Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Culpeper's Aphorisms part 4: on buildings, hidden treasure and marriage.

Hidden treasure,
 & Marriage.
Collected, and put into this form,
BY NICH. CULPEPER Gent. Student in Astrologie. ,
Virgo 1647.
LONDON, Printed for Rich. Moone, & Steph. Chatfield.

Here begins the text

Elections for the Beginnings or Foundations of BUILDINGS.
1. A Man ought to have a regard in all edifices, that they may stand and continue long.

2. In the Foundations of Cities, in the first place regard the fixed stars, then join benevolent Planets with them.

3. In the foundation of houses, first regard the Planets, and their natures; and in the second place, the nature of the Signes.

4. If the Moon be in Scorpio or Pisces, having latitude Meridional descending, begin no building: if you do, it will quickly fall down.

5. The most fortunate time of all, to begin buildings, is when the Moon is in Aquarius; or else let Aquarius ascend, and the Moon behold it, and the Fortunes also, by good aspect, to wit, the degree ascending.

6. Also, Leo and Taurus are good, but not so good as Aquarius.

7. Let not the Lord of the Ascendant  be combust, nor retrograde, nor in his fall, nor detriment, nor in ill aspect to any Planet.

8. If it be possible, let both the Luminaries behold the Ascendant .

9. At such a time, Saturn will do most good, or at least, least mischief in the twelfth house, and Mars in the sixth.

10. Beware that the Signe ascending at the revolution of the yeer, be not in the seventh house, when you lay the foundation: for then enemies enough will infest and molest the house.

E.W. The “Revolution of the year” is the moment the Sun enters 0 Aries for the year. Cast the chart for the moment the sun enters 0 aries for the year you are building in, in the location the building is in, and notice the asc and dsc. So if in your locale, Aquarius is the ascendant of the chart, it follows Leo is the 7th house. For that year, do not build when Leo is in the ascendant.

11. The Lord of the Ascendant is strongest when he is in his Auge: for when he is opposite to his Auge, he is infortunate, because he is Retrograde.

            E.W. I gather the word Auge is the Arabic أوج, which means “apogee”

[Configurations that presage destruction]
12. If an ill Planet be peregrine in the tenth house, the building will stand as long as a Cat is tied to a Pudding: and yet you had better have Saturn there then Mars.

13. That City will be most infortunate, whose foundation is said when Mars is in M. C. for many of its Citizens and Princes or Rulers will die by the sword.

14. When the foundation is laid, let not the Moon be in Conjunction with Saturn, nor yet with the Dragons tail; nor yet let Saturn be in the Ascendant , nor yet in the fourth, if he be infortunate; for then the building will go on slowly, and be finished at Dooms-day in the afternoon; or if ever it be finished, and made habitable, the inhabitants will be possessed with incessant fears, and vain illusions, and fooleries, and thieves, and tribulations: and a thousand to one, if the building at last do not fall down upon a sudden.

15. If Mars be so seated, or so aspected, as we speak of Saturn in the former Aphorism, the house will be burnt down.

16. If there be any phantastical apparitions in a house, and thou wouldst fain remove them, let not the Moon be in the Ascendant , in any of these signes, nor any of them ascending; viz. Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarie: and let her separate from evil Planets, and apply to good ones.

 Concerning Hidden Treasures.

1. Hidden Treasures belong to the fourth house, and to his Lord.

[Persons most qualified to find treasure]

2. If the Lord of the Ascendant , and the Lord of the fourth house, be fortunate in the Nativity of any, and in good aspect the one to the other, and the Luminaries behold the Ascendant  by good aspect; that native will be subject to, and fortunate in finding Hidden Treasures.

[Success of endeavour]

3. In Questions about such businesses, if the Lord of the fourth house be fortunate in the Ascendant , or Lord of the Ascendant , or Sun in the fourth house, the treasure may be found.

4. If in the Question Saturn, Mars, or the Dragons tail, be in the Ascendant , the Querent will take labour in vain in searching for it, and in the act will be troubled with foolish phantasies and illusions.

[Where treasure found]

5. If good Planets be in angles, let the game go which way it will, there is a possibility of finding it, if good courses be taken.

6. If you would know whether there be any treasure or no, consider the Angles of the heaven, especially the Ascendant , then the fourth, then the tenth: for the seventh is of little or no value, in such businesses as these.

7. If within the first degrees (to wit, five degrees from the Cusp) of these Angles, there be any good Planet, 'tis a good argument there is treasure hid.

8. If the Sign possessing the Cusp of the fourth house be a fiery Signe, it lies in the east part; if airy, the west; if watery, the north; if earthly, the south part of the house.

9. Fiery Signs signify it to be near chimneys; airy, on the top of the house, about the ceiling or rafters; watery Signs, near water; earthly Signs, in the earth, or cellars.

10. For the Planets, the Sun signifies open places; the Moon, neer gates or doors; Saturn, stinking moist places, cellars, and where they lay dust and coles. [coals]

11. Jupiter signifies halls of entertainment; Venus, bed-chambers; Mercury, walls.

12. You must also consider other testimonies, viz. the nature of the Signes, and of the Planets, Whether Oriental, or Occidental; whether Septentrional, or Meridional; and in what part of the heavens they be.

13. If the Lord of the Ascendant be in his house or exaltation, the treasure is great; if in his detriment or fall, 'tis worth little.

14. If the Lord of the Ascendant be Oriental, 'tis newly laid there: if Occidental, it hath been there a long time.

15. If the Lord of the Ascendant be fortunate, it may be had all; if infortunate, you must be content with part, and glad you can get that too.

16. Fiery and Airy Signs shew things of greater value then Earthly and Watery Signs do.


1. The Ascendant  stands for the man, the seventh house for the woman

2. In which of these two parts good Planets be, it will be best for them.

3. In both, beware of the end of Libra, and the beginning of Scorpio; for that is the combust way, and portends no good in such matters, nor in few other matters.

E.W. More precisely, 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio. However there are other definitions of the Combust way, or to give its latin name, the Via combusta . One tradtion defines it as being the whole of libra and scorpio. Another tradtion, found in the Picatrix, defines it as...

4. Let not the Moon be in combustion with the Sun; for that signifies death: nor in the combust way; for that signifies an ill end.

5. 'Tis ill in the time of Marriage, if the Moon apply to Saturn or Mars, be the Aspect never so good: for there will be neither Peace nor Love between them.

6. If you would marry to have many children, let the Moon be in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, not impedited: and if she be in the West, 'tis so much the better.

7. In all Marriages, let the Moon increase in light and number; let her have no ill Aspect to the Sun, nor any Aspect at all to Saturn or Mars.

8. Venus is the general Significatrix of Marriage; therefore 'tis best for the Moon to apply to her.

9. These Aphorisms are Fundamentals in Astrology: he that hath any brain, may finde a thousand more from them.

10. He that cannot make Elections for any of these businesses, from these Aphorisms, is unworthy the very name of an Artist.

E.W.: This is quite opposite to the and Indian Chinese traditions of astrology, where marriage is the single most complex area of elections; As for the Chinese astrology, It employs a great deal of specialised techniques, including considering the horoscopes of the bride and groom &c.

Revised, Sun 12 m. 1648. NICH. CULPEPER.

Crede mihi miseris coelestia numina parcunt. 1647.

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