Saturday, 18 July 2020

A Chinese ritual guide

A Chinese Ritual guide –
UPDATE: 17th July 2022-- Parts that had been accidentally left untranslated are now translated. 

The present ritual guide is taken from "The Chinese People's Calendar" 中國民歷,
 Almanac, pub’d by the Starlite book co.新竹林出版社. This ritual guide is broadly divided into two sections, viz, how to position an altar, how to worship the gods, and the rituals for visiting an ancetsral tomb. 

It is hoped that this will prove to be an as it is an interesting compendium of chinese ritual, and custom. 

The original scans are shown below:

安神位的方法How to position an altar.

一、注意事項— Things to take note of.

1.     選日子—— 看主事者的生肖還有安香日。
1. Selecting a date. The person who performs the ritual should see if there are any auspicious dates for for those born under their sign.
2.     看防位—— 取今年大利的方向。若無大利之方向位置時,可用浮爐。「浮爐」乃爐下放一盤子是也。
2. Selecting a location – Select the present year’s “Great Auspicious” direction. If there is no “great auspicious” direction to position the altar, then you can use a “floating Incense-burner”. This refers to placing a plate below [the altar’s] incense burner
3.     準備——選五種水果(忌用番茄和番石榴)。有祖先用三牲。 並準備湯圓,發粿(俗稱發貴)、清茶、鮮花。供湯圓取其團圓之意;拜神明以茶杯盛之,拜公媽以碗盛之。供發粿取其富貴即俗云「發貴」,神位安好後,發粿宜放置神桌三天。
Preparations – Select 5 types of fruit (but do not use tomatoes and/or guavas). If Ancestors [are to be placed at the altar] then use the Three Sacrificial Animals . In turn, Tangyuan should be prepared, as well as Fa Gao (Commonly Called Fa Gui), clear tea and fresh flowers. Offerings of tangyuan symbolize completeness and wholeness. When praying to the Gods, the tea should be placed in teacups; when praying for ancestors, the tea should be in bowls. Offerings of Fagao signify Prosperity, hence it is commonly called Fa Gui—Prospering and riches. Once the altar has been positioned, the Fagao should be left there for 3 days.

Note: the Fagao and Fagui refer to a kind of spongy, but dense cake made from yeast. It is called Huat Koe in Hokkien, which is incidentally almost a homophone to  the words 發貴- “prosper & nobility”
4.     備香爐——最好用磁爐,再則用銅爐,最忌用大理石爐。
Preparing the incense burner— It is best to use a porcelain burner; the next best is a brass burner. On no account should a marble incense burner be used.

二、安置位置及注意事項。Things that should be noted when positioning the altar. 

1.     用文公尺,取財頭本尾,由地上量取起,至適合高度,取其吉字安置。Use Use Duke Wen’s Ruler to discover the roots of wealth and resources 取財頭本尾. Start measuring from the ground, to a suitable height. Select a measurement that is against  an auspicious word to place the altar.
Note; The ruler in question refers to a literal ruler, where at the various markings are placed words, eg. “prosper” “windfall” , “death” etc. The word on which the altar’s height falls on the ruler tells you the consequences of placing the altar at that height.

2.     神桌對面牘 (木門片)之距離,最好超過神桌高度的兩倍半。
If there is any door opposite the altar, its distance ought to be two and a half times the altar’s height.
3.     左右也要注意,左青龍右白虎,語謂「迫虎傷人」故虎邊不可太迫,由左邊量青龍邊有吉字即可。
The left and right must also be noted. The left represents the Green Dragon; the right the White tiger. the saying goes "The shoved tiger hurts people", thus the side of the white tiger should not be too crowded 迫. Auspicious words on the Green dragon side are OK.

Comment: The word 迫 can mean both 'nudged' or 'crowded' in Cantonese. The bit about 'auspicious words on the green dragon' probably refer to pasting auspicious couplets on that side, but as far as I have seen couplets are pasted on both sides of the altar. 

4.     在釘神位案前,牆壁先用刈金清淨。 Before nailing down the altar, the wall should be cleaned with Yi Jin刈金 Joss paper.
5.     先安神位,後安祖先靈位。安置神位錯誤不利家中男,安置祖先牌位不好,家中女性不順。 The Gods should be positioned before the ancestral tablet. If the Gods are positioned wrongly, it bodes evil for the family’s males; if the ancestral tablet is badly placed, the women would not prosper.
6.     墊香爐的紙錢,神明用壽金,祖先用刈金。
The Joss-paper that placed under the incense-burner should be “Longevity gold”  joss paper for the gods, and Yi Jin  for the ancestors.
7.     壽金、大壽金、刈金、土地公金是安置神位所須準備的紙錢
Longevity gold, Yi jin, and God of Earth’s gold must be prepared when positioning an altar.
8.     神案前的日光燈最好平行。神案不可高過門檻,謂之「街劍」主凶。
It is best for the The fluorescent lamps before the [altar]  to be of the straight type
平行. The altar should not be higher than the doorstep; this is called the “Street sword” , and is inauspicious.
Comment: This seems extremely unlikely, or an error; if the instructions are believed  literally , then the altar will be almost at floor level, which is never done for any altar, save that of the gods of the earth. 

9.     神案正對面之景觀不可正對電線桿、屋角、柱子合一切礙眼之物。
The table of the gods should not face any utility pole, the corner of a building, a column or anything else that is not pleasing to the eye.

三、神位安置順序。 The procedure of positioning the Altar
1.     高度確定後 after setting the height of the altar
(1)            刈金清淨牆壁 clean the walls with yi jin
(2)            釘架子 nail up the rack
(3)            安神像圖片position the sculpture or picture of the god
(4)            神燈 [position the] Divine lamp
(5)            燭台[position the] candlesticks
(6)            鮮花[position the] fresh flowers
(7)            香爐用壽金過火置寶 Using Longevity Gold, pass the fire over the incense burner, and position “treasures” inside it
Note: The treasures refer to metals. The "Five treasures" are, Gold, Silver, Iron, Bronze and Tin.  Some add to this iron nails an coins, bringing up the number to seven. 
(8)            點三柱香、敬盞及清茶. Light 3 sticks of incense, and offer the bowls [of] tea
(9)            五果 [offer the] Five Fruits
(10)          三杯湯圓紜 [offer the] three cups of Tangyuan
(11)          發粿 [Offer the] Fa gao
2.     爐面高度最好到佛像肚臍最適合。若不夠高, 下面墊壽金。第一張不可用,讓後用紅紙包好,在墊在上面。 It is best for the height of the incense burner should be level with the Buddha Statue’s navel. If It is not high enough, then place Longevity-gold underneath it. Do not use the first sheet of longevity gold; wrap the rest in red paper, and place it under the incense burner.
3.     爐內置寶,用二元銅板三杖。正反正,也可放十二寶或五寶(金銀銅鐵錫。祖先爐不可放寶。For the “treasures” placed inside the incens burner, use three two-dollar coins, [placing them] Heads, tails, Heads. Alternately you can place the Twelve Treasures, or the Five treasures (gold, silver, copper, iron and tin). Incense burners for the ancestors
4.     一切準備妥當後,雙手過爐,口中喊 進進進第三聲時吧神像固定。
After everything is prepared, with the two hands over the burner, shout “Enter! Enter! Enter”, on the third ‘enter’, firm the position of the statue of the God.
5.     神像須選擇吉日開光,開光所有的鏡子合筆要固定神像旁。
An anspicious date must be selected for the statue’s consecration. The mirrors and brushes used for consecrating must also be placed beside the staute of the god.

四、祖先牌位安置次序 The steps in positioning the ancestral tablet.
1.     1   Lamps
。放妥祖先牌位The ancestral tablet
3. 燭台 Candles
4. 敬盞 The dishes
5. 三牲。The three sacrifices
6. 由內而外. The above are [placed in order] from innermost to the outermost.
2.     祖先牌位不可高遇神像,勿置於神爐前, 因屬陰宜低宜退
the ancestral tablet should not be higher than the statue of the gods, and should not be placed before the ancestral altar. It is Yin , and thus should be placed lower, and behind the gods.
3.     若有兩姓牌位,主姓在左邊,隔姓在右邊,再用七寸紅絲線隔於香爐中。
If there are the ancestral tablets of two surnames [i.e through marriage], place the Main surname on the left, and the secondary surname on the right, and then use seven inches of red silk thread to separate the incense burner [into two halves]
4.     祭祖時看祖先有幾位置幾副碗筷,不可太多。
When praying to the ancestors, place as many sets of chopsticks and bowls as there are ancestors, and not more,
5.     神桌上不可放剪刀及藥瓶,及其他雜物。
On no account should scissors, medicine bottles and any other kind of miscellenaous object be palced on the divine table.

6.     全部安好後每人點七柱香口中唸:伏以農曆某年某月某日,吉時良辰,安神位大吉昌,佛光普照,鎮宅光明,保佑合家平安,萬事如意,身體健康,貴人相助,財源滾滾,全家事業成功,鴻圖大展。保佑家庭幸福,子女優秀,吉日良辰,唸畢。默禱許願一分鐘。
Once everything is done,  everyone should light seven sticks of incense, and say Be it known that,  In the __ day of the __ month in the __ year of the Lunar Calendar, in this auspicious hour and time, that the gods are positioned [to bring] fortune and flourishing, the Buddhas and buddhistavas shall send their brilliance, that the house shall be secured and brilliant, that the family shall be protected and at peace, that all things shall go as wished for, that health be bestowed, that noble persons shall offer assistance, that wealth come in floods, that the buisnesses of all the family prosper, that all their plans come to fruition
鴻圖大展. Protect this family’s fortunes, make our children excel; on this auspicious hour and time so mote it be” After that, pray silently for a minute.
Note: The words translated as "So mote it be" 唸畢, literally translate to as "Here ends the recitation".
7.     香遇三分之二後開始燒紙錢,依大壽金、壽金、刈金、土地公金順序燒之。Once two thirds of the incense has been burnt, start burning the joss paper; namely the Great Longevity gold, the longevity gold, the Yi jin , and the God of Earth’s gold, in that order.

8.     安神位之日黃昏時宜拜地墓主。順序如下. On the evening of the positioning of the altar, a sacrifice to the god of earth should be performed as follows.
1.     便菜飯. Offer rice,
2.     酒三杯 3 cups of wine
3.     紅燭, red candles
4.     碗筷, chopsticks
5.     湯匙, spoon
紙錢用銀紙、毛巾。拜於廚房,面向客廳,座子不要太高。For the joss paper, use silver paper, and towels [?]. Pray in the kitchen, facing the hall. The chairs should not be too tall.
9.     神位每妥之後,三天內香燭不斷。Once the gods have been positioned, offer incense continuously[?]  for the first three days.
10.  每年農曆十二月十四日送神,可以清爐等。On the 14th day of the 12th lunar month, is the day for the sending-off of the gods. On this day, the incense burner etc. can be cleaned.
11.  若搬家時,祖先牌位用「謝籃子」下鋪刈金,擇「出火日」,最好零點至五點前移出,切記勿為陽光直接照射。
When moving house, the ancestral tablet should be placed inside a “Thanksgiving basket” 謝籃子 [a trad’l Chinese wicker basket], whose bottom is lined with yi jin. Select a day for "Moving fire" . It is best for the tablet to be moved between midnight and 5 in the morning. On no account should the tablet be exposed to direct sunlight

p. 73: 祭祀禮儀. The Sacrifice.
Sacrifices are the embodiment  of the interaction between humans and gods. Its purposes are first, to pay respects to the gods, and secondly, to ask favours  of the gods. By “respecting the gods” is meant to pay homage to the virtue and good works of the worthies and ancestors in heaven. On an individual level, the supplicant wishes for disasters  to be eliminated, and fortune to come, to wish for prosperity and long life. On a social level, the supplicants wish for wind and rain to come at their proper times, and for the environment to be safe and secure.

祭祀 必有其禮儀。禮儀,必有其方式。其內容與方式,大致如下:
In every sacrifice there must be ceremonies; every ceremony has a fixed method. The actions and methods used for the sacrifice, in outline are:
1.     神前列擺列牲握祭品。Arrange the foods and offerings before the gods.
2.     燃點神案蠟燭, Light the candles by the God’s table/
3.     神前獻茶三杯。Place three cups of tea before the god,
4.     焚香迎神。Burn incense to welcome the god,
5.     敬酌第一次酒。Pour the first cup of wine. 
6.     擲杯茭以問神明之降臨。Cast the Moon-Blocks (Jiaobei) to ask if the gods have arrived.
7.     神明既降,進第二次酒。Once the gods have arrived, pour the second round of wine.
8.     有祈禱於神明者,擲杯茭以問神明之諾否。If requesting something from the gods, cast the Jiaobei to ask if they consent to it or not.
9.     雙手捧持冥紙,燃放爆竹。
Using both hands, offer the Joss paper, and set off the firecrackers.
[Ed. I preseume this refers to holding the stacks of joss paper, and lifting them briefly upwards to the gods, as an offering. The implied next step is to burn the joss paper.
10.  進第三次酒。Pour the third round of wine.
11.  擲杯茭,問神明己否餐畢。Throw the jiaobei, to see if the gods have finished eating or not.
12.  持酒潑灑冥紙灰燼,以防紙灰飛散。
Take the wine and scatter it on the ashes of the Joss paper, to prevent its ashes from flying about.

禮儀中,有五項須略加說明:In the ceremony , there are five things that must be spoken of in greater detail.

一、      牲饌——牲醴有三牲五牲之分。三牲:為豬、雞、魚三品。五牲:為豬、雞、鴨(鵝)、魚、卵,(或他物)。三牲五牲之外,更有羅列山珍海饉[sic. Should be ]之屬者
Of Sacrifices: They are divided into the Three Sacrifices and the Five Sacrifices. The Three Sacrifices, are Pork, Chicken and fish. The Five sacrifices are Pork, Chicken, Duck (or goose), fish, and eggs (or other such object). Apart from the Three and Five sacrifices, The various products of the seas and mountains are also offered.
二、      茶酒—— 祀神必須獻茶、酒,尤以酒為不可缺。俗云:「拜神無酒擲無茭。」意謂非酒不得神滿意也。偏僻地方,一時買不到酒,則以生米泡水代之,稱做「米酒」
and wine: When praying to the gods, tea and wine—especially the latter, cannot be absent. As the saying goes “When praying to the gods, if you don’t have wine, don’t bother throwing the Jiaobei” in other words, if there is no wine, the gods would not be happy. In remote areas, where wine cannot be had, take uncooked rice and boil it in water; this is called “Rice wine”
三、      香燭—— 謂「燒香點燭。」可見香與燭,為拜神之必需之供物
Candles and incense: As can be seen from the saying “burning incense and lighting candles” [metonymy for praying], incense and candles are necessary when praying to the gods.
四、      冥紙俗以紙製各種錢幣焚化之,以供神明及死亡者應用,謂之冥紙。冥紙種類繁多,大別之,可分為「金紙」「銀紙」兩類。茲列表如下:
“Underworld paper” Refers to various kinds of money made out of paper, for burning. It is used as an offering for the various gods and the deceased. There are many kinds of Underworld paper; they can be broadly divided into :Gold paper” and “Silver paper”, as follows:
Note: The ‘gold’ and ‘silver’ of the names are not to be taken literally. Many of the silver papers (like the storehouse money) actually have no silver on them at all: they are just plain paper with patterns cut in them. In turn, many of the papers offered to the ancestors are actually gold in colour.  The English term for such papers is usually "Joss paper" 

(一) 金紙 Gold papers: 
盆金:玉皇大帝,三官大帝 Basin gold: For the Jade Emperor, and the three Officers

頂極:分大極小極兩種,用於諸神。Ultimate Pole [i.e. as in North Pole]. There are two types: Big and Lesser Ultimate Pole. Used for All gods.

Heaven Gold: Four types, Ultimate Pole Heaven gold, Big heaven Gold, Middle Heaven Gold, and Small heaven gold. Used as an offering for the Jade Emperor, and the Three Officers.
壽金:諸神 Longevity Gold: For all the gods

福金:福德正神 Fortune gold: For the True God of Fortune and Virtue [i.e. God of earth]

中金:中壇元帥、玉皇大帝、三官大帝。Middle Gold: For the Marshal of the middle Altar, the Jade Emperor, the Three Officers.

銀紙 Silver papers:銀紙:分大小銀兩種,大銀用於祭祀祖靈,小銀用於鬼差
Silver Paper: Two varieties: Big and Small Silver. The Big Silver is used for the ancestors, small silver for wandering spirits.

High Money: Burnt in festivals of thanksgiving to the Gods.
White high money: In mourning, this is hung on the door.
Storehouse money. Placed inside the coffin, so the deceased may use it in the underworld.

Outside Storehouse money:  When expelling small ghosts, this is given to them as pocket money.

燈坐:謝神祭祀時,裝入六甲。Lamp Seats: Used in ceremonies of thanksgiving, and to be placed inside the Six Jia-s 
Scripture clothes: The clothes for ghosts. 

金白紙:白虎、黑虎、天狗、五鬼。Gold White paper: [for] the White tiger, Black tiger, Heaven’s dog, Five Ghosts

婆姐衣:註生婆及其部屬十二婆姐。Granny-sister clothes:  For the Grandmother who records birth, [and?] the Twelve Grandmother-sisters.

五、      擲杯茭茭以竹木斷削,如彎月形,有兩具,外突內平,外稱陽,內稱陰。占時,則擲於地,一陽一陰為聖茭,表示神明許諾之意;兩陽為笑茭,表示神明冷笑,吉凶未明;兩陰為怒茭,表示神明怒斥,凶多吉少。禱者有所祈求,先表示答謝條件,擲杯茭以問神,己至如願獲償,備禮告祭,謂謝神。
Casting the Jiaobei: The Bei are made of bamboo, in the form of a crescent moon. They come in pairs; their outside is curved and their inside is flat. The outer face is called Yang, the inner face is Yin. When divining, cast the blocks to the floor. If One of them comes up Yang, and the other yin, it is called ‘Holy bei’, it shows the gods agree; Two Yang is called “Laughing Bei”, it signifies the gods are laughing; whether the matter is auspicious or not is unclear. Two Yin is an “Angry Bei”, It signifies the gods are angry, and the matter inauspicious. To use the blocks, the suppliant should ask the gods the question, and by casting the blocks, ask the question. Once the answer was attained, prepare the offerings for sacrifice; this is called “Thanking the gods” 

【拜山的注意事項】Things to note when "Visiting the mountains"
N.B. "Visiting the mountains" is an euphemism for paying respects before your ancestor’s  graves. 

陽曆四月四日或五日是清明節, 是二十四節氣之一,中國人紀念祖先的日子,在該天,家家扶老攜幼去祭祖掃墓。
The 4th or 5th of April in the Gregorian calendar is the Qingming  festival. It is one of the 24 solar terms. The Chinese commemorate their ancestors on this date. On this day, all families bring out their old and young to sweep the tombs of the ancestors.
            掃墓的公品並沒有什麼特別要求,一般都是燒肉,雞,生果,菜,酒,茶,水,鮮花等等。The offerings for tomb-sweeping are nothing out of the ordinary. Most use roasted meats, chicken, fresh fruit, vegetables, wine, tea, water and fresh flowers etc.
            而衣紙方面,多用「元寶」、「溪錢」、「冥錢」、「金銀紙」等, 有些現代一套的祖先衣包,都是祭祀祖先用,或用潮州幽衣亦可。
As for the Joss paper, “Ingots”, “Creek money”, “Hell money”, “Gold and silver paper” etc are used. Of late there sets of clothing for the ancestors have been offered for the ancestors; these can be used. Alternatively, the Teochew “Underworld clothing” can also be used.

拜山的朋友特別留意:Friends who go to “visit the mountains” should note the following:

一、不要胡亂影相 1: Do not take photos casually.

As the whole mountain is filled with graves and soul-tablets, it is not suitable to casually take photographs, as it may disturb the other spirits, and cause unnecessary disturbance, which would be extremely troublesome. If photographs were indeed taken, and the photograph has people who are not there, white or black shadows, go to the joss paper shop at once, and purchase a set of clothes for the deceased, and burn them , along with the photograph in question,

二、避免黃昏或晚上拜山。2: Avoid going in the morning or evening
避免在黃昏或晚上拜山,因為這段時間是陽氣己消退、陰氣開始增長的之時,時運低的人特別容易被陰靈纏身或騷擾。 Avoid the morning or evening when visiting graves, as in this period, the Yang energy is dissipating, and the Yin energy is increasing. Those with bad luck 時運低 are particularly vulnerable to bumping into a ghost, or being disturbed by one.

三、過火盆。3: Crossing the basin of fire.
在出門前預備一個金屬盆,如聚寶盆,在拜山後回來,不要立即入屋,先在或盆放些壽金,百解符,然後點火燃燒,這時才開始步行入宅,但必須在或盆上經過方可,這可去除因時運低拜山所招惹回來的陰人入宅。Before going  out, prepare a metal basin—as for example, a basin of collected treasures. When coming back, do not enter the house at once, but first place some longevity gold and the Amulet to dissolve a hundred evils in the pot, and light them. Only now may the house be entered —but you must cross over the fire as you do so. This can prevent any ghost that tagged along, owing to your poor luck, from entering the house

四、佩帶護身物品。4:  Carry things that protect the body.
When visiting a grave, protective objects  are [usually] also carried, as for example, old jade, necklaces with buddha images, saria beads, amulets for protecting the body etc. 
            重陽節在農曆九月九日,亦是人們紀念先人的節日之一,所以很多人都去拜祭祖先。 The Chongyang Festival is the 9th day of the 9th month in the Chinese calendar, it is also one of the days when the ancestors are commemorated, and so many people set aside this day to pray to their ancestors .

那些人不適合去殯儀館?What sort of people should not go to funeral homes?

            流年很差或運氣多滯的人不宜去殯儀館參加喪禮,一定要參加的話,最好先佩帶護身物品,如古玉、護符、佛咀等。回到家前最好過火盆或用碌柚葉灑身後方可以入屋,以免把不祥之物也帶回家。 Those whose yearly [horoscope] foretells bad luck, or whose luck is low in general should not go to funeral homes to participate in the rites. If they must participate, they should take some protective charms, such as old jade, protective amulets, buddha pendants, etc. Upon returning home, it is best that they should cross the fire-basin, or else use pomelo leaves to sprinkle the body before entering the house, lest they bring any inauspicious influence back.

應給多少錢作帛金?How much “Cloth money” should be given?
有親友去世,大多數人都會捐一下錢給家人屬作喪禮,也是聊表敬意之用,而這些金錢便成為「帛金」,給「帛金」宜單數不宜雙數,雙者,重複也,喪事宜一不宜再,所以要單數, 如捐一百零一元,五百零一元,三千零一元,等等。單數之不可用九數,因為「久」有很長久之意,好事不怕多,但不辛事一椿就夠了。

When a friend passes away, most would donate some money to the family as a funeral present, as well as a mark of respect. This money is called “Bo jin (cloth money)”. Cloth money should be given in odd, not even sums, as even numbers represent repetition—and such sad matters should not be repeated, thus odd numbers are to order. For example 101 dollars, 501 dollars, or 3001 dollars &c. Of the odd numbers. Nine should be rejected, as it is [a homophone with] “Long” and hence signifies a long duration. It is alright to have too much of a good thing, but of such an unfortunate matter, one is more than enough.

如何處理殯利是。 How should the funeral gifts be disposed of?
當做了 「帛金」後,便會受到一封殯儀利是,內有糖及一些金錢。
Once the Bo jin has been given, it is usual for a small envelope to be given, containing a sweet and a bit of money as a gift.
—— 一般人都認為立即吃了是最好的。
The Sweet: Most think it is best to eat it as soon as possible.
The money: Most think it is best to spend it as soon as possible.

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