Tuesday 27 August 2024

Buddhist Apocrypha: 佛說眼明經 The Bright-Eye sutra spoken by the Buddha

佛說眼明經 The Bright-Eye sutra spoken by the Buddha 

Continuing in this blog's series on Buddhist apocrypha, here is a positively tiny "sutra", the Fo shuo Yanguangming Jing: The Bright-eye sutra spoken by the Buddha  Just a hundred characters long, it might be more properly characterised as an incantation which cures eye trouble.  

The sutra seems to be relatively popular. There are at last two copies of the sutra online http://www.boder.idv.tw/fsumj.htm and  https://simple.taolibrary.com/category/category50/c50126.htm, and the sutra appears in the otherwise solidly canonical collection of sutras called 五經合刊 published by 和裕出版社 in Taiwan (See appendix 1). What makes this surprising, is that from a preliminary search, a sutra of this name does not appear in any of the Buddhist canons, even as an apocryphon. I have yet to find the sutra's true origin. It does not seem to appear in the Chanmen Risong (Zen daily recitations) which otherwise contains numerous apocrypha, that have been translated elsewhere on this blog

To make matters even more confusing, there is another scripture of the same title 佛說眼明經 , but is somewhat longer. This sutra is associated with the True Buddha School(the sect of Lu Sheng-yen).  However, it appears elsewhere, as for example appended to a copy of the Surangama Mantra that I possess. (see appendix 2) A translation of the sutra into English has been made here http://lotuschef.blogspot.com/2016/06/clear-vision-sutra_27.html as the "Clear Vision Sutra". These two sutras have little in common with one another. For starters, the Clear Vision Sutra begins by invoking Guanyin, and then ends by invoking Mahamayuri. 

For more discussion about this text in Chinese see https://ch.tbsn.org/dynamics/detail/494 and http://www.gelupa.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19843&extra=&page=1 

佛說眼明經The Bright-Eye sutra spoken by the Buddha 

佛說眼明經 兩眼似金燈 

舍利金山塔 蓮花滿座香
The Bright-Eye sutra spoken by the Buddha:

[My] Two eyes are like golden lamps,

Saria, [or] a Gold-hill pagoda.

Lotuses fill [my] seat, perfuming it. 

千手千眼童子王 兩眼依舊燄燄光 

文殊菩薩騎獅子        普賢菩薩騎象王 
Thousand-handed, thousand-eyed Eye-lad king,
[May] my two eyes be glowing, glowing brilliantly as before!

Manjushri Bodhisattva, with a lion mount!
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, the Elephant-mounted king! 

護羅那 眼羅那 

眼中惡 血盡消磨
Protect! Luona! Eyes! Luona

All evils in the eyes, [all] blood, be ground and dispersed! 


有人誦得眼明經 生生世世眼光明 

每日清晨誦七遍    勝過萬卷經
If a person can chant this bright-eye sutra,

For life after life, incarnation after incarnation, their eyes will be bright. 

Chanting this sutra seven times at dawn daily,

Is better than a myriad scrolls of sutras. 

諸尊菩薩摩訶薩 摩訶波若波羅蜜

唵 呵噠唎耶 娑婆訶 

All Venerable Bodhisattva Mahasattvas, Mahaprajnaparamita,

Om! He da li ye, Svaha! 



Note: If you feel that your eyes are not as bright as they were, or are afflicted with myopia, nearsightetness, or any suchlike eye disease, you can daily chant the Bright-eye sutra spoken by the Buddha, and they will slowly recover. You must do this with utmost sincereity, and without an attitude of finding fault or harboring doubts, because the results of these two [attitudes] would bring you far from the desired result.


Appendix 1: the Sutra as presented in 五經合刊

Note that the Scripture here reverses the order of the last two lines: 



Appendix 2: The Clear Vision Sutra in Chinese: From 妙法堂‘s 楞嚴咒

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Buddhist Apocrypha: 佛說眼明經 The Bright-Eye sutra spoken by the Buddha

佛說眼明經  The Bright-Eye sutra spoken by the Buddha  Continuing in this blog's series on Buddhist apocrypha, here is a positively tiny &quo...