20 degrees, it brings some King, price or eminent officer to prison or restraint of liberty, it adds sorrow and danger of death unto him, destruction of the bearing fruit-trees, and it portends the rottenness or putrefaction of such things as the earth produces, whereby both man and beast are afflicted.

[Ari 3] When in the last 10. degrees of Aries, it’s the forerunner of lamentation, woes, and mourning, unto all mortal men, or most sorts of men, and the death of some Noble woman, unto these I may add, that it designs destruction unto the lesser cattle, as sheep, conies, goats, hares &c.

[Tau 1] An eclipse of either of the lights in the first ten degrees if Taurus, afflicts such as are negotiators, solicitors, agents, or are generally employed in men’s affairs, or in the public; it compels men to undertake unnecessary business. It brings to nought, and confounds all factions undertaken by the former sort of men, and is sufficiently hurtful to corn.

[Tau 2] In the second decanate, it shews innumerable difficulties, and many discommodities to Travellers, and to such as bear children many abortions, and births not natural, or mosters are produced.

[Tau 3] IN the third face or decanate, it signifies both plague and famine, mortality in and amongst oxen, cows and horses.

[19] Gemini

[gem 1] Eclipses in the first ten degrees of Gemini stir up dissent-ions, strifes, seditions amongst those we call priests, and all manner of merchants and Mechanics of every order, or any quality that is amongst them; Deadly hatred, contempt of laws, neglect of piety and holy duties doth also follow, so also breach of covenants.

[gem 2] In the second decanate or face, much piracy at sea, and murders, many fruitless treaties, many turbulent petitions presented by the people to their superiors.

[Gem 3] In the last face of Gemini, when any eclipse happens, the Death of some King or great person follows; various and sundry losses unto the state publick, much action to no purpose in the managing of the civil affairs of the commonwealth; many simple constutations and no conclusions; superior men grant commissions, which inferior officers never regard; much prattling, no action

[ Cnc 1] In the first ten degrees of Cancer, it disturbs the air, and stirs up strange weather, and variety of it, inclines men to arms, and to violate national leagues, deceitfully under the species of religion [This sounds oddly specific—EW]

[Cnc 2] In the second decanate, it dries up rivers and fountains, and intends much inconstistecy in men and women, and petulancy, or ill offices amongst mortal men, viz. one cunningly thrusting another out of his place.

[Cnc 3] IN the last decanate, it emits the pox (I conceive the French Pox) amongst the men of that country subject to Cancer, many diseases, and seditions or risings of the people, the vulgar man afflicted generally with the dropsy, or such malevolent matter in his stomach as brings him to a consumption.

[Leo 1] In the first face or decanate of Leo, it demonstrates the death of some certain famous prince, as also great scarcity of corn and grain; if the price miss death he avoids not [20] the occasion of many misfortunes and consumption of treasure.

[Leo 2] In the second Decanate, it threatens great tribulation and many damages unto kings, peers and prime of the nobility; what is meant of persons of quality, must have relation to all magistrates

[Leo 3] IN the third Decanate, it presages captivities, besieging of towns, plundering, profanation of holy places, a scarcity of horses, or a destructive murrain amongst them.

[Vir 1] In the first decanate of Virgo, it argues the lamentable death, or pitiful end of some prince or nobleman, and a general ruin or slaughter of men, scarcity of corn and all manner of sustenance fit for man.

[Vir 2] IN the second decanate, it designs famine, plague and seditions of mortal men, great drought, and thereby no plentiful crops of summer corn

[Vir 3] In the third decanate, it pours down vengeance on poor poets, painters of limners, and men mercurial, who flourish with excellent understandings, nothing thrives with the, nor are their purses full, it produces murders, banishment &c. it implseth on the vulgar writers of those times, harsh conceptions and no esteem of their rude poems.

[lib 1] In the first decanate of Libra, it corrupts the air, begets the plague, inlines youth to much wantonness, yet straightens provisions and makes them dear.

[Lib 2] in the second Decanate, it portends the death of some eminent prince or king, or Nobleman and for breach of customs, stirs up seditions and designs a famine

[Lib 3] in the third decanate, it premonishes of high controversies amongst the nobility, and great detriment in their estates, much prodigality amongst them, and the extirpation of some one family


[Sco 1] in the first decanate of scorpio, it moves and. Raises war[21]like tumults, murders, dissentions, captivities and cherishes underhand practises, or plots of treasons.

[Sco 2] in the second Decanate, it argues destruction to some certain king, or person of worth, and declares his mind averse to armies or wars.

[Sco 3] in the third decanate, it portends the coming in of some stranger tyrant, and the drowsy dullness and slothfulness of the former king odious unto all men; sometimes it portends a deposing of the then present governor or king, or great dislike with him.


[sgr1] An eclipse in the first ten degrees, or first decanate of Sagittarius, doth manifest most dangerous seditions amongst men, and renders mens minds averse to all manner of accommodations, or treaties; each man fearing deceit in the man he deals with, or one prince fearing another will delude him.

[sgr 2] In the second decanate, it portends the death or much destruction unto such cattle as naturally bray, and of the bigger sort of any such beasts as are useful for man.

[Sgr 3] In the last decanate, it afflicts several manner of ways horses, and prejudiceth such armies as then are on foot, all things and matters go hardly on with the nobility, who willingly and foolishly undo themselves unto no purpose.

[Cap 1] in the first decanate or ten degrees of Capricorn, it imports the unhappy chances attending great men, and strange causalities unto such; the transmigration, or oft shifting of places of some king, prince, or person of eminent rank and quality, and it implies the revolt or rebellion of nobles, and others of meaner quality, viz. of the common people; it imports a covetous prince or magistrate, by reason of his oppression, shall cause insurrections.

[Cap 2] in the second decanate, it stirs up the fury or sports of sworn soldiers against their commanders in chief, or against their emperor, king, or prince, it renders all their endeavours [22] fruitless, and the events thereof unprosperous; it is the forerunner of scarcity of corn, and that many will die for want thereof.

[Cap 3] IN the third decanate, it implies the tumultuary motion of a king, and induces famine, and shews great poverty unto the husbandman, bad crops, little hay or grass

[Aqu 1] In the first decanate of Aquarius, it affords matter of public sorrow and mourning unto gentlemen, but comfort to the country-man

[Aqu 2] in the second decanate, thefts publickly countenances, robberies, rapines, earthquakes, famine, monopolies, pilling and poling the people.

[Aqu 3] IN the third decanate, ut tells of the death of field cattle, and suchlike creatures, it shews great inundations to succeed the eclipse.

[Pis 1] in the first decanate of pisces, it drains the rovers of their waters, infortunates the sea coasts, and drives fishes far form shore.

[Pis 2] In the second decanate, it designs the death of a famous and excellent man, destruction and waste of fish near the sea towns, it imports an earthquake, some great churchman question and [be] called to account for his knavery

[Pis 3] In the third decanate, ot presages sedition, cruelty, bitterness of spirts, and the inhumanity of soldiers, as also much controversy amongst divines, and lawyers.


The effects of Lunar eclipses when they happen in the several decanates of every sign

[Ari 1] If an eclipse of the moon be in the first ten degrees of Aries, she portends that fevers shall be frequent, many houses fired, woods destroyed or cut down and burned, as also a ge[23]neral dryness of the air, many caterpillars and destructive vermin appear.

[Ari 2] In the second decanate, a pestilence, and fatility in most diseases, few falling sick that escape

[Ari 3] in the third decanate, it imports many abortive births, many discommidites and dangers unto that sex, viz. of women; as also the death of many great ladies according to the climate wherein the eclipse falls.


[Tau 1] In the first decanate of Taurus, household cattle are tormented with several unusual diseases, i.e. the oxen and horse of the ploughman fall sick and die, and a general disease reigns amongst cattle

[Tau 2] IN the second decanate, it points out the death of some Queen, as also a dearth fo such seeds as are usually sown, it signifies a barrenness of the earth the continue during the time of the effects of the eclipse’s influence.

[Tau 3] In the third decanate, it implies a plague amongst creeping noxious creatures; as also amongst rats and mice, and such vermin as do most devour the country-man’s grain or corn.

[Gem 1] In the first ten degrees of  Gemini, it threatens incursions and rapines of enemies; fraudulent negotions, many treaties, violent petitions, many missives, and much employment for scribes and secretares.

[gem 2] IN the second decanate, the sudden motion of armies, and declare men’s solicitations and cares, both of private and public affairs; and that judges will be careful of executing justice.

[Gem 3] IN the third decanate, it fortells the death of some famous man, for the most part this person happens to be a scholar, viz. either a lawyer or divine.

[24] Cancer

[Cnc 1] In the first deacanate of cancer, it wholly excites men’s minds unto war, treachery and apostasy.

[Cnc 2] In the second decanate, most bitter and sharp exactions, intolerable assessments, and suchlike burthens oppress the commonality; vulgar tumults, much harm at sea

[Cnc 3] IN the third decanate, it foretells diseases to the female sex, and also sudden, miserable and unexpected deaths unto many; and they of ignoble births, or of the meaner sort of people.


[leo 1] In the first decanate of Leo, It denotes a present & unlooked-for infirmity to befall unto some great prince, ort he death of some very much noted person, usually of the blood of princes.

[leo 2] In the second decanate, some journey to be undertaken by a king, with a strange mutation and catastrophe in mundane affairs

[leo 3] In the third decanate, it swells and animates the dispositions both of the people and the soldiery, so that they run after novelties, desiring new laws, and new governments.


[vir 1] In the first decanate of Virgo, it declares sickness unto kings, manifold discords and dissentions universally raging amongst men.

[vir 2] In the second decanate, it prepares destruction and calamites, informs matter against counsellors, lawyers, secretaries, and such like men, for their oppression, bribery and indirect dealings

[vir 3] in the third decanate, it afflicts mankind with many diseases, and intimates scarcity of bread, and all kinds of grain.


[Lib 1] In the first decanate of libra, hail, storms, ill weather, trubulent winds, violent tempests, very harmful

[lib 2] in the second decanate, a rott amogst pettyfoggers, indormers and suchlike cattle, they whipped and stripped to purpose.

[25] [Lib 3] IN the third decanate, some eminent and noted person dies; the religious swell in every country, and raise seditions in the  courts of princes.

[Sco 1[ In the first decanate of scorpio, terrible thunders, fearful lightings, many time earthquakes, abundance of destructive creatures in the waters

[Sco 2] In the second decanate, hot and sharp fevers afflict men, siccity destroys the olives, and infects the air

[sco 3] in the third decanate, many seditions, murders, and all matter fo wretchedness succeeds, making oppressed with abundance of obnoxious diseases, and these general


[Sgr 1] IN the first decanate of Sagittarius, many thefts and rapines
[Sgr 2] in the second decanate, diseases rage against, and amongst horses, mules, &c. the seas troubled with pirates.
[Sgr 3] in the third decanate, a plague follows, and great evils afflict all mankind, consumptions more than ordinary


[Cap 1] IN the first decanate of Capricorn, it moves many slanders and false aspersions against many men, and declares an untimely death unto some person of worth

[Cap 2] In the second decanate o, uproars very frequent in the soldiery, oft incursions into neighbor countries, captivities, plundering.

[Cap 3] in the third decanate, the death of a king, conspiracies in the people, or mutinies.

[Aqu 1] in the first decanate of Aquarius, it shews averse health to a certain king.
[Aqu 2] in the second decanate, it hinders the seed-time
[aqu 3] in the third decanate, a wonderful change in all affairs[26] yet notwithstanding, it imports the change better than to continue as formerly, and argues a relaxation from former oppressions.

[Pis 1] In the first decanate of pisces, it imports sorrow to priests, church-officers and bishops.
[pis 2] in the second decanate, death to some prime man of princely descent
[pis 3] robberies equally committed both at sea and on the dry land.


So much for Lilly's text. here is part 3, a constellational zodiac. 

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