In this post I shall translate a short Chinese electional astrology text on the "Lunar mansions" or Xiu. It comes from the 2018 edn of the 集福堂 “Hall of collected fortune" almanac of China. This post was based on a twitter thread I published in 2021
There are many such texts that are currently circulating in Chinese almanacs. They vary in form and content; some are 4 lines of 7-character verse; others have 8 lines of verse. per lunar mansion This particular poem. however is particularly concise- each judgment merely 12 characters long. Hence it is a ripe candidate for translation.
As some of my readers are no doubt aware, these Xiu 宿 are Chinese constellations. However, we are not concerned with these constellations today, but rather with their current use: as a cycle of 28 days that has no relation to the moon's position in the sky whatsoever. (Think of it as a 28-day week) Chinese almanacs tabulate what is the Xiu or lunar mansion assigned to a particular day. For example, the day I type this (10 Feb 2025) is assigned to the Xiu 心- heart, the 5th lunar mansion. Reading the relevant poem, we find it is an inauspicious day to marry or build. Tomorrow, by contrast will be assigned the 6th lunar mansion, Wei the tail. This is a propitious day to build or bury, as it brings officials.
Each Xiu is associated with an animal. I have taken the translations of the animal names from Thomas Thomas F. Aylward's _The Imperial Guide to Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology (his translation of 協記[辦方書)
which is one of the very few good books on Chinese astrology in English. Each entry of this text is headed with a small drawing of the relevant animal, which adds much to its charm.
which is one of the very few good books on Chinese astrology in English. Each entry of this text is headed with a small drawing of the relevant animal, which adds much to its charm.
Again, you might notice that each of the names of the xiu are associated with a planet/ one of the 5 phases. When the xiu are used in practise, each xiu lines up one of the seven days of the week; so, all the xiu assigned to the "sun"in them fall on Sundays; all the xiu with the word "Fire" on them fall on Tuesdays (as Tuesday- Mars day (martidi) - 火曜日)
As regards the categories of elections, the categories that are mentioned almost invariably in each entry are burial, marriage and construction- things which are in generally the preoccupation of Chinese electional astrology.
Some entries need a bit more explaining, such as mentions of “Doors” and “Water”. Doors, refers to auspicious days to fix/repair doors. “Releasing Water” I gather, surrounds opening irrigation ditches and suchlike works.Finally, as regards to the caveat attached at the end of the whole text, what the book is referring to is a rather complex form of divination called the "Evolving beasts" 演禽術, which somewhat resembles Greater Six Ren 大六壬 divination
Some other almanacs, like the Hong Kong 廣經堂 - Hall of Broad Classics almanac express an even more extreme skepticism about the lunar mansions:
值於舊曆書內所載之二十八宿,原為西城人士紀曆之用,本無吉凶之分,玉匣記附以吉凶詩斷,協記己闢非,今仍註於六甲子日之下者,實為保留紀曆作用,對星宿吉凶論斷,實毋需重視也。"in the old calendars, were recorded the 28 mansions . These were originally used by the people of the Western Lands to record time, and originally were not divided into auspicious or inauspicious [xiu]. The Jade Box Record 玉匣記, has an appendix which contain poems judging the auspiciousness of each of the xiu; however The Imperial Guide to Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology has shown why [these poems] are baseless 闢非. These lunar mansions are placed beneath the 60 Stems and branches (in this almanac), for the sake of preserving their calendarical use. As for their [in]auspiciousness, in truth, one should put much stock by them.
1.角木蛟 Jiao Wood flood-dragon
Construction in Jiao: Fortune
Marriage: good husband.
Trade unfavourable,
Burials: unsuitable
2亢金龙 Kang, Gold Dragon
Kang is most prosperous
Burial brings glory
But to marry on this day,
[you will] watch over an empty room
3氐土貉 Di, Wood Badger
Building in Di: disastrous.
A maiden voyage: Setback
Dwellings and property: empty.
Marriage: inauspicious.
4.房日兔 Fang, Sun Rabbit
Fang: Very auspicious.
Burials: brings prosperity.
Marriage : sons born,
Construction: Sure glory.
5. 心金狐 Xin, Metal Fox
Xing, should not arrive.
Burial and construction: inauspicious.
Marrying on this day,
No children
6尾火虎 Wei, fire tiger
Construction on wei: flourish.
Burial : brings lords and officials公卿.
[positioning] Doors and [releasing] water: auspicious;
Sons born, Glory.
7.箕水豹 Ji, water Leopard
Construction: strong.
Making Fortune: Glory.*
Burial: will prosper.
Suitable for letting water.
* might also be read as "Making [things]: Fortune and glory"
8.斗木獬 Dou, Wood Xie*
Dou brings wealth.
Construction: Fortune comes
Burial is auspicious.
Marriage, harmonious.
9/ 牛金牛 Niu, Golden Cow.
Niu : many disasters.
Nothing will become [of] construction.
Marriage, losses and injury,
[fixing] doors, livestock prolific
10/ 女土蝠 Nü, Earth Bat
In Nü, don’t move,
Making burials, inauspicious.
Opening doors and water
will scatter the village.
11/ 虚日鼠 Xu, Sun Rat
Xu is unlucky.
Making a tomb is bad.
In all matters, when [this xiu] arrives,
Losses and death.
12/ 危日燕Wei, Sun Swallow.
Bad for construction
Building: disaster
Burials on this day,
also [no time?]
13. 室火猪 Shi, Fire Pig
Construction: Lands increase.
Marriage: noble sons.
Burial: flourishing and prosperity.
Releasing water: auspicious.
14.壁水俞 Bi, Water Porcupine
Construction: Lands increase.
Burial: flourishing and prosperity.
Releasing water: auspicious.
Marriage: will be fertile.
15/ 奎木狼 Kui, Wood wolf
Suitable for construction.
Marriage will bring glory.
Burial inauspicious,
Will decrease children, husband.
16/ 娄金狗 Lou, Metal Dog
Suitable for construction.
Burial will bring glory.
Releasing water auspicious.
Opening doors brings glory.
17/ 胃土雉 Wei, the Earth Pheasant
Construction in Wei: Fortune;
Children and grandchildren flourish.
Burial: Excellent;
Children and grandchildren glorious.
18/ 昴日鸡 Mao: Sun Chicken
Construction: bad.
Unsuitable for burial.
Doors and water: disaster .
Everything goes to a standstill. 忧
19/ 毕月鸟 Bi, Moon Bird
Most suitable for construction.
Doors and water: glory.
Burials: [will bring] much plenty
Marriage: Sons born.
20/ 嘴火猴 Zi, Fire Monkey
Be careful of Zhi.
Burial: kills people.
Construction, also loss;
Gold turns to dust
21/ 参水猿 Shen, Water Ape
Construction: prosperous for family,
wealth and children come.
Opening doors: auspicious.
Releasing water: prosperity
22/ 井木犴 Jing, Wood Tapir
Construction: strong.
Releasing water: auspicious.
Burial: beware of accidents.
Marriage: will prosper.
23 鬼金羊: Gui, Metal Goat
Construction: loss and death,
Burial: glory.
Marriage: punishments, vanquishment
Sewing clothes: auspicious.
24/柳土獐 Liu, Earth Water-stag
Construction: lawsuits.
Burial: will not flourish.
Opening doors: disaster.
Releasing water: injury.
25/ 星日马 Xing, Sun Horse
Constructing rooms: profits.
Releasing water, injury.
Burial inauspicious, losses.
Marriage, the house demolished.
26/ 张月麂Zhang, Moon Deer
Building: Fortune and flourishing.
Burial: auspicious, glory.
Releasing water: auspicious.
Marriage: auspicious.
27/ 翌火蛇 Yi, Fire Snake
Unsuitable for construction.
Burial, no gain.
Door, water: setback.
Disaster in all matters.
28/ 轸水蚓 Zhen, Water Earthworm
Construction may proceed.
Marriage: Sons born
Starting work: prosperity.
Doors and water: glory.
[appendix] 二十八宿变化多端。当分时令衰、旺、败、亡,
The 28 Mansions have much transformations. Every minute of every hour [a given xiu may be] weakened, prospering, defeated, or dead.
What Xiu, and what hour of the day, and [whether it is] Spring, Summer, Autumn or winter, must be known before a selection is made.
Do not be misled as regards auspicious times, by grasping onto [a simple] judgment of the Xiu’s [in]auspiciousness
Beware of this!
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