Friday, 27 March 2020

Esoptron Astrologikon or Astrological opticks: A transcription of the 1655 R. Turner translation

28/3/2020/ 0915 

The following text comes from the rather remarkable work 

Esoptron Astrologikon or 
 Astrological opticks.
First published in the 1490s by Johannes Angelus, it gives an image for every single degree of the zodiac.This English translation by R. turner was first published in 1655, Facsimilies of the book have appeared before, vide but to the author's knowledge, this is the first time the whole text has been retyped and placed online. 

The reason behind this extremely elaborate system is explained in the introduction. It was used as an aid to rectify nativities: to each degree of the zodiac is attached a symbol and a character description. which could be used to deduce the rising degree of someone with an unknown birth time. In turn, the job descriptions for these degrees can be used to the same end- or as Lilly says, could be used to determine which is the most suitable job for the native.

By performing the extremely laborious task of transcribing this book, I hope it would give scholars and practitioners an opportunity to study and use this text --  or perhaps, even create a better translation.  For a rather interesting discussion of the text see


The following text is the un-edited transcript of the original, which was found on EEBO. The transcript below does not consistently represent the erratic spelling, capitalisation, italicisation, and line breaks in the original text. The numbers by the side of each entry of the degrees are added by me for convenience. Anything in square brackets is also added by me. The numbers in square brackets are the positions of the page breaks in the original. In the two prefaces, I have used foilo numbers instead. 

For the sake of comparison, here is a two-page spread of the original

*** *** *** 
꧁ Here Begins the transcription 

[The book starts with a dedicatory poem, which is not transcribed]

[3r] To The Reader

Take here the fruits of some cold Winter-nights which I have painfully susteyned, being desirous that the works of this Antient Author (being scarce to be had in the originall) should not dye in obscurity but be revived to see the light again: Though I have been both discouraged and prejudiced in my intents to reduce what of art should come into my hands, into the English tongue; not only by the ignorant and illiterate ; (but their reproach I value not; they doing but their dog-like nature, to bark at that which they know not.) but also by some time-serving, selfe-ended, selfe ayming, selfe-applauding persons; to them I say no more but γνῶθι σεαυτόν,

Reader, the discourse ensuing  was penned above 200. Years ago in the Latine tongue in Venice  by a learned author Johannes Angelus.  It being now almost gone out of print; I have endeavoured to revive it, and suit it to our English fash[3v]ion; here he first represents you with an emblem of Astrology; or an imaginary ascenstion of every degree of the Zodiack; thereby setting forth a description of the nature and quality of every person, signified by such an ascendant; which being well considerd and weighed with the position of the Planets, you may the better balance your judgment in the describing of any person, native [,] querent or quesited. In the next place followes the most copious judgments on Nativities that ever yet were written in the English Tongue, with the applications of the Moon to every Planet: And as I have herin endured much cold, and paines, in the writing of it; I hope you will reape much profit, in the studying of it.

[The rest of the intro is Robert Turner ranting about opponents of astrology. The last paragraph follows:]

[5verso ] Reader here is also annexed a Sygil of Saturn to be made when he comes into his Exaltation;  which I have the rather put in, because the elected time is now a coming: you may make an experiment of it, which happens but once in 30. Yeares; it was taken out of an Antient Author: hereafter perhaps you shall see the rest, in the meane time study the great book of God, and this; and you shall see them both agree to your good; which that it may, is the desire of hime who is Amicus omnibus, inimicus nullius, nisi sibipsi
[Unfortunately, the copy I have access to does not contain an image of the sigil of Saturn in question. If anoyone does have a picture of this sigil, i would be most grateful  for an image of it]
A Studio in arte coelesti,
15 Jan. 1655 ---- R. Turner.

[6r] William Lilly Student in Astrology unto the Lovers thereof.
This kind of Astrology now published by Mr. Turner , had its original from the Ægyptians, and was first made known to us in Europe  by the learned Jew EvenEzra, from whom I conveive Johannes Angelus had those Notes, which he first published at [6v] Venice 1494 and twenty yeares after reprinted; This learning is properly termed Monomæriaum Doctrina, or part of the Doctrine of the Sphears; and may be of great concernment unto parents who desire to know those Magisteries or Professions which would best suit with the natural constitution of their Children: For this is very true, that if the Nativity be exactly rectified, [7r] and the true degree of the signe arising , Horoscope or Ascendant, exactly found out, and then compared with the Decanate or Face of that signe, so arising; I say then, much of the Inclination of the Child will be found out, and unto what Magistery he is most propense: and so the parent may accordingly suite his Child with a Trade of Profession, answerable [7v] unto his proper Genius  or disposition, by which is meant the Native is like to prove an absolute Master in that Profession, he shall be put unto. I am straitened of time, else  I would discover the very manifold uses of this booke. The author  hath very well translated it, and delivered the astrologicall sense of every sentence, judiciously. I wish both the Translator, Statio[8r]ner and Book  it selfe; a kind acceptance the matter very highly deserving it. Thine,
William Lilly.

[A page of errata follows. This is not transcribed, as the following text has been corrected in accoridance with the page of errata -- E.W.] 

[1] John Angelus, OF Astrology.

Of the faces of the Signes, their signification, & the forms of every degree of the Zodiack; with the condition and description of the person signified by them.


The First Face of Aries , is of Mars, and it is a face of Bodlness, fortitude, stoutness, and Immodesty

The Second face of Aries is of the Sun, and is a face of Nobility, Highness, Rule and Great Dominion.

The Third face of Aries is of venus, and is a face of Subtilty in every work, and of meeknesse, of play, mirth and Beauty

[2] In the first face of Aries, ascends a Valiant Man armed, holding out a Fauchion in his Right Hand.

In the Second face, ascends a man in a gowne like a Clergy man

The third face ascends a young woman sitting in a stool, and playing on a lute

The Formes ascending throughout all the Degrees of Aries
1.     In the first degree of Aries, there ascendeth a man holding a sicle in his right hand, and in his left hand an Engyne of Warre.
A man then borne, or querent, shall be laborious, and much exercised in war-like affaires
2.     In the Second degree of aries, there ascendeth a man having a Head like a Dog, stretching out his right hand towards the skies, and holding a staffe in his left hand. I
It denotes the man borne uner that degree, will be a litigious and troublesome person and envious as a dog
3.     The Third degree of Aries ariseth like a handsome man, stretching forth his right hand as if he were shewing the various things of the world, and applying his left hand to a girdle bound about him.
[4] It signifies a peaceable quiet person.
4.     In the fourth degree of Aries there ascendeth a man with a curled head of haire, holding a Hawk in his right hand, and a whip in his left hand.
The person signified by this ascension, is seldom rich; but a spender of his estate, consuming all he hath in his age.
5.     The Fift[h[ degree of Aries ascendeth like two men, one holding in his hand an Axe, cleaving wood; the other holding a Scepter in his right hand.
It signifies a person that will be a provident house-keeper; and a provider for his family.
6.     In the sixth degree of Aries, there ascends a King Crowned, holding a Globe in his right hand, and a Scepter in his left.
The native under this ascension, will exceed all his kindred and acquaintance in greatnesse.
7.     The Seventh degree of Aries ascendeth like a man Armed all over, holding a dart in his right hand. It denotes a wary carefull person, a perderver [=Preserver??] of himself.
8.     In the eighth degree of Aries, there ascends a man having his head covered with a Helmet, and no where else Armed, [4] holding in his right hand a Crosse-bow.
Under this degree are signified quarrelsome contentious persons, and murderers.
9.     In the Ninth degree of Aries there ascendeth a man bare-headed, well clothed over his body with a gowne, holding a sword in his left hand, with the point downwards.
 It signifies talkative persons full of words, and of a wonderfull Spirit.
10.  The Tenth degree of Aries ariseth like a man bare-headed, but clothed over his body, pearcing a Beare thorow, with a speare.
 It signifies a Forester or Hunter.
11.  In the Eleventh degree of Aries there ascendeth a woman, standing holding a Distaffe in her right hand.
It signifies Persons loving friend-ship and hospitality.
12.  In the Twelfth degree of Aries there ascendeth an Eagle, spreading out her wings over her young-ones, sitting under her.
It denotes ambitious persons, Proud, Covetuous of applause, and aspiring to be exalted to dignity.
13.  The Thirteenth degree of Aries ascend[5]eth like a subtil person with his right hand, holding a goate by the horns.
The person borne under him, will be wonderfull famous.
14.  The 14. Degree of Aries ariseth like a Captived man standing upright between two pillars bound with two Chains.
It denotes persons much Subject to Imprisonment.
15.  The 15. Degree of aries ascendeth like a man bare-headed, his armes stretched out, and cloathed with a habergeon: it signifies theeves, restless, leud and wicked persons.
16.  In the 16. Degree, of Aries ariesth a man laboring with a dungfork; or sometimes a man powring water out of a pitcher. It denotes a Fisher-man or Labourer.
17.  The 17. Degree ariseth like a man standing Idle, clothed in fine silke. It represents fine delicate persons.
18.  In the 18 degree, ascends a woman sitting on a Chair, holding up her right hand: it denotes a man Loving peace and quietnesse,.
19.  In the 19 degree of Aries, ascends a man cloath’d with an Habergeon [6] standing and shewing treasure and money with his hands. A Theefe, wicked, debauched persons, is signified by this degree.
20.  In the 20. Degree of Aries, ascendeth a man with a Helmet on his head, and an Ostrich- Feather in his Hat; Riding on a Bull, leading a horse in his Left-Hand. The man born under this degree will be Malicious.
21.  The 21. Degree of Aries ascendeth a dog sitting and turning his face towards a Lyon. It signifies a faithfull Companion.
22.  In the 22. Degree of Aries, ariseth a Bear, sitting and holding a great Beame in his mouth. The man will be a wicked person that is signified hereby.
23.  In the 23 Degree of Aries, there ascendeth 6. Serpents, three of them fighting against the other three. The man, then born, will have many enemies.
24.  In the 24. Degree there ascendeth a naked women, covering her secrets with her left-hand, and holding up her right-hand. If the native be a woman,shee will be [7] desirous of a man; If a man, much given to women.
25.  In the 25. Degree of Aries, arieseth a man with Curled locks, Riding upon a ram, holding him by the horns. It signifies a Citizen covetuous to beare rule.
26.  The 26. Degree ariesth 2. Suns, one shining against the other. A man bearing rule and keeping power, is Signified hereby.
27.  The 27. Degree ascendeth like a great Dragon, lying upon the earth. A man that will be potent in his old age is Signified by this ascension
28.  In the 28. Degree of Aries ascendeth a woman standing upright, being well clothed. It signifies a pleasant peaceable person.
29.  In the 29. degree ariseth a Man holding a Saw in his hands. A laborious person nourishing himself and his Wife by his labour is signified hereby.
30.  In the 30. Degree of Aries ascendeth an Austere Woman. Leading a sadled horse in her right hand. The native under this degree, will be high-minded, ambitious to beare rule over others.

[8] Chap. II.
The First face of Taurus, is the face of Mercury, and it is a face of Plowing, sowing, building, peopling-houses, of learning and wisdom in the earth, and of learning in Geometry.
The 2. Face is the face of the Moon, and it is a face of Power, Nobility, dignity and necessity over people
The third face is of [Mars] & it is a face of misery, slavery, madness, necessity and baseness.

In the first face Taurus, ascends a book, [and] a young man tilling of the ground.

In the second, a tall man girt with a girdle, holding a Key in his right hand.

In the Third, a decrepit old man leaning on a crutch, hanging down one Arme, and having a wodden leg.

1.     In the First Degree of Taurus, ascendeth a man leading a Bull to the slaughter, holding a staffe in his hand. It signifies a Hangman
2.     In the second degree of Taurus, arieseth a woman holding a horse-tayle in her hand [9] it denotes an idle person
3.     In the third degree ascendeth an old Woman naked covering her Pudenda with her left hand. It signifies a Woman desirous of a man in her old age, and to continue Young.
4.     In the Fourth, a woman holding a whip in her right hand. It denotes a hasty angry person.
5.     In the Fifth degree of Taurus, arieseth a Bull sitting in a Chaldron. By this ascention are signified men loving hospitality, good house-keepers.
6.     In the sixth degree ascenda a man having three heads, and pointing to the ground with his right hand. It signifies a prudent wife and illustrious person.
7.     In the Seventh degree, arises a beautifull woman standing naked. It denotes a man of a proud mind
8.     In the Eighth degree of Taurus, ascends a sorrowfull woman sitting on a footstool. It signifies a man of a low humble dejected spirit
9.     In the 9. Degree of Taurus, ariseth a man holding a whip in his hand feeding Sheep and Goats in a field. The man then bornw will be a Neat-herd or Shephard.
10.  [10] IN the 10 degree of Taurus, ascendeth two men standing, with a dog playing between them. It signifies an idle person, much addicted to venerous acts.
11.  In the 11. Degree ariseth a Crow standing on the ground. It demonstrates a covetous person.
12.  In the 12 degree, arise, two women standing hand in hand. It imports a benevolent well minded man
13.  In the 13 degree of Taurus, ascends two Women with Staves, smiting and striking one another. It denotes a troublesome, contentions [contentious?], wrangling person.
14.  In the 14. Degree arieseth a man holding a Staffe in his hand: hereby is signified an appeaser of quarrels, or one restraining and bridling the contentious.
15.  In the 15 degree ascend 7. fowls, flying in the Aire. It signifies an instable wavering minded man.
16.  In the 16. Degree, ascends a man riding in an Asse. It denotes a Sluggard, a man slow and tedious in all his actions
17.  [11]In the 17. Degree of Taurus, ariseth a Bull bound by the middle to a tree. It signifies a man much over-laden with daily labour
18.  In the 18. Degree ascends two Bulls fighting one against another. It denotes a raging furious man.
19.  In the 19. Degree ascends a woman powring water out of one pot into another. It signifies a smooth tongued person.
20.  In the 20. Degree of Taurus, ascends two Dogs, a flighting. It demonstrates an envious person.
21.  In the 21. Degree, there ariseth a Beare looking backwards. It signifies a wicked, malitious, and wrathfull person
22.  In the 22. Degree, ascend three men holdinh one another by the hands: the person signified hereby, will be a lover of peace and friendship.
23.  In the 23. Degree ascends a man falling backwards to the earth. It signifies, a man unfortunate in all things.
24.  The 24. Degree of Taurus, ascends a crooked man holding himself up upon his staffe. It denotes a person weak and feeble in his Actions.
25.  In the 25. Degree, a man standing upright, and holding a Staffe in his hand. It signifies a valiang man, strong and powerfull in his deeds.
26.  In the 26. Degree, a man standing shewing his hand. A peaceable person, or a peace-maker is hereby signified
27.  In the 27 degree, there ariseth the similitude of a field of wheate or Corne standing un-cut. This ascention denotes a gatherer together, and heaper up of riches
28.  In the 28. Degree, a Woman leading a horse by the bridle. It denotes a person desirous to rule over others
29.  In the 29. Degree, there ascendeth a woman leading an Asse with a Bridle, or otherwise a Woman leading a he-Goate by the Horns. Hereby is signified a Woman that rules over her husband.
30.  In the 30. Degree of Taurus, there ascends a faire beautufill building. Hereby is signified a peason delighting to do pleasant and delectable deeds.

[13] Chap. III
The first face of Gemini is if Jupiter, and is a face of writing, or giving and receiving money, of petition, and wisdom in unprofitable things.

The 2. Face is of Mars, and is a face of burden, pressure, labour, and getting goods by labour, and of unhonest actions.

The 3. Face is of the Sun, and is a face of oblivion, disdaine, of mirth and jollity, and of hearing unprofitable words.

The first face ascendeth like a young man girth with a girdle.

The second like a man with an axe cutting wood.

The third, a man with a Hawk in his right hand, and a pipe in his left.

1.     In the 1. Degree of gemini, ascendeth two men sitting on the ground holding one another by the hands. It signifies a joyfull merry man
2.     In the 2. Degree of Gemini, there ascends one [14] man girt with a sword, leading two other men bound. The person hereby signifiyed, will be a Jaylor or Theefe-taker
3.     In the 3. Degree, ariseth a man singing and playing on a Lute. It denotes a man, causing joy to others.
4.     In the 4. Degree ascends a man leading his wife by the hand. It signifies one keeping good hospitality and entertainment for others
5.     In the 5. Degree a man holding a Crosse-bow in his left hand, and a girdle in his right. It signifies a man preparing for war.
6.     In the 6. A man holding a balance in his right-hand. It signifies a Marchant.
7.     In the 7. Two brides, hand in hand. It denotes a person, imployed in nuptial affairs.
8.     In the 8. Degree , ascends a smith smiteing on Iron, and a woman standing by Idle. It Signifies a person shunning labour, and loving Idlenesse.
9.     In the 9. Degree of Gemini ascends a king sitting on a throne, having a Globe in his right-hand and a Scepter in his left. [15] Signifiying a man shall have great power and Authority, that is born under this degree.
10.  In the 10. Degree, a man ascends lifting up another man from the ground. It signifies a person composing differences, friendlily, amongst others.
11.  In the 11. An Eagle fluttering with her wings over three of her young ones. The man will be a South-sayer, or conjurer that is signified hereby.
12.  In the 12. Degree, arise two women standing weeping. It signifies a Sorrowfull person
13.  In the 13. Three Crownes standing together on the ground. It denotes a Covetuous and envious person.
14.  In the 14. Ascends two Foxes devouring Henns. The man born under this degree will be a glutton and covetuous.
15.  In the 15. Ascends a man having three heads. It signifies one of good understanding.
16.  The 16. Ascends like a Brudge beside the water. It Signifies a man laboring without profit.
17.  In the 17. Degree of gemini, ascends a man without hands and Idle. It signifies an unpfofitablie person
18.  In the 18. Degree, a Fox running Swiftly. It denotes a laborious person.
19.  In the 19. Degree ascends a poor man carrying a Staffe on his shoulder. It signifies the man will be a travailer, a foot-post.
20.  In the 20. Degree, three snakes lying on the ground. The man born under this degree, will be wise and of good understanding.
21.  In the 21. Degree, ascends a man sitting on Horse Back. It signifies a Clyent or one retaining to another to have his defence.
22.  .In the 22. Ascend two birds Chattering together. It Signifies a fowler.
23.  In the 23. Degree [ascends] a decrepit old man leaning in a staffe. It demonstrates a poor miserable Idle person.
24.  In the 24. Two women sitting at play together. It represents one given to mirth.
25.  In the 25. Degree a man holding a book open in his hand. [17] it denotes a studious person.
26.  In the 26, degree of Gemini, ascend two Dogs fighting. It represents a quarrelsome litigious person.
27.  In the 27. Degree, a woman ascends standing idle and weeping. And idle vagabond is hereby signified.
28.  In the 28. Degree, ascend two Bulls one greater than [the] other. A Laborius man is hereby represented.
29.  In the 29. Degree ascend 3 Doggs, 2. Running one way together and the other the contrary way. The man thereby Signified will be a Huntsman to some Noble Man.
30.  In the 30. Degree, ascend 2 men, each of them leading a Hound in a Chain. It signifies a Huntsman of a Prince.

[18] CHAP. IV.
OF Cancer
The First face of Cancer is of Venus, and is a face of Venus, and is a face of Joy, Subtilty, Humanity, Courtesie, and of such things as induce men to love.

The Second face of Cancer is of Mercury, and is a face of Joilty, Mirth, of women, of riches and plenty.

The Third face of Cancer is of [the] Moon and is a face of Hunting, pursuing Fugitives; of getting goods by war, quarrels and contention amongst men.
The first face of Cancer appeareth like a beautifull woman holding  Flower in her hand

The second face, a man and a woman sitting at a table with great heaps of money before them.

The third face, a Hunter blowing a Horn with a Dog by his side, and a spear on his shoulder.

1.     In the first degree or Cancer, ascendeth a man and a woman holding one another by the hands and rejoicing. It signifies an Amiable person given to mirth.
2.     In the second degree ascends 2. Women standing idle, like 2. Turrets. The man signified hereby will be idle.
3.     In the Third Degree, ascends two women Sitting, and two men standing before the. It signifies a serving man, one wayting upon anothers pleasire
4.     In the 4. A maide standing Idle, expecting a man. It represents a libidinous person full of lustfull thoughts.
5.     In the 5. A woman standing expecting a man. It denotes a Luxurious person.
6.     In the 6. A man holding a Goat on a Brasse pot. It denotes a fool.
7.     In the 7. A man leading a goate with a girdle about his horns. A Hangman is hereby Signified.
8.     In the 8. Degree of Cancer, ascends a house, and a woman standing as it were absconding her self behind it. [20] It Signifies a Lazy, slow and lascivious person.
9.     In the 9. A woman holding a distaff in her right hand. It imports a laborious person.
10.  In the 10. A man holding a Chest in his right hand. It signifies also a laborious person
11.  In the 11. A ship standing in the water.  It represents a fisher-man.
12.  In ther 2. A man carrying the skin of a Beast on his shoulders. A Cobler or Currier or such handicraft is hereby signified.
13.  In the 13. A Boy sitting holding a Book open, with a pen in his hand. It represents a studious person.
14.  In the 14. A Lambe ascends having a Crown of Gold on his head. It Signifies a Gold Smith
15.  In the 15. Ascends a horse and a mouse lying in her nest under the roofe thereof. It represents a man desirous to keep home.
16.  In the 16. A bird holding a serpent under her feet. It imports a man accounting himself Noble.
17.  [21] In the 17. Degree, a woman standing idle ascends. It signifies a sluggish person
18.  In the 18. Degree of Cancer ascends 2. Women sitting at play at tables. A joyfull merry person it represents
19.  In the 19. Degree, a man having a spear in his right hand and a pipe in his left. A stage player is hereby signified.
20.  In the 20. A Dog sitting in a Chariot. It signifies a slothfull person
21.  In the 21. A Chariot standing empty. It denotes a person given to vanity.
22.  In the 11. Ascends a man standing idle. It signifies a slothfull person.
23.  In the 23 ascends a running water. An instable unconstant person is signified under this degree.
24.  In the 24. Ascends 2. Horses, one leaping upon the others back. It represents a man of aspiring thoughts Coveting dignity and authority over others.
25.  In the 25. A Horse running in a field. It Signifies an instable person.
26.  In the 26. Degree , a water Springing out of mountaines. [22] It signifies a moveable unstable man
27.  In the 27. A Horse bridled. It signifies a man in bondage and Servitude.
28.  In the 28. Degree of Cancer, ascends  two men sitting under a tree, and seeing a Hawke in the tree. It denotes an idle person
29.  In the 29. A man hanging on the Gallowes. It signifies a Theefe
30.  In the 30. Degree of Cancer, a Ship Sailing on the water. It denotes a Saylour or Marriner.

The first face of Leo is of Saturn, and is a face of cruelty, wickednesse, and violence, of sustyning [= sustaining?] great labours, boldnesse, and lust.

The second face is of Jupiter, and is a face of wrangling, quarrelling, ignorance, necessity; of victory over the miserable and [23] vile, through their ignorance;  of occasion of drawing swords and Warrs.

The third face is of Saturn and is a face of love, society, not parting from, not loosing of ones own, for avoiding quarrels.

The 1. Face ascends like a Man riding on a Lyon, with a feather in his hat.

The 2. A man holding a sword drawne over his head in one hand, and a buckler in the other

The 3. A young man with a Hawk on his fiest

1.     In the 1. Degree of Leo, there ascends a man holding a Lyon’s head in his hand. It signifies a valiant man.
2.     In the 2. Degree of Leo, thee ascends a Ship, one side thereof inclining towards the waters. The man will be unfortunate in the water, that is signified hereby
3.     In the 3. Degree. a man ascends sitting mourning upon a foot-stool. It signifies a sorrowfull person
4.     In the 4. Degree a Fish swimming in the water. A prudent a crafty person is hereby signified, affected of great men
5.     In the 5. A serpent lying wreathed on the ground. [24] it signifies an envious man.
6.     In the 6. A man holding a sword drawn in his right hand. A litigious person desirous to resist others is signified by this degree
7.     In the 7. Degree ariseth a man riding upon a Lyon. A valliant man, strong and wise is by this ascention denotes
8.     In the 8. A fire flaming. It imports a labourer with fire
9.     In the 9 a man well clothed and adorned. It signifies a proud man.
10.  In the 10. Death standing with a Syth in his hands. It signifies a murtherer
11.  In the 11. Degree of Leo ascends a woman standing and shewing her naked belly. It demonstrates an impudent immodest person
12.  In the 12. A beautiful woman ascends well adorned. It signifies a chast modest person
13.  In the 13. A Bull feeding in pasture. It signifies a man constant and stable in his deeds.
14.  In the 14. A man standing idle ariseth. [25] it signifies a loyterer
15.  In the 15. Degree a Dog or Lyon lying couched in the grasse. A valiant man is hereby represented.
16.  In the 16. A bridled Asse. An illiterate dull person it signifies
17.  In the 17. Ascends a camel standing. The person hereby signified will be valliant and full of spirit.
18.  In the 18. A Key of a Chamber. A man of power it imports
19.  In the 19. A man leading a horse by the bridle. It signifies a client or one pertaining to a noble man
20.  In the 20. A man holding a role of paper in his hand. A Messenger or Carryer it signifies.
21.  In the 21. A man holding a Key in his hand. It signifies a keeper of good hospitality.
22.  In the 22, a man lying as if he were dead. It signifies a weak feeble person
23.  In the 23. Degree of Leo ascends a man having two heads. It signifies a man of several mindes.
24.  In the 24. A man holding a lock in his right-hand. It signifies a man mediating wisdom
25.  In the 25. A man swimming in the water. It denotes a fisherman
26.  In the 26. A man working with a dung-forke. It signifies a labourer.
27.  In the 27. A man holding a sicle in his right hand. A laboirious person it represents
28.  In the 28. Three men sporting together. It represents an idle fellow
29.  In the 29. A man and a woman holding one another by the hands. An Amiable person is hereby signified.
30.  In the 30. Degree of Leo ascends a servant riding on a horse. The man by this ascention signified will be a servant unto others.

[25] CHAP VI.
Of Virgo
The section on the nature of the planets has yet to be transcribed by me, E. W. 
The first face of Virgo is of the Sun, and is a face of sowing, plowing, of planting herbs, peopling, gathering together riches and food

The second face is of Venus, and is a face of gaine, of getting substance, covetuously raking together, and being covetuous, and arising with the strength of men

The third face of Virgo os of mercury and is a face of old age, of debility, slothefullness, and of loss of the members through infirmities; of pulling up trees, and depopulating of places peopled.

In the first place of Virgo ascends a man laying money into a Chest

In the 2. Two men one having a purse in his hand

In the 3. A decrepit old man leaning on a staffe.

1.     In the 1. Degree of Virgo, ascends a woman adorned expecting the sight of a man. [28] it signifies a lover, either man or woman
2.     In the 2. Degree ascends two women standing idle. It signifies a vagabond and idle person.
3.     In the 3. A man holding a booke of accounts in his hand. It signifies a Merchant
4.     In the 4. A man at plow with Oxen. A labourer in the field is hereby denoted
5.     In the 5. An eagle resting. A merchang, but one living without labour, is hereby demonstrated.
6.     In the 6. A woman well clothed standing idle. An idle fellow it signifies
7.     In the 7. A simple woman standing idle. It signifies a sluggish person
8.     In the 8. A man sitting under a tree. It denotes a shepheard
9.     In the 9. Degree of Virgo, ascendsa a woman well clothes, with a red face standing idle. The man hereby signified will be angry and luxurious
10. In the 10, a man well clothed standing [29] idle holding an apple in his hand. It intimates a vagabond or wanderer about.
11. In the 11. A white horse bridled running. The man hereby signified will be swift afoot[?]
12. In the 12. A man in red clothes, with a black face. A wicked person it represents
13. In the 13, degree, ascend two women gathering rises. A merry jocund man it denotes
14. In the 14. An oxe standing in pasture. The man borned under this degree will be laborious.
15. In the 15. Two merry women standing together. It signifies a merry person.
16. In the 16. Ascends two Dogs running together. The man having this degree ascending will be a Huntsman
17. In the 17. A faire Castle compassed about with a Hedge. It signifies a man living in safety
18. In the 18. Degree ariseth a tree full of leaves standing in Grasse. It signifies, the man will be a labourer in woods
19. [30] in the 19. A man sitting as a servant upon a Horse. The man will be a reteynder to another
20. In the 20. Degree of Virgo, ariseth a Birth following a Mole or a Mouse. It signifies a man contrary to others.
21. In the 21. A man ariseth standing and holding Gold in his right hand, and silver in his left. A rich man it signifies
22. In the 22. A naked woman carrying a Goat and a Lamb in her shoulders. An impudent immodest person it denotes
23. In the 23. A man ascends rowing a boat in the water with an Oare. It signifies a Marriner
24. In the 24. A Bird bound by the neck to a post. It signifies a man who will be restrained and held to labour
25. In the 25. A man casting a stone into a ditch. It signifies a litigious person
26. In the 26. Two men discoursing together. It signifies the man will be well educated.
27. In the 27. Two women standing idle. An idle person is denoted.
28. In the 28. Degree ascends some [birds??] on the ground; others flying in the Aire. It signifies the man shall have much Rents
29. In the 29. Ascends dew or raine falling in the ground. The person will be religious that is signified by it
30. In the 30. Degree, ascends a dumb man standing still. It signifies a foole.
Chap. VII
Of Libra
The first face of Libra is of the Moon, and is a face of Justice right and truth, of succouring the weake against the strong & the wicked, & of helping the poore & miserable.

The second is of Saturn, and is a face of quietnesse, plenty, and good life, quite and secure.

The third face is of Juputer, and is a face of gluttony, of sodomy, of signing, and mirth and [32] the following of evil pleasures.

In the first face of Libra, ascendeth a student having a book open before him.

In the second, an old man in a Gowne sitting in a Chaire.

In the third, a young man having a cup in his hand.

1.     In the 1. Degree of Libra, ascedneth a man holding in each hand a speare. The man who hath this ascendant will be a Warriour
2.     In the 2. Degree a Clergy man with a pot of incense. It signifies a religious person
3.     In the 3. Degree a decrepit old man crooked in his hands and feet. It signifies a miserable labourious person.
4.     In the 4. A man at plow with horses. It signifies a labourer in the fields.
5.     In the 5. A black-bird, with red bill & feet. It denotes a fat grosse man
6.     In the 6. A man drawing a plow himself. It signifies a man taking a great deale of paines without sense or reason
7.     In the 7, degree of Libra, a man holding a Gold Ring in his right hand. The person signified is to be a lover.
8.     In the 8. A woman weeping over one that is sick. It represents a sorrowfull man.
9.     In the 9. A man holding a sword over his head in his right hand. It signifies a litigious person
10.  In the 10. A black-bird holding his beack to the ground. The man is signified to be altogether a sloven
11.  In the 11. Degree a man with black hands and face, but white feet. It denotes an idle, dull; but unstable person
12.  In the 12. A woman standing looking about her. The man with this ascendant will be a vagabond and idle.
13.  In the 13. Degree a man and a woman goung two several ways. The man having this degree rising, wil be contentious, & live divided from others
14.   In the 14. A great looking glasse fixed upon a wall. It denotes a proud person
15.  In the 15. Two hearts hanging together. It signifies a wordling
16.  In the 16 a camel running. It signifies the man will be swift and valiant
17.  In the 17, a bird sweetly singing. It signifies a person fill of mirth.
18.  In the 18, degree of Libra, ascends the [34] similitude of a village neatly built. It signifies a man having dominion in the country
19.  In the 19. Degree a faire Castle on a Mountayne. It denotes a noble man
20.  In the 20. Degree, a fair Altar beautifully Adorned. It signifies, a religious man.
21.  In the 21. Degree, a man riding on an Asse or Horse. The man will be a horseman, a groome and servant, who hath this degree rising
22.  In the 22. Degree, ascends 2 horses sadled. It signifies a man coveting much and enjoying little.
23.  In the 23 degree, a physitian viewing an Urinal through a glasse. The man will be a physitian, who is signified hereby.
24.  In the 24. Degree, ascends a man in the upper part, and a horse in the lower parts beating a Dragon with a Staffe. It signifies a strong man
25.  In the 25. Degree, a Peacock standing in the Grasse. It imports a proud person
26.  In the 26. Degree, ascends a man beating a Lyon with a staffe. It signifies, he will be a Conqueror in Warre.
27.  In the 27. Degree a shady tree standing in a garden. It signifies the man to be a gardniner
28.  In the 28. Degree ascends a man laboring with a spade. A laborious person, it represents
29.  In the 29. Degree, a woman stanindg idle. It signifies an idle person
30.  In the 30. Degree of Libra, ascends a Hare running out of a wood. The man hereby signified will be inconstant and unstable.


The first face of Scoropio is of Mars, and is a face of strife, sadness, deceipt, detraction, perdition and treachery.

The second face of Scorpio is of the Sun, and is a face of affronts, detections, stirring up mischiefs, and quarrels between men and continuing that strife which it stireth up

[36] the third face is of Venus, and is a face of Warre, Drunkennesse, and Violence, Fornication, Wrath and Pride. 

In the first face appears two men a fighting and tearing one another by the haire

In the second, a man sitting in a stoole, and two dogs afighting by him.

In the third two women pulling one another by the haire of the heard, one having a staffe in her right hand, striking the other on the head.

1.     In the 1. Degree of Scorpio, appeareth a man holding a speare in his hand. It signifies a theefe and a wicked fellow
2.     In the 2. Ascends a man riding upon an Elephant. It denotes a strong valiant and stable person
3.     In the 3. A man standing idle. It declares the person to be wicked and idle.
4.     In the 4. A man playing in a Harpe. It denotes a jocond merry man
5.     In the 5. Degree a man ascends, wanting the lower part of his body. The man will be imperfect in his deeds
6.     In the 6. Degree an Asse or Horse brid[37] and sadled. It signifies a man producing few things to good effect.
7.     In the 7. Degree ascends a man sitting and having a purse of money in his right hand, and in his left a golden cup. It denotes a rich marchant
8.     In the 8. A great Cock standing. The man will be Scrivener
9.     In the 9. A man sitting in a Tub. It denotes one of little wit
10.  In the 10. Degree, ascends a head with a face much wrinkled. It Signifies a man of strange opinions
11.  In the 11. Degree a man holding a Scorpion by the neck. It signifies an envious person.
12.  In the 12. Degree of Scorpio, ariseth a great serpent with three Flyes biting of her. It signifies a wise man, but wicked.
13.  In the 13. Degree a fair and strong Tower. The man will be a strong labourer.
14.  In the 14. Degree a well without water. It Signifies a man instable without wit
15.  In the 15. Degree a fair woman standing idle. It denotes an idle person
16.  In the 16. Degree a woman giving Almes to a poor man. It signifies a mercifull man
17.  In the 17. Degree a wolfe running in a field. It denotes a Robber
18.  In the 18. A hosue, and woman hiding her self behind the door. It signifies a sluggish idle person
19.  In the 19. A dog with great mouth and eares. It represents a Noble man
20.  In the 20. A man sitting in a Camel. It signifies a valiant man
21.  In the 21. Degree ascends a horse standing freely in a field. It signifies the man shall not be subject to the yoak of others.
22.  In the 22. Degree a great floud of water. An instable person is thereby denotes
23.  In the 23. Degree many rivers flowing out of a fountaine. It signifies an unstable unconstant person
24.  In the 24. Deg. Of Scorpio, ascends a woman holding a distaff in her right hand. It denotes a laborious man.
25.  In the 25. A wolf Carrying a foul [=fowl] in his mouth. It signifies a theef and a robber.
26.  In the 26. Degree a man carrying garments spoyled in his shoulder. It Signifies a destroyer.
27.  In the 27, arise two men standing speaking together. It signifies a Jocound sociable person
28.  In the 28. Deg. A house of great church ascends. It signifies a man much given to prayer.
29.  In the 29. Deg. a Master sitting with a Book open. It signifies a studious man.
30.  In the 30. Degree ascends a serpent with a great head. A prudent person is thereby signified.

[40] CHAP IX
Of Sagitary
[E.W: The phrases enclosed in square brackets are errors; in the Decans, the symbol of Sgr has ben replaced by Pisces, and the 6th degree is called the 5th.]

The first face of [Sagittarius] is of Mercury, and is a face of Boldness, freedom and warfar.

The Second is of the Moon, and is a face of deare, of lamentation, griefe, and of a fearefull spirit over his own body

The third is of Saturn and is a face of willfulnesse and not being perswaded from it, of contrarying, yielding, agility in evil, strife and horrible things.

In the first face ascendeth a man armed with a polax in his hand.

In the second, a man sitting, mourning on a stool

In the third a man with a feather in his hat, holding a staffe on the top of his finger.

1.     In the first Degree of [Sagittarius] ascend three men standing without heads. The man hereby Signified will be religious and just
2.     In the second Degree a man ascends [41] shooting an arrow out of a Crosse-Bow. It signifies a person always litigious
3.     In the 3. A man sitting in a Ram, cloathed with flame. It Signifies a litigious troublesome person
4.     In the 4. A man carrying a speare on his sloulder. It signifies a destroyer.
5.     In the 5. Ascends a woman carrying a Cradle on her shoulder. It denotes a laborious person
6.     In the [6]. Ascends an ox with three horns. It signifies a man of good understanding
7.     In the 7, degree a woman standing idle. The man hereby signified will be an Idle person
8.     In the 8. Degree two men playing at Dice upon a table. It signifies a player
9.     In the 9. Degree a great fire of wood burning. It denotes the man will be a labourer with fire.
10.  In the 10. Ascends a portion of gold and silver in the earth. [42] it Signifies a rich man
11.  in the 11. Degree an ape sitting upon a Wolfe. It Signifies a ruler over another man.
12.  In the 12. A man riding upon a goat. It signifies A contrarier of others.
13.  In the 13. Degree ascends a man having his hands bound behind him. It signifies a conquered vanquisht man.
14.  In the 14. A master holding a Book open. The man hereby Signified will be learned
15.  In the 15. Degree a man walking by a horse salded. It signifies a fearfull Coward
16.  In the 16. Degree, ascend chariot wheels without the body. It Signifies a man void of reason
17.  In the 17. Degree, a decrepit person leaning on a staffe. It signifies a man much given to prayer
18.  In the 18. Degree, a man holding a bird by the tayl, and in the other hand a burning torch. It signifies the man will be a fowler.
19.  In the 19. Degree, ascends a house [43] Compassed about with burning faggits. The man thereby signified will be laboripus and compassed about with fear.
20.  In the 20. Degree, three man walking about leading one another by the armed. It signifies one merry and sociable
21.  In the 21. Degree a man standning in the habit of a Doctor. It denotes a wise man
22.  In the 22. Degree two men piercing one another with their swords. It signifies a theefe and manslayer
23.  In the 23. Degree a woman cutting another in the Breast with a knife. It signifies a manslayer.
24.  In the 24. Degree, ascends a man running himself through with a sword. It sinifes a man that will be his own enemy.
25.  In the 25. Degree . A man vomiting upon the ground. It signifies a Drunkard, yet a laborious man
26.  In the 26. Degree. A man playing with a little staffe. The man will be a stage player, a mercenary person that is hereby denoted
27.  In the 27. Degree. A man hanging with his hands on a beame. [44] it denotes a merry fellow
28.  In the 28. Degree. A man riding on a Camel ascends. Hereby is signified a valiant man
29.  In the 29. Degree, a man tumbling himself out of one bed into another. A Childish man it signifies.
30.  In the 30. Degree. A man holding a horse-shooe in his hand. It signifies a black-smith.

Of Capricorne

The first face of Capricorn is of Jupiter, and is a face of wandring, of travile, of joy, of gaine and losse, with weaknesse and vileness.

The 2. Face is of Mars, and is a face of seekings such things as cannot be known; and seeking after such things as cannot be attained to.

The third face is of the Sun, and is a face of covetuousnesse, of governing one substance, of not sufficing himself, and of suspecting.

[45] in the first face ascends a man travailing on foote.

In the second a man reaching at a bird in the Aire

In the third, a man sitting at a table telling of mony

1.     In the 1. Degree of Capricorn, ascends two men in like forme. It signifies a jocund amiable person
2.     In the 2. Degree, a man carrying a reed on his shoulder. It signifies a man without power.
3.     In the 3, degree a great serpent ascends. Hereby is signified a wise man.
4.     In the 4. Degree, two Rakes in a field. It denotes a clown.
5.     In the 5. Two gates open, it signifies a man given to hospitality
6.     In the 6. Degree, a man carting two dogs on his shoulders. It signifies a litigious person.
7.     In the 7. A man standing between two women. It denotes a merry person.
8.     In the 8. Degree. A hand holding a Bird. A fowler it represents.
9.     In the 9. A man falling on the ground. It denotes a feeble person
10.  In the 10. A man with a Lapwing on each hand. A Fowler or Hunter it signifies
11.  In the 11. Degree of Capricorn, ascends a King Crowned receiving letters from a messenger. The man hereby signified will be an Embassador to a Prince.
12.  In the 12. Degree, ascends a man running swiftly. It denotes a swift person
13.  In the 13. A man carrying a goates skin on his shoulders. A hangman it represents.
14.  In the 14. Degree, a hand holding a Spear. It imports a litigious troublesome person
15.  In the 15. A man bending his knees. It denotes a noble man
16.  In the 16. Degree, a man riding an unbridled horse ascends. It signifies a man without power
17.  In the 17. Degree, a man with a dogs head arises. It signifies a man full of strife.
18.  In the 18, degree, ascendsa a man divided in one halfe. It denotes a pusillanimous Childish person
19.  In the 19. Degree, a man having fowr legs standing idle. [47] it signifies a man playing or resting when he should be at work.
20.  In the 20. Degree, an Ape looking on himself in a glasse. It denotes a proud man.
21.  In the 21. Degree, a Master holding a book open. It signifies a learned man.
22.  In the 22. A man digging the ground with a spade. A labourer it represents.
23.  In the 23. A man leading a woman by the hand. A lover it denotes.
24.  In the 24. A Cooper working on a Caske. It signifies an artificer
25.  In the 25. Degree of Capricorn, ascends a man with a Hawke on his hand. It signifies a Noble man.
26.  In the 26. Degree, a faire Grove of Trees. The man signified hereby will be a labourer in woods.
27.  In the 27. Degree. A man laying on the Grasse. A weake feeble person it denotes.
28.  In the 28. Degre[e], a man carrying earth on his head. [48] it denotes a rich man.
29.  In the 29. Degree, a fairewoman sitting on a stoole. It signifies a man full of mirth,
30.  In the 30. Degree of Capricorn, ascends the tayle of a fish. It signifies a man imperfect in his deeds.

Chap XI.
Of Aquarius.
The first face of Aquarius is of Mercury, and is a face of Anxious Spirit grieving after gaine, and never resting, of labor, losse, poverty and vilenesse.

The second face is of Venus, and is a face of beauty, understanding, humanity, modesty, good manners, complements and freedom.

The third face is of the Moon, and is a face of detection and affronts.

In the first face ascends a woman sitting spinning on a Rock.
[49] In the second a comely person well clothed sitting on a stoole.

In the third a man having an envious look holding his hands on his sides.

1.     In the 1. Degree of Aquarius, ascends a man holding in each hand a bird. It denotes a Fowler.
2.     In the 2. Degree, a man holding both his hands upon his head. It signifies a sorrowfull person
3.     In the 3. Degree. A man holding one hand upon his head. It signifies a man full of grief
4.     In the 4. A man riding on his treasure. A Merchant it denotes
5.     In the 5. Degree, a woman going before, and a man following her. It denotes a solicitous person
6.     In the 6. Degree, a man playing with a staffe. It signifies a merry person.
7.     In the 7. A sword drawn, lying on the ground. A Souldier or warlike person it represents.
8.     In the 8. Degree, a man holding a chaine in his hand. It signifies a man not enjoying himself.
9.     In the 9. Degree. One man lifting up another from the ground. It denotes an idle person
10.  In the 10, degree. A man standing without an head. It represents a man without power.
11.  In the 11. Degree as Armed man without an head. It signified a Noble man without power.
12.  In the 12. Degree of Aquarius, an armed man smiting down a King. The man hereby signified will be a ruler over a King. This deserves a comment.
13.  In the 13. Degree, a Troop of horsmen Armed. It denotes a litigious person, and a Robber.
14.  In the 14. Degree. A man holding a boote in his hand. It represents a sorrowfull person
15.  In the 15. Degree, two men riding on an Unicorne. It denotes a Litigious man
16.  In the 16. Degree of [Aquarius], ascends a man holding fire in his hand. The man signified hereby will be a labourer with fire.
17.  In the 17. Deg. A woman lying sick a bed. An infirme & idle person it represents.
18.  [51] in the 18: degree. A great Owl standing still. It denotes an envious man.
19.  In the 19. Degree. A man holding anothers head in his hand. It denotes, a man having power and authority.
20.  In the 20. Deg. a decrepit woman leaning on a staffe.  A weake feeble person it signifies.
21.  In the 21. Degree, a man clothed lying on his back on the ground. An infirme man it denotes
22.  In the 22. Degree, a man cutting off anothers hands and feet with a hatchet. It denotes a wicked doer.
23.  In the 23. Degree, two dogs running together. It signifies a man given to sport.
24.  In the 24. Degree, a man weeping holding his hand on his head, it signifies a man always sorrowfull.
25.  In the 25. Degree, One carrying a great Spear. A Theefe and wicked person it signifies.
26.  In the 26, degree. Water flowing out of a great mountain. [52] an instable unsettled man, it represents
27.  In the 27. Degree. A house compassed about with a hedg. It signifies a man safe in his deeds.
28.  In the 28. A man drinking out of a vessel. It declared a joyfull man.
29.  In the 29. Degree. A man sitting on horse-back, holding a sword drawn in his signifies a Warriour.
30.  In the 30. Degree. A King Crowned sitting. It signifies a man living at peace.

[53] Chap XII
Of Pisces.

The first face of Pisces is of Saturn, aid is a face of anxiety, of many thoughts, of journeys, and removing form place to place, of seeking after substance and food.

The second face of Pisces is of Jupiter, and is a face of praising ones self, of a high minde, of seeking after and intermedling with great and high things.

The third face is of Mars, and is a face of fornitcation and embraces of great delight with women and loving peace and quietnesse.

In the first face ascendeth a man traviling, carrying a burden on his back.

In the second, an antient man pointing with his hand to the Skye.

In the third, a young man imbracing a beautifull woman.

1.     In the 1. Degree of Pisces, there ascends two men with one head joined together. It signifies a troublesome and inconstant person.
2.     In the 2. Degree a man sitting on the earth. It denotes a Clowne.
3.     In the 3. A man eating a roll of bread. The man will be a baker signified hereby.
4.     In the 4. An Unicorne lying on his back. A man without power it denotes.
5.     In the 5. Two maids standing together. A merry person it signifies.
6.     In the 6. A great bird feeding on the ground. A covetuous miser it represents.
7.     In the 7. Degree of Pisces, ascends a man holding in each hand a bell. It denotes a Sexton or keeper of a Church.
8.     In the 8. Degree. A man sitting in a tub with a brush in his hand. It signifies a maker of bathes.
9.     In the 9. Degree. A Pilgrim walking. It denotes a religious man.
10.  In the 10. A man beating in a morter. [55] A laborious man is hereby signified.
11.  In the 11. Degree. A man walking with a staffe on his arme. It signifies a vagabond.
12.  In the 12. Degree. A young man looking behind him. Hereby is signified a tumorous person.
13.  In the 13. Degree. A man and woman riding on horse-back. It denotes an idle person.
14.  In the 14. Degree. A man cutting wood in a Wood. The man will be a labourer.
15.  In the 15. Degree, a man ascends with a knife drawn. It denotes a man preparing himself to strife.
16.  In the 16. Degree, a man holding a cock in his hand. A Noble man it signifies.
17.  In the 17. Degree, a man drowning himself in the water. It Signifies a senseless person.
18.  In the 18. Degree two horsmen fighting. It Signifies a troublesome litigious man.
19.  In the 19 degree, Pisces ascends a man piercing himself though with a sword. The man hereby signified will be the cause of his own death.
20.  In the 20. Degree, a moon shining in the night ascends. An instable unconstant person is hereby signified.
21.  In the 21. Degree, two men stabbing one another. It signifies a man-slayer
22.  In the 22. Degree a woman having her garments rent. It denotes an immodest person.
23.  In the 23. Degree, a woman swimming in a boat. It signifies an unconstant person.
24.  In the 24. Degree, a man and woman lying in a bed ascend. A lascivious person it represents.
25.  In the 25. A man casting a stone into a ditch. A troublesome person is denoted hereby
26.  In the 26, a woman cutting off a mans head with an axe as he lyes asleep. Hereby is signified a man slayer.
27.  In the 27. A man standing naked pissing. An immodest person is hereby represented.
28.  In the 28. Degree, a man waling by a horse holding in one hand a bird, and in the other a serpent. It denotes a man of great understanding.
29.  [57] in the 29. A great fish out of the water. An unstable person it signifies.
30.  In the 30. Degree, a woman looking in a glasse. It denotes a proud unchast person.

Here followeth the nature and signification of the Planets, in the signes, and throughout the 12. Houses. [...] 

*** *** ***


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The Sutra of the Sun and moon: Part 2: The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經

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