Tuesday 27 August 2024




From https://archive.org/details/dsmjj_images/page/n5/mode/2up 

It might strike the reader as surprising to see the 'laughing buddha' depicted on such a serious scripture, but this is actually the traditional chinese depiction of Maiterya. 

This text is one of a series of rather curious 'folk' scriptures. it will hopefully be first of a series of such scriptures that I intend to translate and will post on this blog. All these sutras have a common theme: A series of disasters will soon come to strike humanity; the wicked will perish, and the good survive. If the readers would repent in time and cultivate morality/distrubute the scripture, then they would be saved. 

The earliest such scripture is the Scripture of the Five Lords 五公經 which I have previously featured here https://edwardwhite123.blogspot.com/2020/05/the-sutra-of-five-lords.html

(I presently possess an English translation of the sutra, but the Chinese text from which I take it is so jumbled that the translation barely makes sense. When I get a better copy of the sutra I will revise the translation and publish it). However the Scripture of the Five Lords is not alone: The Great Sage End Kalpa sutra is another such example. 

Before I go further I should speak of the religious affiliation of the text. The boundaries between buddhism and Daoism have always been blurred in China- especially at a popular level, and this scripture is no exception. We have Maiterya, the future Buddha, as well as Guanyin having a dialogue with the Jade emperor.

 However, as much as this work works in a buddhist/daoist cosmology, it is far from the mainstream chinese buddhist [or indeed, daoist] scripture- not least because there have been numerous rebellions of people who proclaimed themselves as Maitreya. if I recall correctly I did not acquire this text from a Buddhist temple, but rather from a 'tract table' in a Daoist temple, where people place holy books for free distribution. (Chinese Daoists are really more polytheists: they have a more relaxed attitude to these things) 

It is also worth noting how the sutra came to earth- via the well-established method of fuji, or planchette writing -- the sutra's colophon states precisely when and where the  the sutra was revealed. Furthermore, the book from which the sutra is extracted has a whole plethora of messages from the god at the back, likewise revealed through FuJi. The fact that this text was revealed by planchette writing may also show why it is so disjointed: it goes backwards and forwards, often repeating itself. 

I have doubts about some translations, and there may be errors. If my readers can spot such errors or have any other suggestions, I would be glad to hear of them. 


彌勒尊佛。 南海慈航。聞尊所說。

The worthy buddha Maitreya, Compassionate voyager of the southern sea; hear what [the] Worthy [One] has to say!


 To help all sentient beings, [who] commit the ten evil acts and ungoodnesses, the Heavens Lack and Heaven’s net immortals descend to the world. Inspect this sutra! If there is any one who receives and practises it, the stars of disaster will be remitted. All people in a family, will remain without vexations. 



If There are evil people, who do not believe; just look at the years of the Ape, Chicken, Dog, and Pig. 申酉戌亥年 There will be cooked rice, but nobody to eat it; clothes but nobody to wear them; roads, but nobody to walk on them; fields, but nobody to plough them. When the fifth or sixth months come, evil snakes will fill the land. In the 8th and 9th months, the evil people will all die; corpses will be piled all over the grounds. If an evil person repents and reforms, they will not suffer from the the ten tragic disasters that are enumerated: 

The first tragedy: disaster by water and fire

The second tragedy, the smoke of [domestic] fires will become extinct. 

The third tragedy, people will fall unconscious and die; 

The fourth tragedy, husband and wife will part from one another. 

The fifth tragedy, tigers and snakes will bite people; 

The sixth tragedy, corpses will be piled over the land; 

The seventh tragedy, knives and soldiers will move and kill; 

The eighth tragedy, cold by night and day; 

The Ninth tragedy, families will have to send [their] members away;

The 10th tragedy  they will not get to see the year of Great Peace. 

[3] 上死人無其數。一萬之中死九千。惡劫到了。天下五穀少收成。惡風暴雨。惡龍橫行。眾生有災。
Uncountable dead will be seen on the road; of ten thousand, nine thousand will die. When the evil kalpa has come, there will be but little harvest of the five grains. Evil wind and violent rain, evil dragons will travel about. The massed beings will suffer disasters . 


The Jade Emperor decreed the generals Guan and Zhao to descend to the mortal realm, to travel in the void towards the various Gods, and inspect this scripture. There were evil people who disbelieved; whose demoniac hearts were given to wiles. Heaven personally sent down these stars, to collect these evil people. 



The price of rice will rise massively; a tael of silver bought five sheng of rice. [when that happens] Materiya buddha manifests himself, and the generals Guan and Zhao entered the mortal realm. In the [year] Renxu, illnesses rise; they stop in Guihai. Of the people, nine would perish, and one survive. 



Again i will speak of the great evils [endured] by the people. First, the disaster of Wind; Second the disaster of fire; Third, the disaster of water; Fourth the disaster of knives and soldiers; Fifth the disaster of injury and strains; Sixth the disaster of lightning; Seventh the disaster of being bitten by snakes; Eighth the disaster of difficult birth; Ninth the disaster of famine; Tenth the disaster of the extinction of humanity. 



The worthy Buddha Shakyamuni has will control the world for 13,000 years, and his term has already expired. The Worthy Buddha Materiaya, will then take over heaven and earth. Starting from the year Gengshen until the year Jiazi, the five grains will not be harvested; people will die of hunger; it would be hard to avoid knives and soldiers. 


If a person takes this scripture and transmits it all under heaven– one transmitting to ten, ten transmitting to a hundred, a hundred transmitting to a myriad, [they can] hide from the end kalpa, and see the Heaven of Yao and the days of Shun, and together enjoy the world of lotuses. 


If a person knows of this scripture and does not transmit it, they will experience the ten disasters in their bodies; hard would it be for them to be reborn. If a person copies and distributes this [scripture] their whole family will be spared disasters; the thousand clouds of auspiciousness collect, and they will never encounter the ten disasters.


南海慈航朝 天尊。將下人善惡。奉上  天庭。

The Compassionate Sailor of the Southern Seas came before the Heavenly Worthy, and reported the Good and Evil deeds of people to the Heavenly Palace. 



The Jade Emperor, on hearing this, became enraged, and scolded the massed gods: in vain they have received the incense fires, for they did not encourage the massed beings [to do good]. Now, evil people with no conscience fill the world. 


降旨。興災數載。換過生靈。時諸神啓奏。南海觀音。俯伏 金闕。幾次求情。惡者應滅。善者區分。

He then ordered several years of disasters to flourish, and for the Living spirits to be changed 換過生靈. [At that] time, Guanyin of the Southern Seas, petitioned the Golden watchtower several times for mercy: The evil [ones] should be extinguished, but the good should be separated from them. 


玉皇批勒。姑念善惡兩層。刀兵擇地而起。瘟疫向人而生。即差 元帥。奉旨拿人。

The Jade Emperor then [commanded– possible corruption here?] "you have spoken of [dividing] the good and evil into two layers; [When the] Knives and soldiers [rise on] the land, and epidemics face people, [I will] Then order the Marshals to take the following persons "



First, those who rail and scold heaven and earth
Second, those who are unfilial to their parents
Third, those who mistreat the people and deceive their lords

Fourth, those who are lewd and given to lust

Fifth those who waste and scatter the five grains

Sixth those who destroy images [of gods] and decieve the gods


Seventh those who slaughter cows and dogs,

Eighth, those who craftily [alter] the bushel and balance
Ninth, those who confuse the clear and cheat in the obscure 

Tenth, those who harm others to profit themselves.

The old, who yet do not reform,

Surely their descendants will violate the Five Cardinal Relations. 


The evil, who bully the good,
The rich, who are unkind to the poor,
Seekers of profit, who do evil outside to draw [profit] within,
Those who occupy by force, plan to seize, and fight one another.

Thieves of people’s property,
Sellers of false medicine, who cheat people,
Those who on encounting the good, cheat them ‘till they are stripped to the marrow,
Those who on encountering the evil, fawn on them extremely. 

Those who in trading cheat the ignorant,
Who step on written paper, or documents
Even though they wear clothes and are of human form,

They act in a manner that is against heaven and earth.

Those who rely on force and violence, 
Who decieve [their?] heart and obscure themselves to harm people,
Those who with cruelty seek profit,
With not a sense of shame or regret. 

Those who forget kindness and reject good done to them
How can they be people later on?
Those who cheat the old and bully the young
Those who break up people’s marriages

Those who strike their father-in-law and scold their mother in law,

Those who love the wealthy and despise the poor, 
Those who are disharmonious with their brothers and sisters in law
Those who do not respect their [husband]

Those who incite people to lawsuits
Those brothers who fight,

Who catch snakes, net fish, and strike birds
Who set fire to mountains, thereby harming graves 

[who, with improper learning, do rites and manipulate ghosts?]

Who defame and curse others, harming life
Who write white-headed essays 

Who are enraged at others quarrels.

Who broadcast disagreements and deceits

Who soak grain and sell it to people

Who, in seeing those with money, hate them
Who in seeing the rich, becomes jealous:

Who in seeing people fall into disaster, help them not

Who in seeing people’s difficulties, pity them not,

Who do not speak of their own shortcomings
But instead speak of others’ inequities. 

Who, on being encouraged to do good, do not believe,
Who encourage others to do evil
[these?] fifty-four evils and sins,
Every one will be carefully recorded and counted. 


He will not remain in this world long,

He will become a hungry ghost or animal,

His whole family will be extinguished,

His wife and children will separate from him, 

His blood will run like water,
His dry bones will become like a forest,
His fields will have nobody to plough them,
His home will be sent to another,

If the evil correct and do good,

His illness will diminish, his lifespan increase,
If he thinks [for the good] of the  massed beings
And hurriedly begins to practise goodness,

限定三年查遍。即當回奏 朕聞。玉帝旨敕已下。吾即下界查巡。
his life will be [extended for?] for three years

And at once will quickly report to the Emperor. 
The Jade Emperor sent down an order
“You must quickly go down to the word and perform an inspection”

Check minutely in every location, 
I will proceed to issue judgement.

First i will send forth a set of troops
Then will spread a portion of epidemics 

From that point, within a few months, 
I will collect all the evil people. 
[they] may beg the gods, to no avail

[they] may give medicines, but it will have no effect,

Even though Shennong’s formulae are  extant.
The medicines will distinguish between good and evil

The good, on consuming medicine, will feel its effects

The evil, on consuming medicine, will not live. 

In vain they will offer incense,
And call me a Worthy God.
At present, if i do not help when summoned,
I will be called a ‘worthy’ in vain

The world above, urgently seek [this?]

The world below, hear what [has to be said]

When the end kalpa has come

Nine will die, but one will live. 



Knives and soldiers will arise from the four roads

Plagues will invade form the eight roads

Thunder, Lighting will quake pell-mell

Water’s floods will cove the rivers and mountains 


<From this point on the verse is in lines of 6 characters, rather than 7 characters> 


Great drought will scorch [everything], it will be hard to live
The Demon king will at evening and night, knock on the doors
Plague ghosts will manifest in broad daylight
The tigers will come out of the mountains; impossible to avoid 

Snakes will block up the road, making it hard to travel.

There will be ten disasters, hard to cross,

Passing the ten disasters, they will be accounted as [good?] men.

Such are the ten disasters. 

Only if you are willing to change you heart

And at this moment, quickly repent [will you be saved]

Those who hear and read this, quickly be converted,

Do not wait till the disasters arrive 

When that comes, there will be no gate for those to seek help.

Quickly! Do good to hide from the disaster.

Let the massed beings swiftly, with a sincere heart
Be filial and respect heaven, earth, and parents 

Be loyal and careful to country above, and people below. 
The poor should be peaceful and content with their lot. 
The wealthy should deliver people from emergencies, and aid the poor

The clever should encourage and teach the foolish 

Thus one can avoid the Disaster’s dust
Those with no relation [with good] will fall into the bitter sea, 
Those with a relation will see the Clear Peace
I now currently possess a body, to borrow a mouth 

[and] beg you literate people,
To write and distribute a copy of the scripture for me.

Doing so will protect your body’s peace

[If you can] write and distribute ten copies for me,


Your whole family will be spared the stars of disaster

If you write and distrubute a hundred copies for me,

Your fortune and longevity will increase.

If you have money, print and distribute [this scripture] 

Your family will flourish manifestly. 
If you encounter someone who is illiterate,

Explain this scripture to them.

If there are evil people who do not believe, 


Evil ghosts will come unto their body at once,
At and evil hour their spirits will collapse

Their seven orifices will flow with blood.
Form then on, of the ten evils

I will not describe them.

Those who leak the designs of heaven,

I fear will be subject to an evil punishment. 

If you do not believe what I have said


Disasters and afflictions will come to you

If the people of the world would listen

The heavens will remit disasters [and the] descent of stars.


The fifth year of the Republic (1916) Lunar calendar, the night of the 10th day of the 10th month, the third period’s bell. Descended in Old She [county], Jishan [collected good] Altar in Yishan Lue [Suitable Goodness Gallery]



The Gentleman of Leshan printed this for broad distribution; may the disaster-relieving merit, benefit himself and others




Doing good acts will bring a hundred fortunes

Caring for written papers is the first act of merit. 




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