Monday, 30 December 2019

Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Da Bei Zou/ Xin Jing :觀世音菩薩大悲咒心經

Another copy of the Great Compassion Mantra in my collection. 
For an introduction to the GCM, see Here: 
The present book is also Bilingual. It is printed in a Curious manner. The English tetxt runs from Left to right, the Chinese from Right to left. To accomodate the difference in writing directions, the two texts are printed from opposite sides of the book, and meet in the middle. 

This situation, whilst practical for a printer, becomes a disadvantage if you are posting it online. As such, I have decided to split this post into two parts; the first is the English text, and the second is the Chinese. 

The English portion is a translation of the Sutra that is attached to the Great Compassion Mantra. The sutra describes how the mantra was revealed, and narrates its benefits.  The only other translation of this sutra, [or at least the rites surrounding it] is  "An Attempt to translate from the Chinese, a work known as the Confessional Service of the Great Compassionate Kwan Yin, possessing 1000 hand and 1000 eyes" by Rev. Samuel Beal, Royal Navy . 

Beal's translation is of the complete liturgy surrounding the DBZ- including the preliminary chants etc. The text featured here does not contain the preliminary rituals; only the Sutra itself, but it is, in my opinion, a better translation than Beal's. For instance, the present text does not dismiss the mantra as "Corrupt forms of Sanskrit or Pali words", but on the contrary, translates the Sanskrit into English. Still, it is surprising that Beal got the first line right: "南无·喝啰怛那·哆啰夜耶"= 'Namo Ratnaya' 

UPDATE: This book has been uploaded into Internet Archive, and is available to download, for free as a PDF there: 

The Heart Sutra:
Mantra of the Heart Sutra/ Dharani of the Healing Buddha

"Homage to the Lord Master of Healing "

"Spirit Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure Land.

The English text of the book ends here. 

The Chinese text of this book starts from the other cover of the book, as it reads from Left to Right, The two texts thus meet in the middle. 

1. The DBZ 

End of DBZ; how to create Da Bei Shui 

The Heart Sutra 

Mantras: 佛母準提神咒= [The Buddha's mother,] Zhun Ti Spirit Mantra
师灌頂真言= Medicine Master's true words for annointing the crown

往生淨土神咒= Spirit Mantra for Rebirth in the Pure land

"Om Mani Padme Hum" 

This page on the Left shows the list of Donors. 

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