Saturday, 14 December 2019

Partridge's 80 Aphorisms for elections

Partridge's 1692 Μικροπαστρων/ Mikropanastron  has six collections of 'aphorisms'-- short, pithy astrological rules. Of these six collections, three have been republished on the internet; The Centiloqiues of Hermes, [Pseudo]Ptolemy, and Al- Battani / Bethem   

The remaining three have yet to be republished online in any form. They are a Centiloquy by Gadbury, another 'Centiloquy' by Partridge himself, and finally "Special rules for elections, digested into 80 aphorisms", aso by Partridge. These "80 rules" are the subject of the current post: 

As mentioned above, The present text has been transcribed from the 1692 ed. of Partridge's Mikropanastron, printed by Edward Brewster in London. The relevant section begins here:

Editorial conventions 
Abbreviations have been expanded: so

is written “The Moon increasing, in good ray of the Sun, helps forward journeys” . 

The symbol refers to the Moon's Ascending Node. I have transcribed it here as the "Dragon's Head", which was the conventional term at the time. Likewise The Moon's Descending Node is expanded as the "Dragon's tail"

The original text is one continuous block of 80 aphorisms. However, to make life easier for my readers, I have divided the text into sections, with their titles enclosed in square brackets [thus].  Page numbers in the original are signalled by bold numbers enclosed in square brackets, thus: [266].

  I have also added some comments in the text. These comments are added in Italics.

*** *** ***
Of some special rules for elections, digested into 80 aphorisms

[General rules]
1.     By a nativity, you may judge what part of the world is best to live in, either for health or riches
2.     If the fortunes are joined with the lord of the ascendant, between the Medium Caeli  and Ascendant; it is best to live eastward.
3.     In all elections fortify the lord of the ascendant, and the lord of the house of the thing desired

[A section on elections for journeys]

4.     Saturn doth most mischief in long journeys, Mars in short
5.     Fixed signs forbid journeys, movable signs promote them; the later part of Libra excepted. [265]
6.     The Moon increasing, in good ray of the sun, helps forward journeys
7.     When an infortune receives a fortune by good aspect, it do[es] no harm.
8.     In journeys, the greatest impediment of a planet is to be peregrine
9.     When you go a journey by land, it is bad to have mars in the third or ninth, for it signifies he shall be robbed; but it is worse to have him in the second
10.  When you begin a journey, take heed there is no ill planet in the seventh; for that shows evil to befall thee in the place whither thou goest
11.  The Lord of the ninth or third in the first, the Journey will be profitable
12.  If the Lord of the ascendant give power to the Lord of the ninth, the Journey will be profitable
13.  In short Journeys view the Lord of the third, for he signifies short Journeys
14.  In all Journeys view the moon, for she is a general Significatrix of Journeys
15.  Take particular heed to the lord of the hour; for if he be impedited when you take a journey, it will do as much harm, as [266] when the lord of the horoscope is so
16.  The hours of Saturn and Mars are ill to take a Journey in; but the hours of Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Moon are good.
17.  In Journeys, the impediments of Saturn are many, and may be known by the nature of the sign he is in; For example  if in a sea voyage, Saturn ascend in Pisces, the ship will be shipwrackt

 If we are to take this rule literally, it is so vague as to be useless. Saturn spends over 2.5 years in each sign of the zodiac; and Saturn is somewhere in every chart. I do not think Partridge meant for the 2.5 years Saturn in in Pisces every voyage would end in shipwreck! 

      Rather, I think this means if Saturn is somehow in a position to impede the voyage (eg by being in the ascendant, or the 3rd or 9th house, or maybe squaring the significators?), the exact nature of the impediment can be known by the sign Saturn is in. 

18.  Take no Journey by sea when a fiery sign Ascendeth; for then a watery sign is in the eighth House, which is evil.
19.  If you go to a Prince or a King, let a firey Sign ascend, and let the sun be fortunate.
20.  If the Sun or Moon give power to the lord of the ascendant, it is good.

21.  In the foundation of cities, in the first place regard the fixed stars, then joyn Benevolent planets with them.
22.  In the foundation of Houses, first regard the Planets, and their Natures, then the Nature of the Signs
23.  The moon in Scorpio or Pisces, having Latitude South, and descending, begin no Building ; for if you do, it will quickly fall
24.  The most fortunate time to begin buildings, is, when the Moon is in Aquarius, or else let Aquarius [267] ascend, and the moon behold it and the Fortunes also by good Aspect; to wit the degree ascending
25.  Leo and Taurus are also good; but not so good as Aquarius
26.  Let not the Lord of the Ascendant be Combust nor Retrograde, nor in his Fall, nor in Ill Aspect to any planet
27.  If possible, let both the Lights behold the ascendant
28.  At such a time when Saturn will do least mischief in the twelfth, and Mars in the Sixth
Transcriber: Those are the houses where Mars and Saturn have their joys
29.  Let not the sign ascending at the Revolution of the year be in the seventh house, when you lay your foundation; for that stirs up enemies to molest your building
30.  An evil planet peregrine in the tenth house will not stand, and yet you had better have Saturn there than Mars
31.  The city will be most unfortunate, whose Foundation is laid when Mars is in the M[edium] C[aeli]  for many of its citizens will perish by the sword
32.  When a foundation is laid, let not the Moon be with the Dragon’s tail [ i.e. descending node, Ketu], or in Conjunction, Square or Opposition to Saturn, nor Saturn in the ascendant; for the building will go on slowly, and perhaps be never finished; it will be subject to many misfortunes, and perhaps at last fall down. At the foundation of [268] Chesley Colledge, the moon was in opposition to the Sun Lord of the twelfth in the tenth, an in Square to Saturn, Lord of the sixth, and Saturn Square to Mercury, lord of the Horoscope : It was never used for any thing but a prison.
EW:  This is the horoscope of Chesley college. Its first stone was laid “May 8th, 11h 45m AM, 1609”
33.  If Mars be so seated or Aspected as in the former Aphorism we will have spoke of Saturn, the house will be burnt; as you may see in  the figure of the Defiance Frigat.
E.W: This is the horoscope of the Defiance frigate. It was launched at "3h 34' P.M." on 28th March 1666. 

34.  In the launching of Ships, let not Mars be in the Horoscope, nor the Lord of the Horoscope going to Combustion in the eighth in a firey sign; for the ship will be certainly Burnt, as you may see in our Example
35.  Let the Moon and the Lord of the Horoscope be strong and fortunate above the earth, and the Infortunes in Cadent Houses, except the Ninth.

[A series of aphorisms on marriage]

EW: Note how aphorisms 44-48 are means of ensuring the male partner will dominate over the female in the marriage. 

36.  In marriages, the Ascendant stands for the Man, the seventh for the Woman
37.  In which of these parts good Planets are, it will be best for them.
38.  In both beware of the beginning of Scoripio, and the end of Libra, for that is the Combust Way, and portends no good in such matters, nor in few others indeed
39.  Let not the Moon be combust, for that signifies death; nor in the Combust way, for that signifies an ill end. [269]
40.  It is very ill at the time of Marriage, if the Moon apply to Saturn or Mars, be the Aspect never so good; for there will be neither peace nor love between them.
41.   If you would Marry for issue, let the Moon be in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, nor unfortunate; and if she be in the West, it is so much the better
42.  In all marriages, let the Moon increase in light and Motion, and let her have no ill aspect to the Sun, nor any at all to Saturn or mars.
43.  Venus  is the general significatrix of Marriage, and therefore it is best to let the Moon apply tp her
44.  Let the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the seventh be in good Aspect with Reception, and the Lord of the Ascendant strongest, and a commanding planet
45.  If the Lord of the Ascendant  is weak, and the lord of the seventh strong in the seventh, and he a commanding planet also, and in a good Aspect of Mars; she will wear the Breeches, and domineer over her Husband to the purpose.
46.  I knew one that had Virgo ascending at Marriage, and Mercury in Virgo, and Jupiter Lord of the seventh in Opposition to Saturn Retrograde, and both in Square to Venus, and the Moon in Square to mars; the truth is, she was old and full of Conditions; but they were very wicked ones. [270]
47.  I know another who had Scorpio ascending at the time of marriage, and Mars and Venus in Conjunction in Virgo, and both combust, and in opposition to the Moon, and it hath proved a very unhappy marriage.
48.  Let not Mars or Saturn be in the seventh, for they make the Women always out of order.

[War and conflict between two antagonsts]
49.  Such as go the war, ought to consider of coming safe home again
50.  For this end, let the Sun, Jupiter, Venus or the Dragon’s head be in the ascendant, or else they may fail of it.
51.  If Saturn be in the Ascendant, he will come home again a coward, and surprised with fear, and not fight
52.  If Mars be there, he will either dye, or be dangerously wounded
53.  But if Saturn and Mars be there, you may be confident he will never return
54.  If the Lord of the Ascendant be in his fall, he will hardly return
55.  If no planet be in the Ascendant, look to the eighth or tenth Houses; for if an evil planet be in the eighth, he will die; but if in the tenth, he will be taken prisoner
56.  Jupiter in the eighth, and the Moon in Conjunction with Saturn in the tenth, he comes safe; but with [271] difficulty and loss of honour, as Maj. Gen. Lambert , who set out to meet Gen, Monck coming from Scotland, 1659, Novemb. 3. 10 ho. 15min. A. M.
57.  He that would fight effectually, must either have one of the houses of Mars ascending, or Mars in good Aspect of the Moon, Horoscope, or Lord thereof
58.  Let the Lord of the Ascendant be a superior Planet and strong, and let the lord of the Seventh be weak and in his Fall
59.  Let not the Moon, nor Lord of the Ascendant be afflicted by the Lord of the twelfth in the twelfth, lest he be taken prisoner
60.  Neither let them be in the eighth, nor afflicted in the eighth, lest he die or be slain.
61.  An evil planet in the M.C.  signifies ill to the assailant; but in the I. C. to the defendant
62.  Judge of the Assailant by the Ascendant, and so vary the houses accordingly.
63.  But judge the Defendant by the seventh, and thence vary the houses as before, the tenth being his fourth, and the fourth his tenth, &c.
Comment: This passage refers to the use of ‘derived houses’ So, the defendant is represented by the 7th house; the defendant’s 2nd house (i.e. his money) is represented by the next house, i.e. the 8th house; the 9th house is the defendant’s 3rd house etc.
64.  It is not good to Fight, when the Lord of the Ascendant is in the eighth house[272]
65.  The sun doth no good in the Ascendant in the hour of Battail, nor yet joined to the Lord of the Ascendant
66.  The Assailant always loseth the Battail if the lord of the ascendant be an Infortune, Retrograde or Combust.
67.  But if the Lord of the seventh be so, the Defendant will be beaten, and he that begins the Battail first will have the Victory
68.  Let no King or General go into Battail, when the Lord of the Ascendant applies to the seventh house
69.  There is no taking of a City (Authors say) when the City-Sign ascends at the Revolution of the year of the world
70.  When the Moon, Saturn and Mars shall be joined together, there shall be great effusion of Blood.
71.  But if at their setting forth, the Lord of the Ascendant and seventh are in good Aspect with Reception, and the Benevolent Planets afford their Benevolent Rays, from good Houses of Heaven, they both agree without fighting
72.  What hath been said of two fighting is as well applicable to the Plaintiff and Defendant in Law.

73.  For any one to go to a King, or other great Man, let the Moon be in the horoscope Sexitile or Trine to the Sun in the tenth house
74.  Or else let the Moon be applying to the Lord of the tenth, and if possible in Reception, and all begun in the hour of the Sun
75.  But if it be to go to, or Petition a Bishop, Judge &c. let the Moon be joined to Jupiter by Body or good Aspect, or by a Square, so it be with reception
76.  But of he be to go to old Men, let the moon be applying by Sextile  or trine to Saturn from good places of Heaven, the Angles have most force
77.  In managing Business with Women, let the Moon apply to Venus; if with Mathematicians, Accomptants , to Mercury; and so in the rest.

[General rules on what to elect for]
78.  In all Elections you must use the freedom of your will, and so constitute the Heavens to dispose of their Influence in the common course of Nature
79.  In the framing of Elections, let them not be for unreasonable things, nor impertinent things; but use discretion with art
80.  In all Elections have respect to their Nativities, and see whether there be a possibility of effecting it; for Art cannot contradict the Resolutions of a Deity.

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