Wednesday, 22 April 2020

The Legend of Mao Zedong’s ancestral tomb: A translation

A small tale is told in a book written by one of Mao's guards, Zhang Yaoci,  as Mao presided over the chaos [during the Cultural Revolution]   from his headquarters in Beijing. Mao's grandfather Mao Enpu had been buried in a special tomb, a "dragon's den", with the most powerful kind of feng shui; so powerful, in fact, that there were said to be no more than twelve such sites in all the world. Mao's father Yichang had been a wealthy farmer, and when Enpu died in 1904, Yichang hired the greatest feng shui master of the day to find one of these most powerful dragon's dens. Bu Guo Wu searched for 11 days and located the spot on a mountain called Tiger Resting Hill. When he did, he predicted that the flow of qi from the tomb would make Mao Zedong, who was only a boy of 11, a powerful man in China in 31 years' time, which turned out true to the letter. And with this mighty fortune, reasoned Chairman Mao — even as his Red Guard smashed and burned every feng shui shop and arrested every master who might find a dragon's den for someone else — with this would his future be secure.

Brian Dunning, Feng Shui Today Skeptoid  Podcast #50 October 11, 2016

This, in summary is the tale which is presented below. The author believes this is the first time the full story has been translated into English, or indeed, any foreign language. It is called …

The Legend of Mao Zedong’s ancestral tomb— Revealing a historical mystery  

 This is a heady mix of political intrigue, catastrophe, and fengshui— in some places feels like a magic-realist portrayal of 20th century Chinese history. It claims that the meteoric rise of Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung) could be ascribed to Mao’s father siting an ancestral grave in an immensely lucky spot. 

The translator is 99 % sure that this story is complete fiction. True, some characters like Mao Zedong ,Chiang Kai-shek and Bai Chongxi are real people. However, he doubts if they ever got up to what the story says they did. In a similar manner he doubts if Bu Guo Wu ever existed. Nonetheless this is a particularly valuable form of fiction. It shows how people in China had attempted to make sense of the near-miraculous changes to their country through equally supernatural means -- fengshui, fate calculation, physiognomy etc.  To give an idea of how sudden the transition was,  when the wright brothers flew their plane, there was still an Emperor of China, and Mao Zedong became a teenager in the year the last emperor of China, (Puyi 溥儀) was born 

Before going on, I should speak for some moments on the Fengshui mentioned 

To the Chinese, soil and rocks of the ground are like flesh of a living thing. A subtle energy, called Qi courses through them, just like blood. This Qi moves around in lines and collects here and there, much like blood vessels in a living thing. The "veins" are called the Meridians 脈, (lit. Pulse) and the places where it collects are called Xue (Hsüeh) 穴, which means "Lair" or "Den".

If you built a grave in a suitable Lair, and bury your ancestor's bones in it, you and your descendants would absorb its power and prosper. (The same also applies for buildings in general; building them in auspicious sites allows their living occupants to absorb the energy). It is a job of a fengshui master-- like Bu Guo Wu, to discover such powerful sites. There are several methods of doing so. Bu Guo Wu uses the "Form school" 巒頭 (Luantou) of fengshui, which scrutinises the shape of the landscape. Other methods exist, like using compass directions and numerological calculations. In any case, the two schools do not conflict, and the competent fengshui master would use both. 

Note on the text: The primary text was available at this weblink, but the post has since been set to private.

The translator possessed a copy of a book entitled 名人高官與風水 by 不過午. ( hence Mingren/名人),  with which he had amended The punctuation and text in the online version as and when necessary.

The author has been unable to find the source of Dunning’s anecdote. In any case this story and Dunninng’s vary in their circumstance: In Dunning’s story, Bu Guo Wu was commissioned to find the site; in this story, Bu Guo Wu gave it in gratitude to Mao’s father. In turn, the name and form of the fortunate site differ. If the translator does discover the source of Dunning’s anecdote, he hopes to translate it.

*** *** ***
The Legend of Mao Zedong’s ancestral tomb— Revealing a historical mystery  

Mao Zedong’s political triumph was fated, or so the legend goes. The Story is complex, and to begin, we must find a secret that Mao Shunshen[1] ( Mao Zedong’s father) carried to his grave. 

  The legend goes, in a certain year, there was a drought in Hunan. Famine struck, and life was harsh and desperate in the utmost degree.  To save themselves from starvation, many resorted to robbery, and harming the people in general. Robbers were everywhere, as thick as bristles on a beast.


The paddies dried up; Once lush fields became cracked and parched. Not a single blade of grass was alive. The harvest was non-existent. Indeed, the irrigation ponds were drunk to the very last drop. Whatever bark or leaf that could be cut down was greedily eaten. The cattle that had yet to be slaughtered were half-dead from thirst, and their eyes hungrily wandered about in search of food. The daily sports of the children on the streets were no more, replaced by a solemn and deathly silence

In the eyes of the old and weak men, crouching on the floor, [the innocent wives] and Confucian scholars, the whole Hunan was nothing short of a Hell on Earth. Everywhere the hearts of men were in fear, every human frailty and weakness was on display.  That these disasters occurred in such a land, would be certaintly a strange thing indeed.
  Then, Hunan’s most famous Diviner was Bu Guo Wu [ Not-above five]. He was an expert in the Plum-blossom method of divination, and a master at fengshui. However, regarding everyday matters he was utterly ignorant, and indeed couldn’t care less about them. Coupled with his advanced age ( he was around 50), in this trying time he was utterly helpless.
  In more normal times he was a taciturn person, having a cool, detached view of the world. But when coupled with his uncanny ability to read destinies, people respected and feared him.

他的梅花神算,最为/有名/传颂一时,像梅花的五朵花瓣,他每句话只说五个字。 平时谈话如此,给人指引迷津也如此,他高傲的性格使人奈他不何,然而他替省内富贵人家算的生死,问的八字都非常准确,只不过以梅花瓣位准,不过五年。所以甚得盛名,也倍受别人尊敬,不过在这个紧张关头人也自身难保[3],雪中送炭的毕竟没有一人!更不要说有人来看相算命了。
His plum-blossom divination[4] was celebrated widely in Hunan for a time. Just like the five-petaled plum blossom, he always spoke in sentences of five characters[5], even in ordinary conversation he spoke thus; when giving instructions to the lost he also spoke thus. This lofty manner of speaking alienated him from many, [and he thus earned his keep] by helping the wealthy families of Hunan in predicting life and death. Those who asked Bazi from him found his predictions extremely accurate, or at any rate as accurate as the plum-blossom. They were at most out by five years, as many years as the petals of that flower. He thus attained renown and a measure of respect. But now, in this tense time, it was every man for himself—There was hardly a single person who wold “Send coal amidst the snow”, to say nothing about demand for divination!

  Wracked with hunger and cold, Bu Guo Wu stumbled along. Whenever he encountered a tree, he moved towards it with all his strength. He would strip off its bark, cook it and eat it. Whenever he encountered a river, he would wildly place his hand into it, and then to his lips. But every place where water would normally flow was fetched dry, and all he got was mud. After walking for goodness knows how far, close to death, he collapsed.醒来时,自觉已睡在床上,模糊间听到一些人声,之后又睡着了。不知睡了多久,但朦胧中,感觉自己身上的伤口得到照顾,嘴也不再干渴,知道有人向自己嘴里灌水。日渐身体精神较佳,对周围的人也有些印象,对一个中年男子和一个十三、四岁男孩印象最明显,他们特贝细心。对自己关怀备至,水和干粮都一一照顾到,虽然粮食粗得很,但在这饥荒时候有这些粮食,相算要中农家庭才可以。
  When Bu Guo Wu awoke, he found himself on a bed. He could just make out a few sounds, and then fell back asleep. After sleeping for a long while, he woke up in a daze. His wounds were taken care of, and his mouth was no longer burning with thirst.  He knew that some benefactor must have placed the water into his mouth.  As the days passed, he regained his strength, and began to take notice of the people surrounding him.  Most notable amongst them were a man, and a boy of thirteen or fourteen years of age. They looked after him with the utmost care and concern, giving him both food and drink. Even though most of the food was of very poor quality, the fact that the family possessed such food in a midst of a famine must mean that the family was fairly well-off.

  From the conversations around him, Bu Guo Wu found out that the family’s head , Mao Shun Sheng (Mao Zedong’s father), was his saviour. No matter in action, or in speech, this man was exuded a simple honesty. Mao [Zedong]’s mother was also a virtuous lady, much more genteel than most farmers wives.


Every day, the boy would help him dress and clean. The boy would approach this task with great attentiveness and delight. From conversing with the boy, Bu Guo Wu found him to be lovable, and also had a kind heart. He was also straight and honest. Amidst their delightful conversation, Bu Guo Wu found out his name—Mao Zedong, and that he was Mao Shunshen’s eldest son. The young Mao was oft seen by his father’s side, tending to Bu Guo Wu’s wounds. In both washing and bandaging, he practiced the utmost care.

When Bu Guo Wu fainted, his jaw was struck with great violence. Eating was thus difficult. Even though his condition had improved, the Mao family would still insist on taking turns to feed him. They would carefully open his jaw, and push a small spoon of food into his mouth. The family possessed seemingly infinite patience— He heard not a grumble from them, nor was he subject to any carelessness caused by frustration. Indeed, the young Mao often was by his side, talking to him in a childish manner. Reading some amusing stories, even he began to smile.

  Under this caring family, his injuries slowly began to heal. He slowly regained his ability to eat, and also to move. One day, Mao Shunshen told Bu Guo Wu “Sir, this disastrous circumstance  will last for some time more. It would be difficult for my whole family to flee, but you, Sir, may quite easily flee Hunan. We thus have prepared you a small amount of money, in the hope that you may escape this great disaster ! ”


  After two days, Bu Guo Wu left the Mao Family residence. Mao Shunshen sent him off, travelling along the difficult and stony ground. Bu Guo Wu was touched. He thought to himself
 “[7]This family is good to the core. It spared no effort to help me, nor did they ask me anything in return. I am a person who will never forget a kindness done to him, nor am I a person who owes debts of gratitude. How, in this life, can I repay these people whom I owe my life?”]

不觉悲从中来,终于说道:"毛先生,请回去吧,我就是'不过我',对你的大恩大德会铭记于心。我身为堪舆师,人一生最大的愿望就是找一块好穴地,安置祖先骨殖,希望后人有所成就,但我的命也是你救回来的,如果没有你,我又怎能有什么后人呢? 这真实天意,天意注定福地应该留给福人,我愿意将我找得的佳穴让给你."
Breaking his habitual silence, he spoke thus:

“Mr. Mao, please return to your house. I am Bu Guo Wu,  and your act of kindness and virture will be ever recorded in my heart. I am a master of Kanyu[8], and it has been my life-long wish to find a good Lair[9] to bury my ancestors in, in the hope that my descendants will prosper. But to you I owe my life— Without your actions, how can I even have descendants?  It is truly the will of Heaven, that I should leave this beneficent place to my benefactor. And as soon as I find it, I shall give it to you”

Translator: an episode seems to be missing here—Bu Guo Wu now starts speaking about the spot in extremely precise detail, implying he has already found it.

 "湖南省山清水秀,若不是旱灾,树木菁菁,十分秀丽。 沿本省南边行,不到一小时可见突然蓦[10]起的几座群山,地险山高而又互相穿插着。
“Hunan ought to be a verdant and luscious place. If it was not for this drought, wood and grass would be everywhere, a most beautiful sight. If you travel south,  within an hour you will suddenly see a cluster of hills, rising straight up. The ground is rugged, and there are many protrusions.”
“But, if you look closely, in the middle there is not a mountain that is not connected with the others. That mountain also has a peculiar shape. The mountain’s energy is extraordinarily unique and powerful. It resembles a maid flying up to the moon, a posture infused with power and spiritual energy.  The maiden extends one hand outwards— just the posture Chang-E assumed when she flew off to the moon. For that reason, the Classic of Water水经 calls this configuration “Chang-E flying to the moon”


“As soon as the moon has risen, illuminating the dark night, the moon illuminates Chang-E’s head. Every night, she thus receives the moon’s vital essence. Hence, the bones must be buried at this moment, ”


“Upon the night of the Fifteenth day of the eighth month—Mid Autumn Festival—at the very moment the moon has perfected her roundness, bury your ancestor’s bones in a “den” located in the “Hands” of Chang-e. If you do that, your ancestor’s bones will receive the essence of the full moon and reap the benefic action of wind and water. Heaven and earth will shake, and your child will become a Founding Father of a country—A true Son of Heaven—and your family’s fortune will prosper for three generations.”

不过,那个受先人恩宠的儿子,一生的命运就会立刻有所转变,你稍微留意便觉察得到,他的命中注定先苦后甜,青少年要受尽痛楚,但定必有成功的一日,享尽万人之上荣华富贵的滋味;不过就像嫦娥一样,在奔月前吞下仙丹的时候一样是相当辛苦的,到上了月亮,便享到那种满足, 怡然的感觉。
“But, that child of yours, whom you love so much, His life will be one where fortunes will change at a moment’s notice. If you were to look a little into his fate, it is one which is “Bitter first, then sweet”. In his youth he will encounter pain and hardship—But there will come a day, when he will triumph, and receive the praise and glory of millions. Just like Chang-E, who swallowed the elixir in a moment of great pain, this pain only made her flight to the moon all the more satisfactory, all the more glorious.”

但高处不胜寒,都是成功人物的共同滋味,他内心的孤独是难以形容的,也是在所难免的.毛先生,你好自为之吧,我 '不过五' 与你在此惜别了"。说完,便拿着竹枝,一小步一小步地慢慢引领毛顺生来到 "嫦娥奔月" 龙脉之下,仰头指出下葬的方位。

“But It’s lonely at the top as they say: This is the fate of all successful people. Within his heart, Your son will be lonely, but he will not express it—a fate unavoidable. Mr Mao, you are on your own now, I cannot help you further.” Bu Guo Wu took a length of bamboo, and step-by step slowly led Mao Shunshen to the Dragon’s vein[11] beneath “Chang E Flying to the moon”. He raised his head, and pointed out the spot.


Bu Guo Wu took a deep breath, and began again:

“The will of heaven is hard to overcome, profit and loss are united. The loneliness of a founding father generated by “Chang-E Flying to the moon” is hard for my mind to encompass. Under such circumstances何况, his brothers, sisters and relatives will all die young, because of his success. Indeed, this evil will even spread to his wife and children. Because Chang-E is female, and you will place your Ancestor’s bones in her, the Fengshui will immediately be activated. But your child will have ‘A male body with a female face’ ”

这种相貌'女相'将会令他孤独一生,在心理上引起了一种//[12]//平衡。更重要的,最怕'奔月' 的风水被人破坏,影响到 '奔月' 的速度。太快了会令开国之君心理上永远想追求荣华[13],祸害众。太慢了又会令他功成垂败。所以说,这是一个大吉大劫的佳穴,前景如何要看天意了。
“Persons possessing such a physygnomy will lead a lonely life, which will cause a psychological  /im/balanace . More importantly, I fear if the fengshui of “Chang-E flying to the moon” is destroyed. That will affect the rate at which Chang-E flies to the moon. If she flies too quickly, then the Founding Father’s mind will be fixated on glory, harming the people. But if she flies too slowly, the operation will fail. All in all, this meridian gives and takes away— How things will play out must depend on the will of heaven”

/“ I myself was unwilling to place my ancestor’s bones inside this meridian, unwilling to expose my descendants to this risk. But Sir, your family is kind and contented. Perhaps your good luck will be enough overcome the disasters I mentioned-- But, no matter if this turns out auspicious or a catastrophe, you must take a risk. Mr. Mao, carefully consider if you can bear it!/

With that, Bu Guo wu carefully pointed out the Meridian’s direction, and unwillingly parted ways with Mao Shunsheng.”

毛顺生回家途中,脑里盘旋着"不过五"刚才说的一番话,心里半信半疑,乍惊乍喜,终于还是忍不住再回头到"不过五"指示的地点细察一番。果然见当中一座山宛如"嫦娥奔月"形态,神奇十足,活活跃现, 他心底暗里惊叫,莫非"不过五"说的全是真话,想宁可信其有,不可信其无,他更相信,自己的儿子个个善良,就算风水有灵,作了皇帝,也决不会祸害人民的,便决定在八月十五晚上把父亲的骨骸移过来。

As Mao Shunsheng walked home, he mulled over Bu Guo Wu’s words, half believing, half sceptical, Half frightened, half delighted. Finally, he decided to return to the spot which Bu Guo Wu pointed out to see for himself. There indeed was a mountain that looked just like “Chang-E flying to the moon”, a most marvellous sight, lively in all its particulars. In his heart he was most astonished—Bu Guo Wu told the truth, down to the smallest detail. He believed that his son, after all was a kind boy. And with the help of this fengshui, will become an Emperor, who would definitely not harm the people. Mao Sunsheng made his mind up—On the Fifteenth day of the Eighth month, he shall move his father’s bones here.

毛顺生一直没有将这件事向家人透露,在中秋那天静悄悄溜了出去,带着父亲的骨骸上"嫦娥奔月"那座山去。初时路还算易[15],但越上则越[16]兀突不平,一直爬到"嫦娥"的腰部,天色已晚, /全身已精疲力尽[17]/.虽然平日上过山,下惯田,但是已有一把年纪,加上这座山的石头兀突,形状古怪,有的石头甚圆滑,有些则尖削锐利,如剪刀般锋利,所以大有吃不消的感觉,终于还是找一块圆石坐下休息不一会儿,看见天上的月光已渐渐出现,再看"嫦娥"手臂,虽深知难爬,但还是忍着疲倦再往前行.

Mao Shunsheng never told his family about this matter. On the date of the mid-autumn festival, he quietly left the house, carrying his father’s bones towards that mountain. The journey started off fine, but as he ascended up the slope, the ground became more and more uneven. By the time he reached the “Waist” of Chang-E, it was dark. He was exhausted. He had climbed up the mountain before, and was used to working in the fields, but he was getting on in years. The rough terrain did not help either. The stones were protruding, and strangely shaped. Some stones were round and slippery, others jagged and sharp like knives. With most of his strength gone, he found a smooth stone to rest. No sooner did he sit down, he saw the moon slowly rising from the sky. He looked towards Chang-E’s “Hands”. No matter how difficult the climb will be, he must push on.

The stones became curiouser and curiouser. Some of them possessed strange pointed forms, much like an uncut jewel, sparkling under the beams of the moon. When stepped on, they emitted a sonorous sound, pleasing to the ear. Although tired, Mao Shunsheng could not help but admire the strangeness of the place.

By the time he reached Chang-E’s arms, the rocks became even more jagged, even more unusual. The whole area was infused with a strange energy— a feeling that this place must not be intruded . But Mao Shunsheng thought about his descendants’ fortunes, and worked up the courage to press on. But after walking a short distance, a stone suddenly fell down the mountain. He was almost pulled along with it. Only by grasping onto a piece of grass, /did he save himself from being dashed to pieces/

He wiped off his sweat. Frightened by this experience, He proceeded cautiously onwards. Each step forward brought a new terror to him. In great difficulty he finally arrived at Chang-E’s Elbows. The moon had yet to illuminate this place, and each step had to be taken in darkness and in fear. But from a distance Mao Shunsheng spied the Hands of Chang-E. Overcome with joy, and forgetting all danger, he rushed onward. It was an auspicious omen: he had managed to skip by all the terrors and dangers. Not long after, he reached Chang-E’s palms, with his clothes covered in brambles, his walking-stick in splinters and his body scratched all over.


At this moment, he noticed that the moon has achieved its perfect roundness. It illuminated Cang-E’s head with its brilliant light. Mao Shunsheng remembered Bu Guo Wu’s advice. The appointed hour had arrived—The moment cannot be lost. He swiftly took the bones and placed them in Cang-E’s hands. At that moment, the sky lit up, the earth quaked with a terrifying bang; heaven itself seemed to be screaming. His heart was in fear, but Mao Shunsheng knew that this was exactly as Bu Guo Wu had predicted. The bones would receive the numinous energy of the place , and receive the blessing of Wind and Water.


After resting for a few moments on Cang-E’s hands, he figured that descending the mountain would be too difficult.  Mao Shunsheng resolved to spend a night on the mountain. But as the heavens before him were swept clean by thunder and lightning, he did not sleep a wink all though the night. His thoughts were solely fixed on his family, in particular his beloved son, who would grow up to become “A true Son of Heaven”. His thoughts then turned to Bu Guo Wu’s every word, saying of how miraculous this new tomb would be. His heart was agitated, wondering about how his child’s fate would change.

At daybreak, Mao Shunsheng descended, and hurried home. When his family saw him in this state, they eagerly asked him about last night’s journey. Eager to preserve his secret, he lied, saying “Yesterday there was an earthquake. I thus hid in a cave. I only came out this morning, Did you feel the quake yesterday?”  His family agreed unanimously. They then tended to his wounds. ( The Hunan Gazetteer preserved in the Beijing Museum of historical artefacts says “In Hunan, there once was an earthquake. Its cause was unclear”).

Mao Shunsheng summoned all his children, and washed their faces—such was his love for them. He then noticed mischievous and lively Mao Zedong’s face had changed. On his lower jaw, there grew a small mole, and his face became rounder. All in all, Mao Zedong’s face grew more feminine. At that moment he knew that Mao Zedong, the spoilt child, will indeed become a Founding Father. After that time, Mao Senior looked after his son with even more care. He also noticed that apart from his face, his character and speech also changed.
The Lively and innocent boy slowly grew up to become an honest and straightforward youth. He was especially concerned with the common folk of the country. His beliefs became more passionate. He was enthusiastically patriotic. He detested the injustices done to the common folk. He made it his life’s aim, his obsession, to start the Revolution. For the sake of the people of China, he was willing to expend every ounce of strength. He joined the Communist Party, helping to organize the peasants and villages [[in armed struggle??]].  The success of his activities grew from strength to strength. Soon, his activities was winning the praise of his comrades.

But Just as Bu Guo Wu had predicted, Mao Zedong’s early years were filled with suffering, During the Fourth Encirclement campaign [against the Jiangsi Soviet] on several occasions he escaped death by a hairsbreadth—A sign of a person who was protected by heaven, and has the people’s affection都是吉人天相,得着民心. He led the Chinese Red Army to victory after victory. However, on the fifth occasion, despite having the People’s support, due to want of ammunition and [[the distance between him and his men]] He was obliged to start the celebrated Two-hundred-and fifty thousand li  ‘Long march’ 

长征过程惊险刺激,酸甜苦辣都亲身体会到,人生的五味都深深尝透了。不过,这些苦头还没有挨完,在长征这段漫长岁月里,毛泽东仍受着不少自然的灾害,人为地攻击,饥饿缺乏粮食,伤兵累累,/[23]缺乏装备是经常出现的问题,种种艰辛苦楚,可算历尽,/ 及至长征到延安,才有了基础,有了自己的军队和安全根据地,在长征途中,他得到了权力,奠下了成功的基础。/及后[24]/,经过抗日战争,虽然流了不少血汗,但毛的聪明机智更是意气/[25]风发/,声威逼人。
The Long March was a dramatic time. In the process,  Mao personally felt every possible shade and facet of the human experience. However, that was not all. In these long months, Mao Zedong endured numerous natural disasters, attacks by enemy forces, hunger and fatigue.//Lack of equipment was a common occurrence. It was a trying time, but// they eventually reached their base in Ya’an, finding a safe haven for himself and his troops.  During the Long March, he achieved much power, laying the foundations for his later success. Finally, during the war against Japan, despite much blood and sweat, Mao’s stratagems caused him to triumph over the Japanese.
Legend has it, that the then-powerful Chiang Kai-Shek was also a believer in Fengshui and the study of Fate. He researched much into the subject. He was frequently followed by an entourage of fate-calculators and physiognmists, who would scrutinize anyone whom he met. For example, Liu Zhi was [unduly promoted], but Chiang Kai-Shek was adamant that he had a “Fortunate aspect”, and thus was a “Fortunate general”, a person which he could use. (Liu Zhi’s subsequent defeat by Liu Bocheng in the Huaihai Campaign was also predestined by Fengshui). Chiang’s knowledge of fengshui also made him suspect that Mao Zedong’s power and fortune was due to a favourable ancestral tomb generating such a valorous descendant. When Chiang met Mao personally, Chiang suddenly became nervous. Chiang’s heart started to palpitate, just like a man who had met his doom. There could have been only one conclusion: Mao Zedong’s [[physiognomy]]  was conquering his own.

According to legend, One day Chiang Kai-Shek assembled a group of physiognomists and fengshui masters in Nanjing, to “Warm the wine and talk of heroes”. Each of them merrily discussed about their knowledge of fengshui, experiences and curious cases. They talked far and wide, about everything under the sun. During this merry discussion, Chiang Kai-Shek asked to this group of masters if there is anyone under heaven that can compare with him. They praised his physiognomy, the “Spiritual Tortoise descends into the world” effusively, saying that this is the sign of a true Son of Heaven. All present chattered about this wonder, praising and flattering him. However, one fortune-teller (His name is lost to history) bluntly put it to Chiang “I remember, once in Chongqing I saw Mao Zedong—His physiognomy was “A male body with a female face”—persons with this physiognomy, can turn adversity into fortune. The history of physiognomy records that  Liu Bang, founder of the Han Dynasty -- which lasted 300 years-- also possessed “A male body with a female face”, and this physiognomy is capable of destroying the “Spiritual Tortoise descends into the world”. Thus, Chairman, I believe if there is a person who will contend with you for All under heaven, it is clearly Mao.

  Upon hearing this, Chiang Kai-shek’s expression suddenly changed. He was extremely angry. Without saying a word, he threw out his sleeves and left. The assembled masters were extremely worried, everyone scared half to death. They hoped that none of them had said anything against the Chairman. They decided to keep their distance 明哲保身
Indeed, Chiang Kai-shek feared Mao Zedong the most. In his heart, he suspected that Mao was somehow destroying his own fate. Now confirmed by the masters, he resolved to air his secret concerns.

Chiang was obviously in a bad mood. Angry, [agitated] and alone, he spent an entire night pacing up and down. It was just like a fishbone stuck in the throat—incapable of being spat out or swallowed. /…/ That night, he called a meeting of his aides and followers -- a miniature conference. ( Chen Cheng, Gu Zhutong and Bai Chongxi participated). These persons were already rather familiar with the subject of fengshui. After some discussion, they concluded that the best way of destroying Mao Zedong’s fengshui was to go to Hunan, find out his ancestral tomb and ruin its fengshui. That would surely destroy his drive, and ruin his luck.

Thus, /or so the legend goes/, Chiang Kai-shek immediately sent Bai Chongxi and a group of fengshui masters to Shaoshan, Hunan, for the sole purpose of destroying the Mao’s fengshui. The legend states that when this band arrived in Hunan with the airs of a conqueror, not one of them could see the wonders of Hunan’s fengshui. Indeed, looking at that cluster of villages, not one of them could see how it differed from any old mountain village.
   When Bai saw the fengshui masters at their wit’s end, he was worried—How could he submit a report to General Chiang? Was all this effort wasted? Anxious, he tried another tack. He rounded all of Mao Zedong’s relatives—both distant and near, hoping to extract from them some information about Mao Zedong’s ancestral tomb. In his vigour, he rounded up over two hundred relatives, young and old. Even Mao Zedong’s childhood friends were rounded up.
First he asked them questions, Then he used force. But of the two hundred people, there was not a single one who was willing to let an iota of information about Mao’s ancestral tomb. Bai’s  humiliation turned to rage, an extreme rage at these stubborn people. Agitated, he hardened his heart, and used a horrifying stratagem. If they stayed silent once more, or said “I don’t know”, he will torture them one by one, kill them one by one.

  He himself found the subsequent events too terrible to stomach. [The] sufferings [of Mao’s relatives] were great.  They were lashed until their skin broke and bled. They were burnt until their bodies were turned to ash. Their tongues were cut out. Their limbs were broken. Some were beheaded, others tortured to death. The weak died of fright. All their corpses were left into the open. This horrible event is surely too much to bear; reading it makes one’s eyes water ( Legend has it that in the 1960s, Li Chongren wrote a letter to Bai, asking if he would return with him to the mainland. But Bai never dared to reply—Perhaps, this is because reflecting on this fengshui incident, Bai bore an unquenchable hatred against Mao Zedong)
Despite having killed over two hundred people, they were no closer to finding Mao Zedong’s tomb. After wracking his brains he devised another devilish strategy. Bai thus decided to destroy the fengshui in all Hunan. He diverted rivers. They torched all vegetation on mountains that possessed a ‘Dragon’s pulse’ , leaving not a single living thing behind. This, they hoped, would ruin Hunan’s fengshui for good.

In the process of ruining Hunan’s fengshui, the legend states that the “three direct paths” to “Chang-e flying to the Moon” were also destroyed. The whole shape of the Dragon’s pulse was altered drastically. Chang-E’s surroundings were changed, polluted with blood. The speed of her flight to the moon increased tenfold. These changes directly affected Mao Zedong’s fortunes. Mao’s blood also began to boil. His love for the common folk always increased, and never waned. However, with this change, Mao’s resolved strengthened, his beliefs became firmer. His power became stronger, more ferocious. He hit Chiang Kai-Shek faster and harder. Under the original circumstances, Mao’s battle with Chiang would be a bitter struggle of three decades. With this disaster, Bai accelerated the process—Three decades became three years. [34]

The struggle that had been brewing for so long finally flared.  As Mao Zedong triumphed, the civil war that Chiang-Kai-shek led soon burst forth in all fury.  In those three short years, despite the all-pervading whiff of gunpowder, Fengshui was deployed to military purposes. A faithful believer of Fengshui, Chiang Kai-shek never failed to seek a good site for a camp whenever he set forth. This task fell to his friends and aides, but because Mao Zedong’s “Male body with a female face” efficiently destroyed Chiang Kai-shek’s “Spiritual tortoise”, the “good” fengshui sites selected by the blockheads were to no avail.

In the three years of the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong often neglected food and sleep in planning. Day and night made no difference to strategizing, counteracting the schemes of his enemies. On top with dealing with his enemies, he had to deal with problems of food supply. He was often personally involved in ploughing the fields. He even grew crops of his own to help the shortage. All his labours were for the good of the country, for the greater ideals. His immense drive supported him. Just as Bu Guo Wu predicted, before he stepped onto the Gilded throne of Success and enjoyed its beautiful fruits , he had to endure numerous hardships.  Truly, in those three years of Civil War, Mao Zedong’s brilliant leadership yielded immense results—a complete victory.
    After the three-year civil war, Victor and loser were already decided. Chiang Kai-Shek’s Kuomintang army was annihilated. Finally defeated by the communists, he fled the Chinese mainland, turtle-like into Taiwan. According to the principles of Fengshui, Mao ought to have destroyed Chiang Kai-shek in thirty years. But because of Bai’s inhumane, insane massacre in Hunan, it accelerated the speed of “Chang-E flying to the moon”. The speed of Mao’s victory was thus increased, Mao defeating Chiang in three years rather than thrity.

Still, this circumstance helped Chiang. Originally, Chiang’s fate was to be killed by Mao, but because of the acceleration,  There was a bit of “Residual Qi” on Chiang’s part. Chiang’s “Spiritual turtle” was thus saved from complete destruction. He fled turtle-like into safety in Taiwan. Meanwhile, Mao, having exhausted all his own Qi, was incapable of slicing open Chiang’s “shell” . Thus, Chiang’s fate had secured him an route out of complete destruction by escaping to Taiwan. Indeed, Chiang must have been extremely knowledgeable in selecting Taipei as his capital—It fitted the turtle image perfectly. Readers, consider the shape of Taiwan – Is it not just like a turtle’s shell?. /All along, his fengshui luck was still good—indeed, to this day, his sons have settled down in taiwan/
As for Chang-E, the legend says that she had fled to the moon too fast. When she neared the moon, she struck her head against the moon, and fainted. This incident deeply affected Mao Zedong, and in turn, the whole of China. Just as Bu Guo Wu had predicted, Mao would become a Founding Father, but twenty years later, Chang-E’s “Crash landing” would leave a trail of destruction, harming the people.
   A sea-change suddenly occurred with Mao. His love for the country turned almost into madness. Power had now went to his brain. [39]  Now everything had to be revolutionary, everything had to accelerate. Just like Cang-E’s skull, his brain  was somehow affected . He thus put forth many policies that would harm the people. The country was thrust into the “Cultural revolution” which “Flipped the sky and earth”. In this misguided state, all tradition was eschewed in favour of “Red”, a complete departure from any sensible governance. Schools were closed, and their students were constantly baying for  parades, revolution and violence. The whole country was thrown into chaos, / but this cannot be said to be part of Mao’s mad ideas/. Likewise, in the “Great Leap Forward” , the desire for short-term gain, caused completely unnecessary suffering for the common folk.    这种种错误,使人民追随不上的过急,过于激进的步伐,就是不过五所谓的灾害了。然而,毛泽东自觉自己是有一套的,他这时候认为自己得不到别人的了解,所以不时表现出孤独、寂寞的神情,到此为止,他的际遇,命运一一应验了不过五所预言,只是不过五永想不到他发现的嫦娥奔月会遭白崇禧蓄意破坏,/[40]气势挫弱,才有这样一次的祸害。这都只能怪白崇禧当日不懂风水,胡作妄为,随便破坏地脉龙气所致,这真使大相学家不过五的好意留下深深遗憾/。也可以说是天意不可违了!而中国传统文化中风水奇妙之处也正在此。

The mistake was to make too radical a step, to make changes to the country before the people  was ready for them, exactly as Bu Guo Wu had predicted. Meanwhile a set of troubles also affected Mao Zedong. At this time he felt no-one could understand him, and thus became extremely lonely. Until now, his experiences were exactly as Bu Guo Wu had predicted them. However, never in Bu Guo Wu’s wildest dreams did he ever imagine ‘Cang-E  flying to the moon’ would be ruined by Bai, // and the weakening the spirit [of the place] which caused this disaster.  One can only blame Bai’s ignorance of fengshui on that day, blindly destroying the Dragon’s breath for causing this catastrophe. This was a regret that the celebrated Bu guo Wu always carried. //. Mysterious indeed are the ways of heaven, and wondrous indeed is the power of fengshui.

[1] Most sources call him毛贻昌 Mao Yichang, his given name. Shunshen was his style name
[2] words deleted by 名人, replaced by
[3] 名人has 所以甚得盛名;也倍受别人尊敬,“不過五在緊張的關頭,也自身難保。
“And thus gained fame, and even a measure of respect. But in this tense time, he could barely protect himself,
[4] A form of divination using the I Ching.
[5] Hence his name, Not above five.
[6] web has 荸荠 as an error.
[7] The Original Chinese text does not have Bu Guo Wu speak in sentences of five words. I have written a prose translation of the Chinese text in brackets. These are followed by my paraphrase, into groups of five words.
[8] Kanyu, an archaic term for Fengshui.
[9]Chinese: Xue . This refers to a place where Qi collects in a beneficial manner. Burial in such a place would ensure prosperity to the deceased’s descendants. The usual English translation is  Meridian is, but a more literal (and appropriate) one is “Den” . This is the ”Dragon’s den” that Dunnig refers to.
[10] 名人 has instead.
[11] The main path, or conduit of Qi in a landscape.
[12] 名人 omits , but I have preserved it here, as it fits the sense of the subsequent passage.
[13] Web has刺激 “provocation” instead
[14] Words between // are omitted by 名人
[15] omitted by web.
[16]mingren has
[17]  名人 has  他已經筋疲力尽,直喘粗气 “He was exhausted and panting”
[18] 名人 has “。。。還是驚訝不己,走到走到“嫦娥”手臂
[19] words omitted by 名人
[20] 名人 considerably shortens this passage: 一步一驚心,好不容易才走到“嫦娥的手掌,滿心歡喜。走近時,己衣亂體傷。”Each step forward brought a new terror to him, In great difficulty he reached Cang-E’s palms. When he arrived, his heart was overcome with joy. His clothes were in disarray, and his body injured…
[21]mingren has刹時
[22] words omitted by web.
[23] words omitted by 名人
[24] words omitted by 名人
[25]名人 replaced with 意氣
[26] mingren has
[27] mingren has 衹是一個 “Only one” and omits姓名已不详
[28] words omitted by 名人
[29] words omitted by 名人
[30] 名人has instead of
[31] words omitted by 名人
[32] web has 交际 as an error
[33] web has上司倒米
[34] This would mean the massacre mentioned above occurred in 1946.
[35] mingren has 歷久
[36]mingren has  論計
[37] words omitted by 名人
[38] words omitted by mingren
[39] The Chinese original is 走火入魔, which refers to a kind of psychosis which happens when one acquires spiritual powers too quickly
[40] words omitted by 名人

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