Thursday, 17 September 2020

A Chinese ritual guide from the "Hall of Collected treasures" almanac : Part 2

  This is a translation of a ritual guide from the "Hall of Collected treasures" 聚寶樓, Ju bao lou almanac, published in Guangdong.廣東省江門土産進出口有限公司出品 .

This ritual guide provides a fairly detailed overview of aspects of Chinese ritual culture. The guide in its original form is 16 pages long, each page split into two rows, one above the other

In the following translation,  these breaks have been noted; the top row will be called A, and the bottom row, row B. So, [2A] refers to the top row of page 2 etc. 

To make this translation more useable, I have split it into three parts, viz:

1) Making wishes and thanking the gods 
2) Rituals of the new year <This one> 
3) Worshipping specific gods. 

In this section, are found the instructions for several rituals carried out immediately before Chinese New Year, and shortly after it. We find the homely ritual of Thanking the stove [in which a god is basically bribed!] , the ritual spring-clean before new year, and finally re-opening shops on an auspicious day. 

【謝灶】Thanking the Stove. 

【謝灶習俗的由來】The origins of Thanking the Stove 

In China, a home has a great many deities; The doors have door gods, a house has a house- gods, the stove has a stove god. Each of them looks after their respective objects, year after year protecting each and every family’s peace, prosperity and harmony 

傳説『灶神』便是受玉帝指派監管 人間, [4b] 記録每户人家一年之善惡諸事的神仙,每年 初四下凡,臘月二十四日則回天庭述職,將每户人家的事如實地向玉帝報告,以定賞罰和來年運程。
The legends state that the Stove God is assigned by the Jade Emperor to manage the affairs of men. He is the god in charge of recording each and every family’s affairs. He descends to earth on the Fourth day of the [first month], and returns to heaven on the 24th day of the 12th month to make his report on all the things every family has done; from thence the rewards and punishments for the next year are determined. 

各家各户爲了恭送『灶神』上天述職,感謝一年來『灶神』 的庇護,更爲了讓『灶神』能在玉帝面前多説好話,求得一個來年好運, 

Each family sends off the Stove god to make a report, to thank the stove god’s protection for the year, and more importantly, so as to make sure the stove god may say good things before the Jade Emperor, [petitioning Him] to give the family a year of good fortune, 

便在臘月二十三日晚上『灶神』 起身上天時舉行『祭灶送神』、正月初四時舉行『迎接灶神』儀式。這便是謝灶習俗的 由來。
Thus, on the night of the 23rd day of the 12th month, when the stove god ascends to heaven people  “Sacrifice to the stove and Sending off the god”, and on the 4th day of the 1st month, they “Welcoming back the stove god”. This is the origin of thanking the stove, 

【應擇吉日謝灶】 Selecting an auspicious date for thanking the stove 


Beause the Stove God ascends to the court of Heaven on the 24th day of the 12th month, the ritual must be done before that date. However, it should not be be before the 14th day of the 12th month, 

不論哪天謝灶,都需是吉日、吉時。《易經》 中説: 『吉凶悔咎生乎動。』也就是説吉凶是受時辰影響的, 在吉時謝灶則令宅運轉吉,在凶時謝灶,則會使宅運轉凶。

No matter what day is selected for thanking the stove, it must be an auspicious day, at an auspicious time. The Book of Changes states “Fortune and misfortune, regret and misfortune all spring from action”, in other words, whether something is auspicious or not depends on the time. Sacrificing to the stove on an auspicious time would bring good luck to the home, sacrificing on an inauspicious time would alsi make your luck turn for the worse. 

As for selecting an auspicious day, The Ju Bao Lou almanac has an extremely accurate record of the auspicious dates; Just find a day that is auspicious for “Sacrifices and praying for fortune”. Alternately, the best days are one where there is Heaven /Month Virtue, or Heaven /Month Virtue and Harmony, Three Harmonies, Heaven’s joy or other such days with auspicious stars on the,  

[5a]【謝灶的供品有何講究?】What things should be prepared for Thanking the Stove?

The offerings for thanking the stove can be divided into incense, candles and food.

As for incense and candles, three sticks of longevity incense (if the incense burner is small it is not necessary to use them), Three sticks of Sandalwood incense, Two red candles, and one set of Stove God joss paper. 

食物類必備湯丸(相傳灶君吃了湯丸后,口齒不伶例,便不能在玉帝面前打小報告)、生果五個(可用橙果或蘋果)、糖(如黄砂糖、麥芽糖。糖的作用是爲了封住灶君的口,請他别將壞事報告天帝;也有一説:糖能甜口,灶神吃了糖便專説『甜言蜜語』了) ;
as for the food, you must prepare Tangyuan ( The idea being that after the stove god eats the Tangyuan his mouth will not be fluent (口齒不伶例), and hence he will not be able to inform on you before the jade emperor) , five fruits( oranges or apples can be used) , sweets (such as brown sugar or  maltose. The purpose of the sweets is to seal the mouth of the Stove god, to persuade him not to tell the sins of the family to the Emperor of Heaven; alternately the sugar “sweetens him up”, so that he may tell “sweet words” to the Emperor) 


Apart from this, some vegetarian dishes, roast meat, Wine and tea (each three cups) along with three bowls and three sets of chopsticks can be added. With that, the offerings for the Stove god can be considered to be complete. 

【謝灶的儀式有何規範?】How should the ceremony of thanking the stove be done?

行謝灶儀式的關鍵當然還是心誠意善,不貪不疑,更不可生賄賂『灶神』之心。在此前提下按以下規範舉行謝灶 儀式:
When thanking the stove, one must be sincere and conduct the ritual in good faith; do not be greedy or doubtful, and you certainty should not try to bribe the stove god. 

Comment: perhaps for 賄賂 (bribe) should be meant “unduly influence”; as you. Either that or feeding him sweet food does not count as bribery or undue influence. 

What follows is an outline of the ritual.

1) First display the food offerings and joss paper (They are usually displayed before the Stove god) 

二、燃點紅燭拜三拜再插在香 爐上;
2) Light the red candles, and [bow] thrice, and then place them on the incense burner

Comment: The Chinese candles used are mounted on long bamboo skewers, and hence may be stuck on the incense burner 

三、 燃點長壽香或檀香,拜三拜再插在香 爐上; 

3) Then light the longevity incense and/or sandalwood incense, then bow thrice and place them on the incense burner. 

四、 合掌祈禱。首先要感謝灶神一年來的辛勞和護佑,再祈求灶神保佑來年健康長壽、生意興隆,也可懇求灶神不要在玉帝面前説自己的壞話;此時應誠心懺悔自己的過錯或罪孽,切不可心存僥幸。
4) Holding the palms together, and pray. First thank the stove god for his hard work through the year and his protection, then pray to the stove god for peace and harmony for the coming year, that your business may flourish; alternately you can beseech him not to tell the Jade emperor any bad things about you. at this time, sincerely repent one’s sins; do not try your luck by withholding information. 

五、 在爐灶上撒少許糖,可用麥芽糖,相傳用麥芽糖效果較好,或在爐灶上擺顆湯丸來代替糖(只要過幾天,便可將這些食品清 理);
5) Then scatter the sweets on top of the stove; you can use maltose—tradtion states that this is the most effective—or on he stove one can place some tangyuan as a substitute (After a few days, these foodstuffs can be cleared away)

六、 將金銀衣紙焚化。焚化衣紙時不一定非要在厨房内舉行,現代城市里很多住宅的厨房都比較細小,不便明火焚化,所以這項工作搬出門外也可以。 

6) Burn the joss paper and the paper clothes. You do not necessarily need to do this in the kitchen, as most city kitchens are rather small, and wholly unsuitable for open flames. Thus in such cases, the operation can be done outside

【年晚大掃除】 The Big Spring clean. 

中國人每到年近歲晚,家家户户便會全家動員大 [6a]掃除,洗、擦、抹、掃、撣,把家中里里外外、上上下下都打掃的潔净明亮,整理的整整齊齊,令家里焕然一新。其意頭是除舊迎新,掃除一年來所積陳垢穢氣,在新的一年有更新、更美好的開始。 

Near the end of each year, Each and every Chinese family would gather together for a great cleaning, washing, rubbing, mopping, cleaning and dusting the whole house, in and out, up and down till it is bright and clean; making everything nice and neat, to make the whole house renewed. This symbolises getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, sweeping away the bad energy accumulated over the previous year, renewing everything and giving it a good start. s

The big cleaning does not necessarily have to occur on the 28th of the year (i.e. the 28th day of the 12th Chinese month), you can select any day that is auspicious for cleaning, for example a Rid day. The Ju Bao Lou almanac details such days on the front page. To clean, it is best to rid dirt: that would ensure an efficient cleanup. 

Apart from the big clean, many would replace their old and worn out appliances or furniture. As such, when purchasing new appliances, they should be purchased on an auspicious day, so as to make them more durable, and less liable to break down. Auspicious days for purchasing such goods can be found in the Ju Bao Lou almanac. Find days that are listed as auspicious for trade, a Complete day, or else a day that has a Heaven Virtue or Month Virtue star. 


【清洗神像】Cleaning the icons of deities. 

家中供奉有神佛聖像的家庭,大掃除時必定要清 [6b]洗神像。清洗神像是一項莊嚴而神聖的工作,切不可隨意擦拭了事。那么清洗神像要注意些什么呢? 

For those families who have icons of deities, amongst the things that have to be done in the big cleaning is the cleaning of the icons of deities. This is a most solemn and sacred duty; it must not be done by casually mopping the images. Thus, what should we look out for when we clean the images of deities?  

One must first consecrate the water—akin to consecrating icons. Normally people from the South would use green pomelo leaves, or Huang Pi leaves (Clausena lansium) to consecrate the as such leaves are capable of expelling evil. People form the north would prefer to use chrysanthemums to consecrate the water, as such flowers are noble, aloof, fragrant and medicinal. In truth, one does not need to use chrysanthemums exclusively; the best is to use seven-coloured petals, or seven types of flowers, or alternatively, three or five colour or kinds of flower—but even numbers [of types] should not be used. As for the colour, there is no strict requirement, but the best is that they be white, blue, red, etc. 

然后誠心祈禱 ,向神佛告知清洗之事。 

Then, sincerely pray to the gods, to inform them that the cleaning is to commence,  


When cleaning the icon, one must use clean tools; it is best to use a new basin and towel. One must carefully wipe the image, so as to make the body of the icon brilliant. If one notices damage to the icon, one consult a ritual expert for the appropriate action. When cleaning be careful not to wipe away the sigils [Fu] drawn on when the image was first consecrated; else find a master to re-consecrate the image. Hence one must not do this carelessly.

【接財神】 Welcoming the god of wealth 


The first day of the year is the day when people “Welcome the God of wealth”. Tradition states that in the past, small children would write the words “God of Wealth” onto a piece of red paper, and on the last day of the year, till midnight, they would go from door to door, sending the god of wealth [to each family]; the head of the family would bring them in, and after that give the children a small amount of money,


This is the oldest form of the custom of bringing in the god of wealth. Nowadays, people consider this to be a form of praying for fortune, and usually do that on the first day of the year 



Welcominng the god of wealth is not too complicated, The most important thing is to check for the direction for the god of wealth at that day, and the rtime for welcoming in the god of wealth, and at that time set up an altar to sacrifice, put up offerings, and light incense to welcome him in. The offerings used can be the Three Sacrifices, and wine. 

《聚寳樓》通勝歷書中的春節一欄(即正月初一日)爲人 們列出了財神准確的方位和吉祥時辰,信衆可依此安排儀式,定可接到財神,保佑來年財運亨通,財源廣進,生意興隆。 

On the entry for New Year’s day, the Bao Lou almanac lists the correct directions and times for welcoming the god of wealth; in this manner believers may arrange the sacrifice and welcome the god of wealth, thereby ensuring a steady supply of luck,wealth and business for the following year. 

[8]【擇吉開年】  Selecting an auspicious opening 

民間習慣年初一接財神后,在年初二拜神『開年』,又叫做 『頭禡』。有些風俗專取年初二凌晨零一分至一時正(早子)來做。而做生意的人多是擇取好時辰來進行。
After welcoming in the god of wealth on the first day of the year, on the second day of the year they usually pray to the gods to “Open the year”, a practise also called “Head Ma”. In some places they do this starting from the stroke of midnight on the second day, till 1 AM (i.e. the early Zi hour). Business people do this on the most [auspicious] hour of the day. 

人們『拜神』開年時,祭品多用鯉魚(取年年有余的意頭,也寓意『鯉魚跳龍門』,可保開年后一年吉祥如意)、生菜(意爲生意興隆、生財有道)、葱 (有聰明 之意) ,而燒 肉或鷄、生果等則是必備之供品,有些地方的習俗還有用湯丸做開年拜神供品的, 是取團圓、圓滿之意。
When people Pray to the gods to open the year, the sacrifices often involve Carp (which, [being a fish, Yu ], symbolises abundance [Yu]for the year, and also symbolises “The Carp jumping the Dragon gate”, a wish that the coming year is auspicious, and all things go to plan) raw vegetables, (symbolising flourishing business, and wealth). Leeks[cong],  ( symbolising intelligence [congming] ). Roast meat or duck, raw vegetables are necessary items. In some areas people use tangyuan to pray to the gods, signifying unity [Tuanyuan,] and completion 

Comment: this is a small segment of the Chinese custom of using puns for auspicious objects.   

When Doing the Head Ma, people would arrange for their families to eat breakfast together on the Zi hour of the 2nd day. However, it is necessary for all offerings to be cooked, and pray to the gods before eating. 

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