Sunday, 22 May 2022

太上感應篇 Taishang Ganying Pian: Three translations

Taishang Ganying Pian 
Watters : The KAN YING PIEN OR A Chapter On the Causes which Induce Retribution by the Grand Supreme 

Over the past months, we have featured translations of several famous popular Chinese morality books on. The first such book was 關聖帝君覺世真經-- The Sage Therach Guan's true Scripture to Awaken the world: the second was 文昌帝君陰騭文 -- . Wenchang's Treatise on Secret Merit  Now we finally the last of this trilogy, the Taishang Ganying pian-- The treatise of the Highest One on Ganying. 

In the Carus and Suzuki translation of the text. it is stated that this was one of the most widely distributed books of all China. Whilst this is no longer true, the Taishang Ganying Pian is still republished now and then by Chinese religious presses; in fact it is one of the very few regularly distributed religious books that is not a buddhist sutra of some form. Still, it nonetheless is published by Buddhist presses, because the morality espoused in the book should be generally promoted. 

The Taishang Ganying Pian- as are the Sage Thearch Guan and Wenchang Texts- is about Ganying. Generally the term refers to a kind of associateve resonance; a kind of relationship between two objects that are related to each other, and can  interact from a distance. In the context of this text, the interactions are between good or bad deeds, and quality of life. If one does good things, good things would come to you; the converse if one does bad things. In a way it resembles popular notions of karma. However, some aspects of the doctrine may strike modern as strange. For one, the mechanism by which this is done, is by omnipresent spirits. These spirits report acts to the gods, who would correspondingly send good or bad luck to a person. For another, it is taken as a matter of course that retribution can devolve on people other than the sinner. The text explicitly states that Wives and children can die as a consequence of the man's sins; in turn, numerous other miracle tales attest to people's children suffering good (or bad) fortune owing to the deeds of their ancestors. 

Whilst Wenchang's treatise on secret merit is positive-- a series of injunctions on what to do, Taishang Laojun's treatise is negative-- For the most part it is a long list of sins. There are some 137 in total. 

The list of sins may strike the modern reader as strange. It struck some of the translators as strange as well. Extremely egregious sins (murder, rebellion) are condemned in the same terms as one that are relatively minor (killing snakes, pointing at stars). The reason why this is so may be seen from the wider context of Ganying. The consequence of evil deeds is worldy misfortune. If only significant evils were prohibited, every instance of misfortune occurring to a person would be seen as evidence of secret murder, adultery etc. However, by mixing in relatively minor transgressions like pointing at the luminaries, the unfortunate is given the benefit of the doubt. Indeed,  this very treatise condemns the practise: "見他失便,便說他過; on seeing others have misadventures,  Speaks of them as committing faults".


There are three translations 

1- T. Watters Esq. 

A fairly OK translation. Legge heavily borrows from him. Has the advantage of having a Chinese text

2- Legge

Legge's translation was formatted as continuious text; i have added line breaks to make them agree with the  Chinese original 

3- Carus and Suzuki as well as 

Also bilingual, but in a rather eccentric format: The Chinese is displayed on one page, and on the facing page, there is a grid, in which each box is placed one word of the translation 


Although not included in the post, it is not amiss to mention two other translations of the text, 

4- Brian Chung 

This translation is far from literal, and- as Chung admits- is more for liturgical recitation than a literal translation. Roman references are freely mingled. 

5- Purple Cloud institute 

This translation appears to have been translated from the Vernacular Chinese translation  of the text rather than the original Classical Chinese 


Numerous editions can be found online, if one wishes to look. Here are a few of them 

(1689, Illustrated)

(1739; tragically digitalised upside down! )

(1849; with ilustrations of miracle tales)

(1850: illustrated edn)



(annotated early 20thc edn; contained in the 治平寶鑑: "precious mirror of ordered peace" ) and

(Edition by Master JingKong, a celebrated Buddhist master. He breaks it up into sections, something not found in the other ends)

In this edition my Chinese text comes from Wikisource: 

A note on formatting: Long segments of the text are written in verse-- lines of four characters. Four such lines typically constitute one semantic unit. I have thus formated the Chinese text into this fashion, and excerpted the English translatuon in the same manner

Legge's text was originally formatted in continuous text, but i have here inserted line breaks to reflect the chinese text. I have done the same for Carus. 

*** *** *** 

Watters : The KAN YING PIEN OR A Chapter On the Causes which Induce Retribution by the Grand Supreme 

W: The Grand Supreme (i.e Lao tzŭ) says -- misfortune and prosperity have no door; they are evoked by men themselves. The rewards of virtue and vice are like the shadow following the substance
L: <The Thesis> 1. The Thâi-Shang (Tractate) says, 'There are no special doors for calamity and happiness (in men's 
lot); they come as men themselves call them. Their recompenses follow good and evil as the shadow follows the substance
Ca:<Introduction>  The Exalted One says: Curses and blessings do not come through gates, but man himself invites their arrivals. The reward of good and evil is like the shadow accompanying a body, [...]


W: Accordingly Heaven and Earth have spirits as ministers of transgressions, who cut off from men's lives periods commensurate with the slightness or gravity of their offences. When their term of life is curtailed men become poor and needy-- they encounter many sorrows and troubles-- all men hate them-- punishments and misfortunes attend them-- good luck and happiness keep away from them-- evil stars bring them plagues: when the curtailment of their life is completed they die 

L: <Machinery to secure retribution> Accordingly, in heaven and earth, there are spirits that take account of men's transgressions, and, according to the lightness or gravity of their offences, take away from their term of life. When that term is curtailed, men become poor and reduced, and meet with many sorrows and afflictions. All (other) men hate them; punishments and calamities attend them; good luck and occasions for felicitation shun them; evil stars send down misfortunes on them.When their term of life is exhausted they die.

Ca: [...] and so it is apparent that heaven and earth are possessed of crime-recording spirits.

According to  the lightness or gravity of his transgressions, the sinner's term of life is reduced. Not only is his term of life reduced, but poverty  also strikes him. Often he meets with calamity and misery. His neighbour hate him. Punishments and curses pursue him. Good luck shuns him. Evil stars threaten him ; and when his term of life comes to an end, he perishes. 


W: There are also the San Tai (Three Eminent Ones) and ruler of the Northern Bushel (star) above men's heads who keep a record men's crimes and sins, and cut off periods of Twelve years or One Hundred years from lives.

'There also are the Spirit-rulers in the three pairs of the Thâi stars of the Northern Bushel over men's heads, which record their acts of guilt and wickedness, and take away (from their term of life) periods of twelve years or of a hundred days. 

Ca: Further, there are the three councilor, spirit-lords of the northern constellation, residing above the heads of the people, recorders of men's crimes and sins, cutting off terms of from twelve years to a hundred days. 


W" There are also the Spirits of the San shi within men's bodies, and on the arrival of each Kêng shên day they hasten aloft and proceed to the Heavenly courts to report the crimes and transgressions. On the last day of the moon the spirit of the Hearth also does this. 

L:There also are the three Spirits of the recumbent body which reside within a man's person. As each kang-shän day comes round, they forthwith ascend to the court of Heaven, and report men's deeds of guilt and transgression. On the last day of the moon, the spirit of the Hearth does the same

Ca: Further, there are the three body-spirits that live within man's person. Whenever Kêng Shên day comes, they ascend to the heavenly master and inform him of men's crimes and trespasses. On the last day of the month the Hearth Spirit, too, does the same. 


W:  In all the cases of man's transgressions when these are great twelve years are cut off from his life and when they are small one hundred days. The transgressions, great and small, consist of several hundreds of circumstances, and he who would seek for long life must first avoid them 

'In the case of every man's transgressions, when they are great, twelve years are taken from his term of life; when they are small, a hundred days. Transgressions, great and small, are seen in several hundred things. He who wishes to seek for long life must first avoid these.

Ca: Of all the offences which men commit, the greater ones cause a loss of twelve years, the smaller ones of a hundred days. These their offences, great as well as small, constitute some hundred affairs, and those who are anxious for life everlasting, should above all avoid them.[18] (119-147)

E: All the translations are not literal in saying 'hundreds'.  the chinese is "there are myriads of circumstances


W: If it is the right way, advance; if it is the wrong way, retire. 
Do not tread devious by-ways
Be not deceitful in your secret abode. 
Amass virtue and heap up merit. 
Be compassionate to the brute creation. 

L: <3: the way of a good man> 

Is his way right, he should go forward in it;
 is it wrong, he should withdraw from it. 
He will not tread in devious by-ways;
he will not impose on himself in any secret apartment.
He will amass virtue and accumulate deeds of merit.
He will feel kindly towards (all) creatures.

Ca: <Moral injunctions>

The right way leads forward; the wrong way backward.
Do not proceed on an evil path. 
Do not sin in secret.
Accumulate virtue, increase merit. 
With a compassionate heart turn toward all creatures. 


W:  Be loyal, filial, loving, to your younger and respectful to your elder brothers. 
Make yourself right and you convert other men
Be kind to orphans and compassionate to widows
Respect the aged and be tender hearted to the young
The insect tribes, the herbs and trees
you may not injure 

L: He will be loyal, filial, loving to his younger brothers, and submissive to his elder.
 He will make himself correct and (so) transform others.
He will pity orphans, and compassionate widows;
he will respect the old and cherish the young.
Even the insect tribes, grass,
 and trees he should not hurt.

Ca: Be faithful, filial, friendly, and brotherly
First rectify thyself and then convert others. 
Take pity on orphans, assist widows; respect the old, be kind to children. 
Even the multifarious insects, herbs, and trees should not be injured. 


W: It behooves you to have compassion for the misfortunes of others
Delight in the excellence of others
Assist men in their extremities,
Bring relief to men when in danger 

L: 'He ought to pity the malignant tendencies of others;
to rejoice over their excellences; 
to help them in their straits; 
to rescue them from their perils; 

Ca: Be grieved at the misfortune of others
and rejoice at their good luck.
Assist those in need,
and rescue those in danger.


W; Regard the gains of men as if they were your own gains, 
and the losses of men as if they were your own losses/

L: to regard their gains as if they were his own,
and their losses in the same way; 
Ca:Regard your neighbor's gain as your own gain,
and regard your neighbor's loss as your own loss. 

不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。 [W has 街 for 炫. Error?]
W: Do not publish men's shortcomings. 
Do not puff up your own points of superiority 
Stop what is bad-- encourage what is good
Yeild much-- extract little. 

L: not to publish their shortcomings; not to vaunt his own superiorities;
to put a stop to what is evil, and exalt and display what is good;
to yield much, and take little for himself;

Ca: Do not call attention to the faults of others,
 nor boast of your own excellence. 
Stay evil and promote goodness. 
Renounce much, accept little. 


W: Recieve insults without resentment 
Recieve honor with fear, as it were. 
Dispense bounty and seek not reward.
Give to others and do not afterwards regret. 
L: to receive insult without resenting it,
and honour with an appearance of apprehension;

to bestow favours without seeking for a return,
 and give to others without any subsequent regret [...]

Ca: Show endurance in humiliation and bear no grudge.
Receive favors as if surprised.
Extend your help without seeking reward. 
Give to others and do not regret or begrudge your liberality. 


W: Such is called a good man.  All men respect him-- Providence protects him-- Blessings and glory follow him--All evil things keep away from him-- the mysterious subtle powers encompass him-- whatever he attempts is sure to succeed. 
L:--this is what is called a good man. All other men respect him; Heaven in its course protects him; happiness and emolument follow him; all evil things keep far from him; the spiritual Intelligences defend him; what he does is sure to succeed.

 Ca: <Blessings of the Good.>

Those who are thus, are good: people honor them; Heaven's Reason gives them grace; blessings and abundance follow them; all ill luck keeps away; angel spirits guard them. What ever they undertake will surely succeed, and even to spiritual saintliness they may aspire. 


w: And he may hope to become a spirit or genius.*He who would seek to become a Heavenly Genius must give rise to virtuous 1,300 actions: he who would become an Earthly Genius must give rise to 300 virtuous actions 
(*The french has il Perut espirer ae devenir immortel) 

L: He may hope to become Immaterial and Immortal. He who would seek to become an Immortal of Heaven ought to give the proof of 1300 good deeds; and he who would seek to become an Immortal of Earth should give the proof of three hundred.
Ca: Those who wish to attain heavenly saintliness, should perform one thousand three hundred good deeds, and those who wish to attain to earthly saintliness should perform three hundred good deeds.


W: If one mediates unrighhteousness and acts against right reason 
L: <4: the way of a bad man> 
'But if the movements (of a man's heart) are contrary to righteousness, and the (actions of his) conduct are in opposition to reason;

Ca: <A Description of Evil-Doers.>
Yet there are some people whose behavior is unrighteous. 
Their deportment is irrational.

W; Regards wickedness as cleverness 
Can bear to inflict misery and death
Secretly harms the good and excellent
Treats with clandestine slight ruler and parents 

L: if he regard his wickedness as a proof of his ability,
and can bear to do what is cruel and injurious;
if he secretly harms the honest and good;
if he treats with clandestine slight his ruler or parents; 

Ca: In evil they delight
With brutality they do harm and damage. 
Insidiously they injure the good and the law-abiding.
Stealthily they despise their superiors and parents. 

W: is disrespectful to teachers
Is contumacious to those whom he serves 
Gulls those who are without knowledge
Slanders those who are fellow learners
L: if he is disrespectful to his elders and teachers ;
 if he disregards the authority of those whom he should serve;
 if he deceives the simple;
 if he calumniates his fellow-learners; 

Ca: They disregard their seniors
and rebel against those whom they serve. 
They deceive the uninformed. 
They slander their fellow-students. 

W: Acts and speaks falsely, practises trickery and deciet
attacks and exposes his senior relatives
Is stiff, violent and inhuman
With ruthless perverseness takes his own way

L: if he vent baseless slanders, practise deception and hypocrisy, 
and attack and expose his kindred by consanguinity and affinity;
 if he is hard, violent, and without humanity;
if he is ruthlessly cruel in taking his own way;

Ca: Liars they are, bearing false witness, deceivers, and hypocrites;
malevolent exposers of kith and kin  
mischievous and malignant;
not humane; cruel and irrational; self-willed. 


W: Does not assign to right and wrong their proper places
Reverse what is right in his attachments and aversions
Oppresses his inferiors to obtain merit 
Toadies to superiors  seeking their favor 
 L if his judgments of right and wrong are incorrect;
 and his likings and aversions are in despite of what is proper;
 if he oppresses inferiors, and claims merit (for doing so)
; courts superiors by gratifying their (evil) desires;

Ca: Right and wrong they confound.
Their avowals and disavowals are not as they ought to be
They oppress their subordinates and appropriate their merit. 
They cringe to superiors to curry favor.



W; receives kindness and does not feel grateful 
Broods over resentments incessantly 
Makes little of Heaven's people
Introduces anarchy into the public administration. 
L receives favours without feeling grateful for them;
broods over resentments without ceasing;
if he slights and makes no account of Heaven's people 
 if he trouble and throw into disorder the government of the state;

Ca: Insentient to favors received,
 they remember their hatred and are never satisfied. 
They hold in contempt the lives of Heaven's people.
They agitate and disturb the public order. (403-406)

W: Extends rewards to the unrighteous
And punishments to the innocent
Murders men to seize on their riches
Overthrows men to seize their official positions. 

 L bestows rewards on the unrighteous
and inflicts punishments on the guiltless;
kills men in order to get their wealth,
and overthrows men to get their offices; 

Ca:They patronize the unscrupulous
and do harm to the inoffensive. 
They murder men to take their property,
 or have them ousted to take their places. 


W: Kills those who surrender, and massacres those who return to heir allegiance
Depresses the upright, and thrusts away the excellent
Ill-treats orphans and oppresses widows
Casts aside the laws and receives bribes ;
L slays those who have surrendered, and massacres those who have made their submission;
throws censure on the upright, and overthrows the worthy;
maltreats the orphan and oppresses the widow;
if he casts the laws aside and receives bribes;

Ca: They slay the yielding and slaughter those who have surrendered.
They malign the righteous and dispossess the wise. 
They molest orphans and wrong widows. (431-434)
Disregarders of law they are, and bribe takers. 

W: Treats the right as wrong, 
And the wrong as right.
Enters light offences as serious
Increases his anger while witnessing an execution. 

L holds the right to be wrong
and the wrong to be right;
 enters light offences as heavy;
 and the sight of an execution makes him more enraged (with the criminal);

Ca: They call crooked what is straight,
 straight what is crooked,
and what is light they make heavy. 
When witnessing an execution, they aggravate it by harshness.

W: knows his faults and does not reform
knows what is good and does it not
Implicates others in his own crimes 
Puts obstacles and checks to professions and arts

 L: if he knows his faults and does not change them,
 or knows what is good and does not do it;
throws the guilt of his crimes on others;
if he tries to hinder the exercise of an art (for a living)

Ca:Though they know their mistakes they do not correct them;
though they know the good they do not do it. 
In their own guilt they implicate others.
They impede and obstruct the professions and crafts.

W:  Reviles and slanders the excellent and holy. 
insults and oppresses [those who have attained to the practise of] truth and virtue
Shoots birds and hunts beasts
Pokes out burrowing insects and frightens roosting birds 

L: reviles and slanders the sage and worthy;
and assails and oppresses (the principles of) reason and virtue  [...] 

if he shoots birds and hunts beasts,
unearths the burrowing insects 
and frightens roosting birds

Ca: They vilify and disparage the holy and the Wise.
They ridicule and scorn reason and virtue.[36] (475-478)
They shoot the flying, chase the running,
 expose the hiding, surprise nestlings,


W: blocks up the dens of wild animals and knocks down the nests of birds
Mortally injures pregnant wombs and breaks eggs
Wishes people to have misadventures
Ruins the merit achieved by others 

L: blocks up the dens of animals and overturns nests,
 hurts the pregnant womb and breaks eggs;
if he wishes others to have misfortunes and losses;
 and defames the merit achieved by others

Ca: close up entrance holes, upset nests,
injure the pregnant, and break the egg.
They wish others to incur loss. 
They disparage others that achieve merit. 

W: Imperils others while keeping himself secure
takes form others to add to himself
Gives bad things in exchange for good
Ruins the public interests by private feelings 

L if he imperils others to secure his own safety;
diminishes the property of others to increase his own; 
exchanges bad things for good 
and sacrifices the public weal to his private advantage;

Ca: They endanger others to save themselves.
They impoverish others for their own gain.
For worthless things they exchange what is valuabe
For private ends they neglect public duties. 

W: makes a stolen use of the abilities of other men
Suppresses the excellencies of other men
Makes the failings of men conspicuous
Publishes people's privacies 
L if he takes credit to himself for the ability of others;
 conceals the excellences of others;
 publishes the things discreditable to others;
 and searches out the private affairs of others; 

Ca: They appropriate the accomplishments of their neighbor
and conceal his good qualities.
They make known his foibles
and expose his secrets.


W: Undermines the material prosperity of people
Parts the dearest relatives (lit. bone and flesh) 
Appropriates what others like
Assists others in doing evil 
L leads others to waste their property and wealth;
and causes the separation of near relatives;
 encroaches on what others love;
 and assists others in doing wrong;

Ca:They squander his property
and cause divisions in his family.
 They attack that which is dear to others.
They assist others in doing wrong. 


W; Sets up his own will to create awe
Brings shame on others seeking to advance himself
Spoils the sprouting and mature crops of others 
Breaks up others' marriages 

 L gives the reins to his will and puts on airs of majesty;
 puts others to shame in seeking victory for himself;
 injures or destroys the growing crops of others;
and breaks up projected marriages; 

Ca: Their unbridled ambition makes for power,
and through the degradation of others they seek success. 
They destroy the crops and fields of others. 
They break up betrothals. 


W: Becomes rich by ill means and is then overbearing
Escapes [from punishment] by ill means and feels no shame
Claims merits and rejects faults 
Marries away his misfortunes and sells his crimes. 

L; if becoming rich by improper means makes him proud;
and by a peradventure escaping the consequences of his misconduct, he yet feels no shame; 
if he owns to favours (which he did not confer),and puts off his errors (on others);
marries away (his own) calamity to another, and sells (for gain) his own wickedness;

Ca: Improperly they have grown rich, and withal they remain vulgar. 
Improperly they shirk without shame. 
They claim having done acts of favor and disclaim being at fault. 
They give away evil in marriage and they sell wrongs. 

W: traffics in vain fame
Treasures secretly a deceitful mind
Suppresses the distinguishing excellencies of people
Screens his own imperfections

L; purchases for himself empty praise;
and keeps hidden dangerous purposes in his heart;
detracts from the excellences 
of others,
and screens his own shortcomings

Ca: They sell and buy vainglory. 
They conceal and keep a treacherous heart. 
They crush that which is excellent in others. 
They are careful in hiding their shortcomings. 


W; relies on his dignity to practise violent intimidations
In wanton fierceness kills and wounds
Clips and cuts (cloth) without any reason
Cooks and kills (animals) when not rites require  

L if he takes advantage of his dignity to practise intimidation,
and indulges his cruelty to kill and wound;
if without cause he (wastes cloth) in clipping and shaping it;
 cooks animals for food, when no rites require it; 

Ca: Being on a high horse they threaten and intimidate. 
With unrestrained barbarism they kill and stab. 
Recklessly they cut cloth to waste.
Without festive occasions they prepare cattle for food.


W: wastes and throws away the five grains
Affects and distresses all living things
Ruins others families
and seizes their riches and valuables;

L scatters and throws away the five grains;
and burdens and vexes all living creatures;
if he ruins the families of others,
and gets possession of their money and valuables;

Ca: They scatter and waste the five cereals.
They trouble and annoy many people. 
They break into others' houses to take their property and valuables. 


W: Lets in water and lets loose fire
in order to damage people's dwelling places 
Confounds and confuses rules and plans
in order to destroy men's merit 
 L: admits the water or raises fire
in order to injure their dwellings;
if he throws into confusion the established rules
 in order to defeat the services of others;

Ca: They misdirect the water and light fires
to destroy the people's homes. 
They upset others' plans
 so as to prevent their success. 

W; Spoils the implements of people
in order to put an end to their using them 
On seeing others in glory and honour 
Wishes that they may be banished and degraded 
L and injures the implements of others
 to deprive them of the things they require to use; 

if, seeing others in glory and honour, 
he wishes them to be banished or degraded; 

Ca: They spoil a worker's utensils
to hamper his efficiency. 
When seeing the success and prosperity of others
 they wish them to run down and fail. 

W: on seeing others in wealth and prosperity 
Wishes them ruined and scattered
On seeing others with beauty and grace
Stirs up his heart illicitly towards them 

L or seeing them wealthy and prosperous,
 he wishes them to be broken and scattered;
if he sees a beautiful woman
and forms the thought of illicit intercourse with her;

Ca: Seeing the wealth of others,
they wish them bankrupt and ruined. 
They cannot see beauty without
cherishing in their hearts thoughts of seduction. 


W: Retains the borrowed goods or money of others
And wishes that these persons would die
When his requests and prayers are not answered
Begets feelings of imprecation and resentment 

L; is indebted to men for goods or money,
 and wishes them to die; if,
when his requests and applications are not complied with,
his anger vents itself in imprecations; 

Ca: Being indebted to others for goods or property,
 they wish their creditors to die.
When their requests are not granted
they begin to curse and wax hateful. 


W: on seeing others have misadventures, 
Speaks of them as committing faults 

L if he sees others meeting with misfortune,
 and begins to speak of their misdeeds; 

Ca: Seeing their neighbor lose his vantage
they gossip of his failure. 


W: Sees the bodily imperfections of others and makes fun of them
Sees the natural and acquired abilities of others deserving commendation and suppresses them 
L; or seeing them with bodily imperfections he laughs at them;
or when their abilities are worthy of praise, he endeavours to keep them back;

Ca: Seeing a man imperfect in his bodily features they ridicule him. 
Observing the talent and ability of a man worthy of praise, they suppress the truth. 

W: Burns effigies to have power over men (troubles people's sleep) 
Uses poison to kill trees
Is spiteful and angry to his instructors
Thwarts and offends his father and elder brother 

L; If he buries the image of another to obtain an injurious power over him;
or employs poison to kill trees;
if he is indignant and angry with his instructors;
or opposes and thwarts his 
father and elder brother;

Ca: They use charms for the sake of controlling others.
They employ drugs to kill trees. 
Ill-humored and angry they are towards teachers and instructors.
They resist and provoke father and elders.

W: violently seizes and violently requests
Is fond of pilfering and robbing
Attains riches though rapine
By artifice and deceit seeks preferment 

L: if he takes things by violence or vehemently demands them;
if he loves secretly to pilfer, and openly to snatch;
 makes himself rich by plunder and rapine;
or by artifice and deceit seeks for promotion;

Ca: With violence they seize, with violence they demand. 
They delight in fraud, they delight in robbery,
they make raids and commit depredations to get rich. 
By artful tricks they seek promotion. 


W: If he is unjust in administering rewards and punishments
Indulges to excess in pleasure
Is captious and tyrannical to inferiors
Creates fear and dread in others 

L  if he rewards and punishes unfairly;
if he indulges in idleness and pleasure to excess;
is exacting and oppressive to his inferiors;
and tries to frighten other men;

Ca: They reward and punish without justice. 
They indulge in comforts and enjoyments without measure. 
They harass and tyrannize over their subordinates. 
They terrify and threaten to overawe others.


W: Repines at heaven and reviles against men
Reproaches the wind and abuses the rain
Provokes people into quarrels and lawsuits
Promiscuously joins friendly societies 

if he murmurs against Heaven and finds fault with men;
reproaches the wind and reviles the rain;
if he fights and joins in quarrels;
strives and raises litigations;
recklessly hurries to join associate fraternities; 

Ca: They accuse heaven and find fault with man. 
They blame the wind and rail at the rain. 
They stir up party strife and law suits.
Unprovoked they join factious associations.

W: makes account of the talk of wives and concubines
Disobeys the commands of father and mother
Makes new acquisitions and forgets the old
Is right with the mouth but wrong at heart 

L is led by the words of his wife or concubine
to disobey the instructions of his parents;
if, on getting what is new, he forgets the old;
and agrees with his mouth, while he dissents in his heart;

Ca: They rely on their wives' and other women's gossip. 
They disobey the instructions of father and mother. 
They take up the new and forget the old. 
Their mouth asserts what their heart denies. 

W: is recklessly covetous of riches
and simulates and dissembles to his superiors 
Invents wicked speeches
to calumniate the good
 L if he is covetous and greedy after wealth,
and deceives and befools his superiors (to get it);
 if he invents wicked speeches
to calumniate and overthrow the innocent;

Ca: Shamelessly greedy they are for wealth. 
They deceive their father and their superiors. 
They invent and circulate vile talk,
 traducing and slandering innocent men. 


W: Exposes men and calls himself frank
Abuses the spirits and calls himself perfect
Abandons what is right and initiates what revolts against it 
Turns from new relatives to go to the distant 

L: defames others and calls it being straightforward;
reviles the Spirits and styles himself correct;
if he casts aside what is according to right, and imitates what is against it; 
turns his back on his near relatives, and his face to those who are distant; 

Ca: They slander others, yet themselves feign honesty.
They rail at spirits and claim to be right themselves. 
They reject a good cause and espouse a wrong cause,
spurning what is near, longing for the distant

W; points to heaven and earth to testify to his baseness
Calls the spirits to behold his bestial acts 

L: if he appeals to Heaven and Earth to witness to the mean thoughts of his mind;
 or calls in the spiritual Intelligences to mark the filthy affairs of his life; 

Ca: They point at heaven and earth to make them witnesses of their mean thoughts. 
They even call on bright spirits to make them witness their degrading deeds. 

W: Repents of alms and gifts
Incurs obligations and does not repay them
Plots and seeks for what is beyond his lot
Exerts all his powers to accomplish his projects 

L if he gives and afterwards repents that he has done so;
or borrows and does not return;
if he plans and seeks for what is beyond his lot;
or lays tasks (on people) beyond their strength; 

When they ever give charity they regret it afterwards. 
They borrow and accept without intention to return. 
Beyond their due lot they scheme and contrive. 
Above their means they plot and plan. 


W: goes to excess in the indulgence of the sexual appetite
Is malevolent in heart and benignant in face
Gives tainted victuals to men for food
Deludes the multitude by false teachings 
L: if he indulges his lustful desires without measure;
if there be poison in his heart and mildness in his face;
if he gives others filthy food to eat;
 or by corrupt doctrines 
deludes the multitude;

Ca: Their lusty desires exceed all measure.
Their heart is venomous while they show a compassionate face. (
With filthy food they feed the poor. 
With heresies they mislead others. 

W: Has a small foot and contracted yeard
Light scales and small measures
Mixes the spurious with the genuine
amasses ilicit gain 
L if he uses a short cubit, a narrow measure,
light weights, and a small pint;
mixes spurious articles with the genuine;
and (thus) amasses illicit gain; 

Ca: They shorten the foot, they narrow the measure
 they lighten the scales, they reduce the peck. 
They adulterate the genuine, and they seek profit in illegitimate business. 

W; Reduces respectable children to a servile condition
Cheats and beguiles stupid persons
Is insatiably avaricious and rapacious
Seeks [to establish] his rectitude by oaths and imprecations to the gods

L if he degrades (children or others of) decent condition to mean positions;
or deceives and ensnares simple people;
 if he is insatiably covetous and greedy;
 tries by oaths and imprecations to prove himself correct;

Ca: They compel respectable people to become lowly.
They betray and deceive the simple-minded. 
They are greedy and covetous without satiety. 
They curse and swear to seek vindication. 

W: through love of wine becomes abandoned and dissolute
Strives angrily with those who are to him as bone is to flesh 
As a man is not sincere and upright
As a woman is not gentle and obedient 

L and in his liking for drink is rude and disorderly;
if he quarrels angrily with his nearest relatives;
and as a man he is not loyal and honourable;
if a woman is not gentle and obedient; 

Ca: Indulging in liquor they become rebellious and unruly. 
With the members of their own family they are angry and quarrelsome.
As husbands they are neither faithful nor kind. 
As wives they are neither gentle nor pliant. 

W: does not live harmoniously with his wife
Does not respect her husband
Is always fond of boasting and bragging
Is constantly practising jealousy and envy 
L if (the husband) is not harmonious with his wife;
if the wife does not reverence her husband;
if he is always fond of boasting and bragging;
 if she is constantly jealous and envious; 

Ca: As husbands they are not in harmony with their wives;
 as wives they are not respectful to their husbands. 
As husbands they delight in bragging and conceit. 
Always as wives they practice jealousy and suspicion. 

W: does not behave properly to wife and children
Fails in duties to father-in-law and mother-in law
treats the spirits of ancestors with slight and disrespect
Disobeys and resists the orders of superiors

L if he is guilty of improper conduct to his wife or sons;
 if she fails to behave properly to her parents-in-law;
if he treats with slight and disrespect the spirits of his ancestors;
if he opposes and rebels against the charge of his sovereign; 

Ca: As husbands they behave unmannerly toward their wives and children. 
As wives they lack propriety to their father-in-law and their mother-in-law. 
They make light of the spirit of their ancestor. 
They disobey and dislike the commands of their superiors. 

W: does and performs things of no service (lives a useless life)
Hides in his breast a second mind
Utters imprecations on himself and others
Is one-sided in disliking and liking  

L if he occupies himself in doing what is of no use;
and cherishes and keeps concealed a purpose other than what appears; 
if he utter imprecations against himself and against others (in the assertion of his innocence) 
 or is partial in his likes and dislikes; 

Ca: They make and do what is not useful. 
They harbor and keep a treacherous heart. 
They curse themselves, they curse others.
They are partial in their hatred and partial in their love. 

W: Strides across a well or hearth
Hops over food or human beings
Kills babes already born and destroys those still in the womb
Performs many secret and out-landish actions

L if he strides over the well or the hearth;
leaps over the food, or over a man;
kills newly-born children or brings about abortions;
if he does many actions of secret depravity; 

Ca: They step over the well and they step over the hearth.
They jump over the food and jump over a person.
They kill the baby and cause abortion of the unborn. 
They do many clandestine and wrong deeds. 

W Sings and dances on the last day of the month or year
Cries and gets angry on the first day of the moon or in the early morning 
L if he sings and dances on the last day of the moon or of the year;
bawls out or gets angry on the first day of the moon or in the early dawn;

Ca: The last day of the month and the last day of the year they sing and dance.
 The first day of the month, the first day of the year, they start roaring and scolding. 

W: weeps spits or urinates facing the north
Sighs, sings or cries facing the hearth 
and uses the hearth-fire for burning incense
prepares food with filthy firewood 

L weeps, spits, or urinates, when fronting the north,
sighs, sings, or wails, when fronting the fire-place,
and moreover, if he takes fire from the hearth to burn incense;
or uses dirty firewood to cook with;

Ca: Facing the north, they snivel and spit;
facing the hearth, they sing, hum and weep.
Further, with hearth fire they burn incense, 
and with filthy fagots they cook their food. 

W: rises up at night naked and exposed
Inflicts punishments at the eight festivals 
Spits at a shooting star,
points at a rainbow 

L if he rises at night and shows his person naked;
if at the eight terms of the year he inflicts punishments;
if he spits at a shooting star;
points at a rainbow;

In the night they rise and expose their nakedness.
On the eight festivals of the seasons they execute punishment.
They spit at falling stars and point at the many-colored rainbow.


W: points rudely at the Three Lights (sun, moon and stars) 
Looks long at the sun and moon
IN spring months sets the woods on fire and then hunts
Utters angry resentments facing the north
Kills tortoises and smites snakes without any reason 

L suddenly points to the three luminaries;
looks long at the sun and moon;
in the months of spring burns the thickets in hunting;
with his face to the north angrily reviles others;
and without reason kills tortoises and smites snakes 2:--

Irreverently they point at the three luminaries;
 intently they gaze at the sun and at the moon.
In the spring they hunt with fire.
Facing the north, they use vile language.
Causelessly they kill tortoises and snakes. 


W: In crimes likes these,
the Minister of Life according as the offence is light or serious
cuts off periods of twelve years or one hundred days, 
L 'In the case of crimes such as these,
(the Spirits) presiding over the Life, according to their lightness or gravity,
take away the culprit's periods of twelve years or of one hundred days.

Ca: (Punishments for Evil-Doers.)
For all these crimes
the councilors of destiny deprive the guilty, according to the lightness or gravity of the offence,
 of terms from twelve years to a hundred days, 


W: and at the end of the curtailing death comes--
if at death there guilt,
the punishment extends to descendants 

L When his term of life is exhausted, death ensues.
If at death there remains guilt unpunished,
judgment extends to his posterity 

Ca: and when the lease of life is exhausted they perish
If at death an unexpiated offence be left,
the evil luck will be transferred to children and grandchildren. 


W:  In cases in which one seizes violently another's property,
an account is taken of the wives and family of the offender,
and these are gradually brought to death as an equipoise
L: 5.  <Conclusion of the whole matter>

'Moreover, when parties by wrong and violence take the money of others, 
an account is taken, and set 
against its amount, of their wives and children,
and all the members of their families, when these gradually die. 

Ca Moreover, all those who wrongly seize others' property may have to compensate for it,
 with wives or children or other family members,
 the expiation to be proportionate up to a punishment by death.

 and if they do not die then,
there are troubles from water, fire ,thieves,
loss of property and failure in affairs, 
sickness and evil talk
in order to restore the equilibrium disturbed by the wicked appropriation 

L If they do not die,
there are the disasters from water, fire, thieves, and robbers,
from losses of property,
illnesses, and (evil) tongues
to balance the value of their wicked appropriations

Ca: If the guilt be not expiated by death,
they will suffer by various evils, by water, by fire, by theft, or by robbery,
by loss of property, by disease and illness, and by ill repute,
to compensate for any unlawful violence of justice. 

W: Further, those who put others to death wrongly are like men who exchange arms and slay one another 

L Further, those who wrongfully kill men
are (only) putting their weapons into the hands of others who will in their turn kill them 

Ca: Further, those who unlawfully kill men will in turn have their weapons and arms turned on them; yea, they will kill each other.


W: To amass unrighteous riches is like relieving hunger by putrid food, or quenching thirst by poisonous wine; though there is always a momentary satiety death also ensues 

L 'To take to one's self unrighteous wealth is like satisfying one's hunger with putrid food
 or one's thirst with poisoned wine. It gives a temporary relief, indeed, but death also follows it.

Ca: (A Simile.)
Those who seize property, are, to use an illustration, like those who relieve their hunger by eating tainted meat,[63] or quench their thirst by drinking poisoned liquor. Though they are not without temporary gratification, death will anon overcome them. 

W:  If your mind is stirred to good, though the good be not performed the lucky spirits follow you; and if your mind is stirred to evils though the evil be not performed, yet the unlucky spirits follow you 
L 'Now when the thought of doing good has arisen in a man's mind, though the good be not yet done, the good Spirits are in attendance on him. Or, if the thought of doing evil has arisen, though the evil be not yet done, the bad Spirits are in attendance on him.

Ca: (Good and Evil Spirits.)
If a man's heart be awakened to the good, though the good be not yet accomplished, good spirits verily are already following him. 
If a man's heart be awakened to evil, though evil be not yet accomplished, evil spirits verily are already following him.

W:  If he who has already done what is wicked voluntarily repents, and does not do anything that is evil but respectfully practices all virtues, he will in the long run certainly have good luck and prosperity, and this is what is called changing calamity into blessing 

L 'If one have, indeed, done deeds of wickedness, but afterwards alters his way and repents, resolved not to do anything wicked, but to practise reverently all that is good, he is sure in the long-run to obtain good fortune:--this is called changing calamity into blessing.

Ca: (Quotations.)
Those who have hitherto done evil deeds should henceforth mend and repent. 
If evil be no longer practiced and good deeds done, and if in this way a man continues and continues, he will surely obtain happiness and felicity. He will, indeed, so to speak, transform curses into blessings. 


W: Accordingly the good man is virtuous in word ,look and action, and having these virtues daily at the end of three years, Heaven will certainly bless him. 

 Therefore the good man speaks what is good, contemplates what is good, and does what is good; every day he has these three virtues:--at the end of three years Heaven is sure to send down blessing on him,

Ca: (Conclusion.)
Therefore, blessed is the man who speaketh what is good, who thinketh what is good, who practiceth what is good. If but each single day he would persevere in these three ways of goodness, within three years Heaven will surely shower on him blessings.


W: The wicked man is evil in word look and action and having these vices daily at the end of three years Heaven is sure to send him calamity. How is it, then, that men will not exert themselves to practise virtue ? 

The bad man speaks what is wicked, contemplates what is wicked, and does what is wicked; every day he has these three vices:--at the end of three years, Heaven is sure to send down misery on him How is it that men will not exert themselves to do what is good?'

Ca: Unfortunate is the man who speaketh what is evil, who thinketh what is evil, who practiceth what is evil. If but each single day he would persevere in these three ways of evildoing, within three years Heaven will surely shower on him curses. Why shall we not be diligent and comply with this? 

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The Sutra of the Sun and moon: Part 2: The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經

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