Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Partridge’s centiloquy

Partridge’s "Centiloquy"

This “Cetilloquy” (actually containing 102 aphorims!) is found  in the last pages of Partdidge’s Mikropanastron (1692 ed. Printed by Edward Brewster.) , parts of which have already been featured on this blog.  This text is an extremely varied set of aphorisms on horary astrology. The relevant section starts here, The original is rather nice to look, not least because of its numerous marginalia, some executed in coloured ink

Editorial conventions
The old spellings have been retained, but the editor begs the reader’s forgiveness if he unintentionally modernizes them, or fails to capitalize a word Partridge does.
In some parts of the text, Partridge uses symbols instead of words. These have been silently expanded. So: when the original writes:

The editor has transcribed it as 

  • 27: “ When the Moon is void of Course in a Question, there is no great hopes of effecting any thing to the purpose; yet if she be in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces, there is less danger”

Page breaks in the original are marked by bold numbers in square brackets

The original is published as a continuous text. To make life easier for my readers, I have divided the aphorisms into sections , each bearing a common theme. However, I must stress these sections are my own invention , and are not precise descriptions of the aphorisms within them.


[333] I will here lastly add another century of Aphorisms, very useful in the Judicial part of Astrology, which I have Collected from others, and my own Experiments

[Persons signified by the signs]
1.     In the general practice of astrology, it is most useful to be acquainted with the Descriptions of the Signs and the planets
2.     Under Aries are born Men of a middle stature, strong able Bodies, the Hair thick and curling, white or yellowish, long visage, crooked nose, hazel eyes, little ears, short legs, little feet; the first fifteen degrees give a more gross body than the latter
3.     Taurus signifies men of a short and thick stature, broad shouldered, high forehead, wide nose, great mouth, fat short neck, dark ruddy colour, short arms, thick hands, thick black hair, big buttocks, short legs, slow to anger &c.
4.     Gemini gives a delicate, strait, well-composed, and well-made body, bright clear eyes, good sight, and piercing, long arms, long hands and feet, large breast, brown hair, good wit, fluent [334] tongue, and apt to discourse; yet a man of no great fidelity
5.     Cancer gives but a little short stature; yet the latter fifteen degrees gives a bigger Body than the former, the upper parts of the body are more thick than the lower, disordered teeth, little eyes, blackish hair, a low whining voice, the countenance pale and sickly
6.     Leo Ascending gives a great head and eyes, quick sight, a lusty strong body, full of courage, stout hearted, thick broad shoulders, yellowish or flaxen hair, sometimes black, a big great voice, resolute spirit, aspiring brain, a generous, free-hearted and courteous dispotsition, and sometimes very unfortunate
7.      Virgo gives a spare body, yet well-composed, a mean stature, yet inclining to tallness, a brown complexion, a piercing eye, thick black hair, subtil wit, and very ingenious, a wavering mind, and aiming at self ends
8.     Libra gives a curious, comely, strait body, a round fair and well-favoured face, hair for the most part flaxen or light brown, and sometimes black, a cheerful well-spoken creature, red lips, cherry cheeks, a tall slender body, courteous, impartial, just and upright in all dealing.
9.     Scorpio ascending gives commonly a middle stature, yet a big limb’d, full and well set body, strong and active, a sad brown hair, dark complexion, a short neck, an erect countenance [335] fat and fleshy, quick in motion, but of reserved thoughts.
10.  Sagittary denotes one of a well-proportioned strait, big body, strong and well-set, of a cheerful conuntenance, high colour, oval visage, a long high nose, a good Horseman, stout-hearted, brown hair, and quickly bald
11.  Capricorn ascending gives a short stature, dry, lean and weakly, a lean thin face, blackish hair and thick, a wan , obscure pale colour, a disproportioned body, a long neck, witty, colerick and sad.
12.  Aquary ascending declares men of a middle stature, well shaped, clear skin, fair visage, not very beautiful, yet a comely countenance, a little oval, a handsom composed body, a whitish bright hair, and sometimes yellow
13.  Pisces gives a short ill composed body, yet a good face, something large, of a pale , yet clear complexion, thick shoulders, brown hair, fat and plump in all parts, sluggish and slothful.
[Persons signified by the planets ]
14.  Saturn signifies a man of a dusky swarthy colour, big and large eyebrows, little eyes, a thin beard, and sometimes none at all, thick shoulders, and sometimes crooked., a heavy down look, he goes stooping forward, lean fac’d thick lips, he delights to be alone, and is always musing, he strikes one legg against the other as he goes, and is most commonly splay-footed; he is reserved, willful, envious, fearful, covetous, aiming wholly at his own ends [336]
15.  Jupiter represents one of a tall stature, of a brown ruddy complexion, an oval visage, a high forehead, fair grey eyes, light brown hair, a handsom, well-set , strait body, a large belly, great thighs, full well-proportioned legs, long feet, a sober, well-spoken, well-conditioned man, desiring to do good to all, not covetous
16.   Mars describes one of a middle stature, yet strong and vigorous, a well-set body, a round visage, a sun-burn’d countenance, his hair yellow or light red, curling &c. a quick, sharp and piercing hazel eye, a furious look, proud, presumptious, valiant, full of words
17.  The Sun signifies one of a full fleshy body, big boned, the face brown or yellowish, big eyets, sharp and piercing, quick sighted, much beard, a very honest generous soul, aiming at no base things
18.  Venus representeth one of a whitely brownish colour and complexion, black and quick eyes, little eye-brows, red lips, cherry cheeks, with little dimples in them, the nether lip somewhat bigger than to other, a very neat well compos’d body, strait but of a mean stature, affable, courteous, merry, wholly delighting in curiosities
19.  Mercury descrys one of a tall stature, black hair, a long lean face, high forehead, a long strait Nose, a lean spare body, long fingers [337] and feet, and he goes swinging one arm, a witty subtil man, full of talk, and of no great fidelity, unless Mercury be in a fixed sign
20.  The Moon declares one of a mean stature, a pale face, bright hair, slow of speech, fat and flegmatic, short arms, fleshy hands, one of a mutable condition, often removing from place to place, a pievish creature, seldom contented, neither delighting in action, nor idleness

[How to use the above descriptions . N.B. in original this is still under ‘20’]
By comparing the planet with the sign he is in, the description of the body is found out; also be considering the strength of the planet and his aspect to the Sun or Moon, his being with fixed stars, either of, or opposing his own nature, with his being above or under the earth; for planets when they are above the earth give a taller stature than when under it

[Horary aphorisms: Considerations before judgment- preliminary interpretation ]
21.  Pass no judgment upon a figure when either the first or last degrees of a Sign ascend; for if few degrees ascend, the Question is not yet ready for Judgment; but if the latter ascend, the time is slipped, and the Querent hath been tampering with some other about it
22.  Saturn or Mars Peregrine in the tenth House, or the Dragon’s Tail there, the artist gets no Credit by that Question
23.  In all Questions, have a special eye to the Moon, for she brings the strength of the other Planets to us; it were better that the Lord of the Ascendant were afflicted than she [338]
24.  There is no so great affliction to the Moon, as her combustion, and it is very seldom there comes any good of a question, When the Moon is Impedited
25.  The seventh House and his Lord are Significators of the Artist; and therefore when they are afflicted, his Judgment is subject to be clouded
26.  In all Questions wherein the fortunes are significators; hope well, but if the infortunes are significators, fear the worst.

[The moon in Horaries]
27.  When the Moon is void of Course in a Question, there is no great hopes of effecting any thing to the purpose; yet if she be in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces, there is less danger
28.  The planet the Moon last separated from, shews what hath been done already in the business; if from a fortune, good, if from an infortune, evil; see what House the planet is in, and judge accordingly; judge the like by the lord of the Ascendant
29.  The application of the Moon shews the present state of the thing demanded i.e. to a good Planet, in a good House, and by a good Aspect, gives great hopes for the thing desired.
30.  The application of the Moon to a planet in his Fall or Detriment shews trouble and delay in the business; judge the same, if such a one be Significator [339]

[Planets: Their configurations, aspects, and conditions.  ]
31.  Good planets fortunate and strong, bring what good they promise to pass, effectually and Quickly
32.  Saturn and Mars bring to light what mischief they signifie, with a witness; but what good they promise, they produce but slowly, if at all, unless they be very strong
33.  When the fortunes portend any good, if Saturn or Mars cast their ill Rays thither without reception, it much obstructs the good promised
34.  When the Infortunes signifie any evil, see whether Jupiter or Venus cast friendly rays thither, if they do, they mitigate the evil, and so much the more if it be with Reception
35.  Confide not too much upon what a Fortune promiseth, unless he be either in his Dignities, or received by another fortune; for else he is like a man that would fain do the good, but wants power
36.  Saturn and Mars Peregrine are Malitious beyond measure, but they are not so when they are essentially dignified
37.  In a Question when Fortunes and Infortunes are equally weak and ill seated, defer the judgment till the Heavens are better disposed
38.  When a Planet promising any good in a [340] Question is either combust, or in Opposition to the Sun, he never performs his promises
39.  The Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon Peregrine, shew the Querent is out of all hopes of obtaining his desire
40.  The significator of the question in a Fixed Sign, shews the thing inquired after will be slow or tedious in doing; if in Moveable signs, it soon comes to a Period, but if in common signs, it changeth from one state to another

[On the condition of the Asc. Lord and significators]
41.  In all Questions see whether the Ascendant or his Lord be in the degree of any Eclipse at hand; for then though the matter were in never so fair [far?] away, it will receive prejudice unexpected, and scarce ever be concluded
42.  The Lord of the Horoscope in Square or Opposition thereunto, or if the Moon be Opposite to her House or Exaltation, the Querent is careless of his business
43.  If the Significator of the thing demanded be impedited, consider what Planet impedites him, and from the House he is in and the Lord of, you may find the Cause and Persons hindering the business
44.  The nearer the Significator is to an Angle, the more good is to be expected from him; if in a Succedant House less, but if in a Cadent, little or nothing; unless the question belongs to that cadent house he is in. [341]
45.  If any thing promised by an Aspect, consider if there be any frustration; if there be, there will be impediment by the persons signified by the Planet frustrating
46.  In every Question, consider the Part of Fortune, for if that be well dignified, the querent gains by Things or Men signified by that House it is in; but if ill dignified, let him expect loss from such, the same may be said of Jupiter and Venus
47.  Beware of Men and Things belonging to the house where the Dragon’s Tail is, ; for it is but seldom but the Querent receives loss, damage, scandalous Slanders, by Men or Things signified by that house
48.  Consider the principal Significators, whether they be with Fixed Stars, or, or against their own Nature; for the one much increaseth, the other as much retards their Significations

[General aphorisms for horary— success]
49.  A Radical Figure resembles either the Nativity, or the Revolution of the Nativity of the Querent
50.  In a Question truly Radical, there is a real Sympathy between the – matter propounded, and the Position of the Heavens at the time of asking; and this is the most absolute way to judge of the Radicalness of a Figure.
51.  When Benevolent Planets are lords of the eighth or twelfth houses, and ill dignified, the [342] Querent shall receive damage from reputed honest men.
52.  The matter of the Question is obscured when the Planet signifying the Thing, is under the earth, or under the Sun Beams
53.  But if the planet Signifying the Thing be free from Combustion, direct, and in the tenth House, the business is as clear as the day
54.  The significator of Uncles are taken from the Sixth house; but of Grandfathers from the seventh
55.  Determine nothing, before you know the intent of the Querent; for if he know not what to ask, how canst thou tell what to answer?
56.  If any one demands of an Artist concerning another, if the Querent have no Relation to him, the Horoscope shall be is Ascendant
57.  Judge not upon every capitious Fool’s Question; for a Question fit to be judged, ought to be premediated by the Querent
58.  When the Lord of the eighth is unfortunate in the eighth, the Querent hath Debts he will never get in
59.  An Infortune in the seventh House shews disagreement between the Querent and his Wife, or between the Querent and her Husband, except that Planet were a significator at Birth [343]
60.  An Infortune, unfortunately beholding the Significator, brings inevitable mischief to the Question, according to natural Causes.
61.  The Superiour Planets Oriental, and the Inferiours Occidental, perform a business with most speed
62.  If the significator commits his strength to a fortune that is angular, the matter is soon performed

[On news]
63.  When you hear News, or else in Questions about News, behold the Ascendant and his Lord, and the Lord of the hour
64.   If the Dragon’s tail, Saturn or Mars be there, or the Lord of the Ascendant be with them, it is not true
65.  If Jupiter or Venus or the Sun be there not afflicted, it is true enough
66.  If no Planet be in the Ascendant, behold the fifth house; if any planet be there, judge by the former rules
67.  If no Planet be there neither, view the Lord of the hour, see whether he be Direct or Retrograde, in what House he is, and to what Planet aspected; and judge from thence
68.  If the Ascendant be a Moveable Sign, especially Aries, then be sure it is false, saith my Author [344]
69.  If the Fortunes are in Angles, it is like enough to be true; if the Infortunes are there it is false; unless it belongs to the Infortunes
70.  For Example, if it belongs to War or Strife, and Mars be in an angle, it is true
71.  But of Jupiter be there, it is false, because Jupiter loves peace
72.  Likewise, if Saturn be Angular, and the report concerning Death, Captivity or Sickness, it is true; because they are of his own Nature
73.  In Questions of War, if the lord of the Ascendant, and the Lord of the seventh be in Square of opposition, no peace is to be hoped for, or expected
74.  But if the Lord of the Ascendant and seventh be in Sextile or Trine, a peace may be concluded by Treaty, if they treat by such men as are signified by that Planet, which is Lord of the Figure.
[Weather ]
75.  Venus in the First degree of Cancer at the Conjunction of the Luminaries, or any other great Conjunction, causeth great Rains.

76.  If a Question be demanded when one shall get out of Prison or Captivity, behold the Ascendant and his Lord and the Moon.
77.  The Lord of the Ascendant, and the moon [345] in the fourth, sixth, eighth or twelth, or combust of the Sun, shews long Imprisonment.
78.  Moveable Signs hasten Delivery, so doth the Lord of the third in Aspect to the lord of the Ascendant, or the Moon, or the Lord of the Ascendant in the third.
79.  If Saturn or Mars is Lord of the twelfth and afflicts the Lord of the first in the twelfth, he will die in Prison.
80.  If the Moon is Angular, or in the twelfth, or joined to the Lord of the twelfth, he will lye long in prison,
81.  But if the Significators separate from the ill Aspects of the Malignants, and apply to the Sun, Jupiter or Venus, especially with Reception; declares Delivery presently 

[Thought interpretation. See this for a summary ]
82.  When a man comes to demand a Question, it is possible to know what his thoughts are before he reveals them.
83.  To this purpose, behold where the Lord of the Ascendant is; provided he is not Combust, Retrograde, or in his Detriment or Fall; for then you must take the Moon, and the Lord of the hour.
84.  Consider them; for if they, or which is the strongest of them, are in the first House, the querent comes about himself
85.  But if they are in the second, about his Estate or Goods or Money &c. [346]
86.  If in the first part of the third, he comes about some short Journey; if in the second, about his Brethern
[N.B. in the original, No. 87 was mislabeled ‘86’ again. This error is not corrected here, for ease of reference]
[86] If in the first part of the fourth, about his Father, Mother or Ancestors; the second part, about his House, Farm or Ship, if it be in a watery sign; in the third part, the end of some business. 

87.  In the first part of the fifth, of Children or Scholars; the second, Joy or Play; the third, Cloaths or Ornaments; the fourth, Reports, Letters, Books or Messengers.
88.  In the first part of the sixth, of Sickness; the second, of Servants; the third, of small Cattle
89.  In the first part of the Seventh, of his Wife or Sweet-heart, the second of his Society, the third of Theft or Goods lost.
90.  In the second part of the eighth, of Death; in the second part, of dividing Inheritances; in the third, of Debts
91.  In the first part of the ninth, of Religion or Laws; in the second of Jounryes; in the third, of Dreams
92.  In the tenth, of Kings, Princes or Portentates; of Honour, Office or Dignity
93.  In the first part of the eleventh, of Merchants [347] or merchandizing; in the second, of Riches, in the third, of Friends.
94.  In the first part of the twelfth, Enemies; second, Captivity; the third, Beasts.
95.  If the Lord of the Ascendant be impedited, or not a Sign of his own Sex, take the Moon; if the Moon is in no better a condition, take the Lord of the hour

[General aphorisms of horary]
96.  There are two Significatiors special in Questions; First, the Planet which the Lord of the Horoscope is separated from. Secondly, the planet the Moon is separated from.
97.  The general Significator is the Planet which hath most Dignities in the Ascendant, or in the Conjunction or Opposition of the Sun or Moon, if it were near at hand; or in the Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, if that were newly past.
98.  Figures of Horary Questions, are either true or false; according to the intent of the Querent
99.  Love and Hatred cause error in Judgment; that one magnifies trifles, the other depresseth matters of moment. [347]
100.                 These Aphorisms, if rightly understood, discover the whole mystery of resolving all manner of Questions ----

Vivit vale: Siquid Novisti rectum istis,
Candidus imperti: Si non, his utre mecum
                                                                  Hora. Lib 1. Epist.
There is a time for every purpose under Heaven, Eccles. Ch. 3.1.

The Sutra of the Sun and moon: Part 2: The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經

In this post I will translate The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經, or Sutra of the Stellar Worthy of the Great Yin  which is a hymn to the Moon. I...