Thursday, 17 September 2020

A Chinese ritual guide from the "Hall of Collected treasures" almanac : Part 3, Theurgy

  This is a translation of a ritual guide from the "Hall of Collected treasures" 聚寶樓, Ju bao lou almanac, published in Guangdong.廣東省江門土産進出口有限公司出品 .

This ritual guide provides a fairly detailed overview of aspects of Chinese ritual culture. The guide in its original form is 16 pages long, each page split into two rows, one above the other

In the following translation,  these breaks have been noted; the top row will be called A, and the bottom row, row B. So, [2A] refers to the top row of page 2 etc. 

To make this translation more useable, I have split it into three parts, viz:

1) Making wishes and thanking the gods 
2) Rituals of the new year
3) Worshipping specific gods. <This one>

In this section are found rituals for worshipping various gods, which would be of interest to both practitioner and anthropologist alike. here, we shall find..

- Worshipping Taisui,or the Grand Duke; basically a remedial astrological ritual
- Guanyin opening her stores: A form of religiously-reglated community finance 
- Che Kung and Wong Tai Sin, the two main deities of Hong Kong, along with copious instructions when visiting their temples
- How to consult the Lot-oracle that often is found in temples. 

【安奉太歲星君】Prayers to Taisui / Grand Duke 

【何爲太歲?】Who is Taisui?

『太歲』是玉帝安排每一年主管、監察人間事務的神將。太歲共有 六十位,以六十花甲這數,輪流主掌這一神職,因此每一年的太歲都是不一樣的。 

Taisui is the office the Jade Emperor places in charge of each year. He is the god that inspects the affairs of men each year. There are 60 Taisui in total, one for each term of the sexagenary cycle. The office of Taisui thus rotates: Different years have different Taisui-s 

【安奉太歲星君的儀式是怎樣的?】How does one pray to Taisui?

【安奉太歲星君儀式】 How does one pray to taisui?

The Taisui for the year 2020 is Surnamed Wu, and named Zhao. 

肖鼠1、13、25、37、49、61、73、85、97歲爲該當年歲者,爲本年元辰太歲  (詩曰:太歲當頭座,無喜恐有禍)
Those born under the Rat (i.e 1, 13, 25, 37. 49, 61, 73, 85, 97 years of age are said to be of this year’s [i.e. 2020's] Taisiui. 

The poem goes If the Taisui Comes to your head/ No joy; fear for disaster!

肖馬7、19、31、55、67、79、91羡 爲該當年歲者,爲本年太歲相冲 

. (詩曰:太歲出現來,無病恐破財) 

Those born under the horse (i.e. 7, 19, 31、55、67、79、91) years of age are said to Clash 冲 with this year’s [i.e. 2020's] Taisui. 

The poem goes “Taisui manifests himself/ No illness, but fear bankruptcy” 


As Taisui is a particularly powerful and severe deity, each year there would be some zodiac signs that would come to conflict with Taisui; Such persons should hence take steps to propitiate Taisui. To worship Taisui, one must do the following steps.   


I should clarify what this section means. Basically, the Taisui amulet is a form of astrological remedial magic. Depending on the “Chinese zodiac” of the person’s year of birth, they may come into conflict with the Taisui in one of two ways. 

The first is when they encounter a year that has the same zodiac animal as that of their birth— eg. if you are born in the year of the Rat in years of the rat, If you are born in the year of the cow, you will offend Taisui in years of the cow etc.

The second is, if the animal of their birth year and the current year are separated by 7 terms. So, if you are born in the year of the rat, then you will also “Clash” with taisui in the year of the Horse; born in the year of the Ox, in year of the Goat &c.

This table should make things plain 

Year of Birth

1st 值太歲






































So, come 2021 (an ox year), those born in the years of the Ox or Goat must use this amulet. In 2022 (A tiger year) those born of the tiger and the Ape muse use it etc. 

There are some other situations that can bring an individual into conflict with Taisui, but they are not mentioned in the text   

Also not mentioned in the text, but a vital part of every Taisui ritual, is the Taisui Warrant 太歲符. This is a piece of red paper, printed in black with diverse sigils and Chinese characters. The exact chinese characters used for the warrrant change, depening on the name of the taisui "on duty" in that particular year. Here is the amulet for the year 2020, as depicted in the book itself (unfortunately, printed in black and white). the instructions taken for "Taisui" are assumed to refer to this figure


一、 安奉太歲星君的位置可設在廳堂,與神佛同位,或其它清净之處。 

1) Taisui can be placed in the hall, along with the Buddhas and gods, or any such clean place. 

二、 安奉太歲星君的時間多安排在年初正月中或擇于正月初九玉帝萬壽對誕之日。
2) As for the time Taisui is installed, Most do so at the 1st month of the year, or else select the 9th day of the 1st month—the Birthday of the Jade Emperor 

三、 安奉太歲星君時宜用清茶、四果、香燭、太極 [9b] 金、天金、壽金等供品敬奉。頌念三次<恭請太歲星君咒 > ,燒金紙,燃爆竹,儀式即告圓滿完成。
3) When positioning Taisui, use tea, four fruits, candles and incense, Taiji gold, heaven gold, and longevity gold as offerings. Recite the spell for inviting taisui thrice, and burn joss paper and firecrackers. The ritual is completed

四、年尾臘月二十四日則是太歲離職回天庭之日,是日則行謝太歲之禮。謝太歲宜用 香花、果品、清茶、壽金,拜謝太歲星君,即萬事大吉。 

4) The 24th day of the 12th month is the day when taisui returns to heaven, and is the day when taisui is thanked. This ceremony should involved flowers, candles, fruit, tea, longevity gold; thanking Taisui would bring much auspiciousness. 


附 < 恭請太歲星君咒 >:『奉請三星照令符,天上日月來拱應,南斗北斗推五行,晻佛 顯靈勅 真令,八卦祖師其中形,玉旨奉令太歲庚子年,值年虞超星君到此鎮,

The spell for inviting Taisui: 
 I invite the Three Stars to shine on this Warrant; The Sun and Moon in the sky shall lend their influence 拱應, The Southern and Northen Dippers Influence the Five Phases. Om! May the Buddha’s Numinous energy direct this true Warrant, The Masters of the Eight Trigrams take its shape ,Imperially ordaining the Taisiui for the Metal Rat Year, Stellar Worthy Wu Zhao shall come and take his post here,

七星五雷護兩邊 ,六甲神將到宫前,六丁天兵守后營,天官賜福神共降,招財進寳聚當明,弟子一心三拜佛,拜請太歲星君保安寧 ,鎮宅光明人尊敬 ,闔 家平安萬事興,保命護身且 鎮宅,值年太歲降來臨,急急如律令。』 

[ with the] Seven Stars and Five Thunders by his side; The Six Jia Generals before his palace, the Six Ding Heavenly soldiers protect the camp behind. The Officials of heaven and gods that send fortune shall descend together, bringing wealth and letting treasure, so all shall shine. This disciple single-mindedly bows to the Buddha thrice, praying that the Stellar Worthy Taisui shall protect peace and calm, stabilise the house, bring brilliance, and the respect fo men, cover this house with peace, ensure the myriad things flourish, protect life, limb and this swelling. Taisui for this year, Come down! Swiftly! Swiftly! As ordained by the statutes and ordinances!” 

【作太歲福】To make the fortune of Taisui

作太歲福是爲了化解太歲,要注意以下 儀規:
To create Taisui’s fortune is to transform and resolve Taisui. The following rituals must be observed:

[10]供桌:如家內做太歲福,可以買一個新香爐,另以紅紙一張(長條形)書寫當年太歲仙師仙號,然后 想方設法把太歲爺的名符條直立(如用膠水貼在墙壁 上),再在其前方放一張桌子,在太歲前方擺放香爐。因太歲每年不同,每年作太歲福時只須將太歲仙號改爲當年太歲仙號便可以了。 

The altar: If Taisui-fortune is created in the home, one must purchase a new incense burner. One must also take a sheet of red paper, oblong in shape, and write on this the name and title of this year’s Taisui, and then find a method to erect this warrant 符 (as for example, pasting it on a wall). Then place before it a table, and place the incense burner on the table. Because each year’s Taisui is not the same, it is necessary to alter the name of the name of the Taisui [on the warrant] to that of the year.  

Offerings: Before lighting the candles, the table must be laid with offerings. 

供香燭:首先點燃一對紅燭,再燃點三支香(有 條件的可再加三枝長壽香,此香特長特大),手持香 燭恭敬的拜三拜,然后插在香爐上。 

Offerings of candles and incense. First light a pair of red candles, and then light three sticks of incense (If one has the means, one can also add three sticks of “Longevity incense”; these sticks are especially long and large). Holding the incense sticks, one should bow thrice respectfully, and place them on the incense burner. 

祈禱:香燭安插畢,合掌 祈禱: 『某某太歲仙師,弟子某某,今年犯煞星,現向仙師祈福,請保佑今年滯氣盡去,好運隨來,財運亨通,身體健康。』也可用其它吉利話語。 

Praying: After placing the incense on the burner, with hands held together, pray the following “O  <insert here the name of Taisui for the relevant year,>, the  Transcended Master Taisui, Your disciple N.N, who this year has offended a sha-star, presently petitions you for fortune, and prays that this year’s evil luck shall disappear, and good fortune come, that wealth shall come smoothly, that my body be strong”. One can also add other auspicious phrases. 

Burning the Joss paper and clothes: After the sandalwood incense has been half burnt, take the gold and silver paper, as well as the paper clothes in hand, and carrying them, bow before Taisui. Then take them to the Basin of Collected treasures (that is, the basin used to burn the papers) and burn them. Finally, take the cups of wine, and scatter them on the floor. Wait for the incense to finish burning, and then wrap [the remains] in red paper, and place it in the dustbin. This completes the ritual of making Taisui-wealth. 


①、『太歲符』或②、『古玉』或③、『五帝錢』•,每個生肖的人犯太歲可以佩戴 。④ 、三合的飾物來 化解。
Apart from doing the taisui-fortune, to resolve taisui one can also carry the following: (1): A taisui amulet, or (2)Ancient jade (3) Coins of the five emperors. These can be carried by people of whatever zodiac sign that offend Taisui (4) Three-harmonies ornaments that can resolve the evil. 

【觀音借庫】Guanyin opens her stores 

民間流傳年正月二十六日子時至亥時,是『觀音開庫』的時辰。是時觀世音菩薩大開金庫,借錢于民,助民致富。如果大家有投資的打算,或希望 已投資的生意能財源廣進的話,不妨在這一天到觀『借錢』。

It is a folk custom, on the 26th day of the 1st month the hours from Zi to Hai  [i.e. from midnight to 2300H] are the time when Guanyin opens her stores. At this hour, guanyin opens her coffers, and lends money to the people, so they may alter their fortunes. If anyone is resolved to make an investment, or hopes that their business should flourish, they should go to Guanyin to make a loan. 

The offerings for making loans are roughly the same as when making wishes to guanyin or giving thanks to the gods. As for the ritual, the person who undertakes this, can, after lighting the candles, kneel before guanyin and pray for the fulfilment of their wish. Tell guanyin your wish, and in partocular the sum of money you intend to borrow, what use would it be put to, and what sort of offerings can be made as repayment. These should all be done with utmost clarity, sincerity and good faith. Thereafter, burn the joss and clothes. But note, one should not burn all the joss paper, but save a few stacks of the Logevity gold ingots, or Big Gold ingots. After praying, take them home, and place them beside the altar, or else the present year’s place of fortune. 

如果借了觀音錢做生意而發了財的話别忘了在翌年正月二十六日 前回到觀音廟,履行先前許下的諾言。據説如果發了財而不『還神』的話,得到的錢也會很快失去。另去年帶回家的壽金應帶回廟中焚化。 

If, after borrowing money from guanyin, your business flourishes, you must return to the temple on the 26th day of the 1st month of the following year, to fulful your end of the promise. If one does not give thanks after gaining wealth, all your gains will rapidly disappear. One must also bring the Longevity gold that you retained in your house for the last year to the temple and burn it. 

At some guanyin temples when the devotee borrows money, they would cast lots at the temple. The number of the lots will give the amount of money Guanyin lends to the devotee. This also foretells that the amount of money will gained that year will be exceed the amount stated. Of course, the greater the greater the number on the lot would foretell a greater profit gained in the year. 

[11b]【拜車公】Praying to Che Gong=Che Kung—Duke Che. 


很多港人都喜歡拜車公,香港最有名的車公廟便是沙田車公廟,歷經二百多年而香火長盛不衰。這與一段典故有關。傳説二百多年前,沙田各鄉發生瘟疫,鄉民深受其害。后來鄉民得知西貢蚝涌村的車 [12a]公很靈驗,即向蚝涌村的父老要求請車公來消灾解難。

Many Hong Kongers like to pray to Che Kung. The most famous Che Kung temple in Hong kong is in Sha Tim in Sai Kung peninsula, whose incense fires have not dimmed for over two centuries. This temple has a story behind it. Legend states that well over 200 years ago, there was an epidemic in Shat Tim, which harmed many people. The villagers heard that the Che Kung temple in Ho Chung village was very numinous. To that end they requested the elders of Ho Chung to invite Che Kung over to resolve this catastrophe. 


But the elders of Ho Chung village would only consent to send Che Kung’s son; thus the people of Sha Tim had to make do with bringing home Che Kung’s son’s tablets to resolve the disaster. However, it turned out Che Kung’s son had already cultivated the full of  his father’s powers. The plague was dispelled wherever the tablet was carried. The grateful residents of Sha Tim erected a temple, which has been operating ever since, protecting the safety of the villagers. 

所以沙田的車公廟實際是車公的孫兒,而真正的車公是一名大元帥,在西貢地方保護父老,積德行善,深得鄉民愛戴。車公仙游后 被當地鄉民建廟侍奉,紀念其功德,并繼續得到其神靈的護佑。 

Thus, the god worshipped at the Sha Tim Che Kung temple actually is Che Kung’s sons. The real Che Kung was a great marshal, who protected the elders of Sai Kung. He collected virtue and made merit, and was most fervent in his love for, and service to the people. After Che Kung became an immortal, the villagers built a temple to him, to commemorate his good deeds, and also gain his continued numinous protection 

Che Kung temples have a few special ritual objects. Every Che Kung temple has a windmill. By turning the windmill one can blow away the bad luck and evil energy about the body, and indeed, turn one’s luck around. 

【如何拜車公】 How to pray to Che Kung 

People usually pray to Che Kung to turn their luck around, that is, those with good luck pray for even better luck, and those with bad luck pray to turn their bad luck around. But in what way is this to be done? The worshipper must be aware of the following if he is to succeed. 

首先是擇吉日:車公每年都有四個誕日,即正月初二日、三月二十七日、六月初六日及八月十六日,選擇車公誕日拜車公會更爲靈驗。而每年的第一個車公誕便是初春時的正月初二,是全年最佳的拜車公吉日。在這一日拜車公,可令往后的三百六十四日 [13a] 的運程都得 好轉。

First, to select a good day. Che Kung has four feasts every year, that is, the 

2nd day of the 1st month, 27th day of the 3rd month, 6th day of the 6th month, and the 16th day of the 8th month. Praying to Che Kung on these days ensures the best effect. The first che kung festival of the year is always the 2nd day of the 1st month, and is the best day for praying to Che Kung. Praying to Che Kung on thus day ensures smooth fortune for the rest of the year. s  

 如年初曾許願的人願望果然 得償,便要還神了,直至來年正月初二日再拜車公,祈求新的一年運程更加順利、如意。 

For those who make a wish Che Kung at the start of the year have their wishes fulfilled, they must give thanks to the god. [this must be done any time before] the 2nd day of the 1st month of the following year, to pray for another year of fortune and peace. 


Second, turning the windmill. After praying to Che Kung, one must immediately turn the windmill inside the temple (this is usually made of brass). Doing so dissolves the evil energy and replaces it with good luck. Anyone can turn the windmill, so lonh as they are pure [潔净]. If, by chance, women are inconvenienced by their bodies, they must first change the necessary object, clean their hands, and then turn the windmill, or else this will pollute the god

Q: This highly allusionisic passage probably refers to mensural blood. 


Third, inviting the Windmill. To increase the strength of turning around the luck, or allowing the luck to endure for a full year, one can request a windmill from the temple, The temple’s manager主持 also known as an acolyte 廟祝 , would recite sutras before the temple, to “Open the light” of the windmill (“Opening the light” refers to the process of infusing objects with divine power, so the objects hold the power of the gods). Then bring this windmill into a prosperous place in the house, and worship it. This brings about the desired change for the requisite period. 


The last step is to request incense. To add to the strength of the ritual even more, for a fee, one can get a coil of incense, and request the master to hang before the altar of the temple. Underneath the incense write one’s name, or one’s family’s names. This will ensure their peace and prosperity.

Note: These coils of incense are rather long—about a foot in diameter and as thick as a pencil. These are typically hung up from hooks around the rafters of the temples. 

[13b]【拜黄大仙】 Praying to Wong Tai Sin 

【黄大仙的來歷】 The history of Wong Tai Sin 

The gods that Hong Kongers love to pray to the most at the start of the year are Che Kung and Wong Tai Sin. In the South of China, Wong Tai Sin is a celebrated immortal , and has an especially large following in Canton and Hong Kong. Thus, on the hour of the Rat on the 1st day of the year, many devotees compete to be the first to offer a stick of incense to Wong Tai sin. s

1915年,梁仁庵道長自西樵普慶祖壇接奉黄大仙仙師實像來港,至1921年四月,梁仁庵道長得仙師乩示,在九龍竹園覓得吉地建造了第一座黄大仙廟, 并以其靈驗之盛譽、慈善之大德深得港人敬仰,旅成爲港人祭拜黄大仙祈福的首選。 

in 1915, Daoist master Liang Renyan of Mt.Xiqiao, in a celebration of the ancestral temple, carried Master Wong Tai Sin to Hong Kong, and in the 4th month of 1921, Master Liang, through planchette writing, was directed an auspicious site in Chuk Yuen, Kowloon, where he built the first Wong Tai Sin temple. It soon became famous for its powers. Its compassionate virtues gained the admiration of Hong Kong, fixing Wong Tai Sin as the first choice in praying for fortune in Hong Kong. 

原來黄大仙是確有其人,其真實姓名叫黄初平,東漢丹豁人。相傳黄初平在年幼時,家境貧困,十五歲那年在山上牧羊,遇見一名道士,道士見其頗具仙風道骨,便將黄初平帶到金華山修道練法 。

Wong Tai Sin was a real person. His real name was [Wang Chuping[, and was a [....] person of the Eastern Han. When he was young, his family was poor. At 15 he went into the mountains to be a goatherd. There he met a Daoist master. The master saw the “Bones of an immortal” and brought him to Jinhua muntain to practise the Dao. 

[14a] 黄初平有個哥哥叫黄初起,在弟弟失踪后便四處尋找,顛簸了四十多年才找到黄初平。當黄初起第一眼看見弟弟時嚇了 一跳,原來此時的黄初平已脱胎换 [14b]骨 ,得 道成仙 ,四十多年風霜却容顔未改。

Wang Chuping had an elder brother, Wang Chuji. After his sibling had went missing, Wang Chuping went looking for him. After wandering about for over forty years, he finally found him. When he first saw his younger brother, he was shocked: evidently in all this time, Wang Chuping had changed his bones, attained the Way and became an immortal! [What’s more,] Forty winters had not changed Chuping’s appearance one bit. 

哥哥問道: 『你當年放牧的羊群去了哪里?』黄初平回答説:『在這山的東面。』哥哥跑去看到的却是一堆白石,哪有羊的踪影,一氣之下便破口大咒。不料駡聲剛起那些石頭便全都變成了白羊,何止千萬。 

His brother asked him “Where did those flocks of sheep go to” Wang Chuping replied “There, on the east of the mountain”. Rushing over to the site, he only saw a pile of stones, with nary a sheep in sight. He began to curse and swear, but no sooner than that, those stones suddenly became a flock of white sheep. [何止千萬]

拜黄大仙要注意什么? What must be noted when Praying to Wong Tai Sin? 

一、 争供頭柱香。拜黄大仙已成香港的風俗,尤其是在大年初一早上的頭炷香格外受港人追崇,傳聞誰要供得此第一柱香并得許願,便可逢凶化吉,好運自來。不過平日里也都有不少善信到黄大仙廟祈福轉運。
First, competing to be place the first incense: Praying to Wong Tai Sin is already a Hong Kong tradtion. Competing to be the first to place incense on the first day of the year has become a goal for many Hong kongers. It is said that those who make a wish after being the first to offer incense, will have their adversity transformed into fortune, and good luck come naturally. However, even on ordinary days many p[eople would go to Wong Tai Sin’s temple to pray for their luck to turn around. 

二、 向黄大仙許願。同拜車公轉運一樣,拜黄大仙最緊要是許願,如希望家人平安、萬事如意、財源廣進;家人有病希望快些痊愈、快些轉運等等。 

Second, making wishes before Wong Tai Sin. Like Che Kung, praying to Wong Tai Sin mostly revolves around maing wishes, for example, praying for safety, that all things shall go according to plan, for money luck, for the recovery of a relative and turning luck around. 

三、 行善積德。黄大仙祠門内有兩只錢箱,是用來做善事的。廣大信衆入廟拜神,不要忘做點善事! 

Third, performing acts of merit. The two large donation boxes before Wong Tai Sin’s temple are for perfoming acts of charity. When you go to the temple, do not forget to do some act of charity! 


Fourth, seeking the lots from Wong Dai Sin. It is said that the lots of Wong Tai Sin are very numinous. Most, when praying to Wong Tai Sin would seek a lot, which can be interpreted by an expert in the vicinity of the temple. Thus may one’s fortunes and misfortunes can be known.

【入廟拜神應注意什么?】 What should be noted when entering Temples? 

In most temples, in addition to a primary god, there are also a great many incesns burners dedicated to related deities, such as the gods of Fortune and Virtue, Heaven and Earth, The Door gods etc. To enter the temple to pray is a holy thing; there are rules to be followed

First: one must offer incense as a mark of respect. As the proverb goes “When entering a temple, pray to the gods, when entering a house, greet its owner”. This [practise] comes from the respect that the gods are due. Offering incense when entering the temple is a must; it can be likened to greeting the gods. 


By and large, one should offer three large sticks of incense to the main altar, along with three or five sticks of thinner incense. Incense must also be offered  individualy to the other gods of the temple, placing three sticks in each incense burner. Only when incense has been offered to all the gods in the temple, can this requirement be said to be satisfied. 

通常先將供品放上,然后才供香。若果在廟宇鼎盛 [15b]的日子拜神,香爐的香太多的話,可將供品放在地 上(若果拜桌有空位便要放上拜桌),然后在前方放一個生果,在生果上方插香,鞠躬祈福,向神靈祈求家人平安、財運亨通、子女讀書聰明伶俐、姻緣得聯等等。這是因地方緊迫而迫不得已之法,神靈是不會見怪的。 

Most commonly, offerings [to the gods] should be displayed before the incense is offered. If one prays on days where the temple is particularly crowded, and there is not enough space in the incense burner, one can place the offerings on the floor (N.B. If there is still space on the main offering table, the offerings must be placed there!), place a single fruit on the offering table, and stick the incense in it. Bow and pray for fortune; petition the gods for one’s family’s saftey, for wealth, that one’s children be smart, for a spouse etc etc. Note that this method [of using fruit to hold incense] is adopted because of the exceptional circumstances; the gods will not find it odd. 

二、 是供品禮敬。許願求簽,都一定要具供品,這也是表示對神靈的尊重和禮貌。供品大小由心,只要心誠意篤,你可以托一只金猪或三牲酒禮,即便是帶五個生果、一碟齋菜作供品,神靈一樣接納。 

Second; Offerings. When praying for a wish or drawing lot-oracles, one must use offerings. This is etiquette, as well as a symbol of respect for the gods. The offering can be large or small, so long as it is done sincerely. One can use a whole pig, or three kinds of meat and wine, or even five fruits or a plate of vegetables: the gods will accept all of them the same. 

三、 是供祭求簽 。有些 人拜黄大仙主要是想求簽,便可供祭后向廟祝借一簽筒(通常善男信女都會捐些香油錢,或入廟前看一些攤檔可有簽筒賣,有則可以購備自用)求簽。 

Third: Consultung the lot-oracle [after] sacrificing. Some pray to Wong Tai Sin for the purpose of seeking a lot. This can be done once you have finished sacrificing. You can borrow a Lot-container from the temple. (Most often, devotees would place some money into the donation box [after doing so], or else purchase one such container from a shop outside the temple. Others bring their own) to consult the lot-oracle

四、 是供奉祭拜。由于前往黄大仙祠拜神的人特别多,尤其是年初歲尾,求簽許願、還神祈福,常常人頭涌涌。所以就算你帶備很多供品,亦未必有地方擺放。鑒于此,一些善信可恭請黄大仙聖像回家[16] 供奉,這樣在祭祀方面限制便少,在供奉物品方面,則可以更豐富如意。 

Fourth: Regarding offerings. Sometimes, there is a large amount of worshippers at Wong Tai Sin’s temple. this often occurs at the beginning and end of the year, where many seek lots, pray for wishes, give thanks pray for fortune in droves. Thus even if you have brought a great amount of offerings, there would be no place to put them. Hence, some devotes would bring an image of Wong Tai Sin back home, and sacrifice to him there. This would mean one is no longer any restriction on the amount of offerings given, and hence gain even more good luck. 

【求簽的關要?】 How does one consult the lot oracle? 

Note: This section refers to a kind of lot-oracle. The oracle consists of 100 “Lots”; short predictive statements. You consult the oracle by shaking, at an angle a cylinder with 100 numbered slats of bamboo in it before the oracle’s patron deity.  At length, one slat will fall from the cylinder, which is taken to be the god’s answer to your question. 

A similar process is done in Japan, which has a more efficient procedure: The cylinder is closed at both ends, with the exception of a small hole in one end. The cylinder is rotated, inverted, and only one slat drops out. 

The process mentioned in paragraph 6, Jiaobei is a simple method of answering yes or no questions. Jiaobei blocks are crescent-shaped wooden blocks, with one curved side and one flat side. They are cast to the ground before the god’s image. If they fall with one curved side up, and the other curved side down, it is reckoned as a yes. The process can also be done using coins. 


Seeking lots is one method of gaining foreknowledge that is practised by believers.  There are other methods, such as Planchette writing, Asking Rice and Character analysis, but Lot-oracles are the most commonly practised method. 


Many temples provide oracles, such as Guanyin temples, Buddha temples, Guandi temples, Ancestor Lu temples, Che Kung temples, Wong Tai Sin temples, Tianhou temples, [God of earth] temples etc.  


Apart from preparing the equipment and the offerings, the following points must be noted. 

一、 『心誠則靈』,求簽時務求虔誠,否則簽是不靈的。
First, “Only with sincerity would it work”. One must be sincere when one consults the lot oracle; else it would not provide an accurate answer

二、 求簽時要以至誠之心、至善之意在神靈面前心中想或口中頌念着希望求知的事情。
Second, when consulting  the oracle, one must, with sincere intent and good faith, concentrate on, or say out loud what you wish to know.

三、 所求問之事要清楚明白,一支簽只可以問一 件事情,欲知第二件事情,必須再求多一支簽。 

Third, your question must be sincere. One lot can only be used to answer one question. If you have more than one question, you must draw another lot. 

[16b]四、 簽中一般以一號簽碼爲最吉刺。如 果求封 最好的簽,有的善信會放一封利是到簽筒内,當缺利是封時,也可以隨意裝入現錢,亦作利是論。
Fourth: By and large, the most auspicious lot is the one numbered 1. If one draws a good lot, some devotees would place a small sum of money in the container. When that is lacking, one can place any amount of cash in its stead. 

五、 當簽筒跌出兩支或以上的簽時,便要重新求簽。爲了避免這種情况,求簽時摇動簽筒不可太用力,均勻地摇動簽筒便可。 

Fifth, Should two sticks fall from the container, one must seek a new lot. To prevent this from happening, one should not shake the container with excessive force; a gentle rocking is sufficient. 

六、 當從簽筒摇出一支簽時,如不敢肯定此簽是否正確答復所求知的事情時,便要問杯了,只要求得聖杯,那簽便是准確的。
Sixth: If one is doubtful if the lot one draws provides the correct answer, one shall use the Jiaobei. If a “Holy” bei is produced, then it is accurate. 

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