Thursday, 31 October 2019

Astrological thought interpretation

John Partridge, a 17th Century astrologer left us a rather useful tool for horaries: Astrological thought interpretation. This comes from his "mikropanastron"; the relevant section is available here, starting at the section labelled "82"

  When someone comes to ask an astrologer a question, the subject of the question can be discovered from the position of the planets at that time-- even though the querent did not articulate the question. The method is fairly simple.

1. Find the Ascendant Ruler.
2. Look at that planet's position in the 12 houses, under the section headed "INTERPRETATION"

3. However, if the ascendant ruler is delibitated (i.e. combust, retrograde, in detriment or in fall), look at the moon and ruler of planetary hour instead. Find the stronger of the two, and interpret as you would in [2].

Partidge expands on this in Aphorism 96: If the Lord Asc. is "Impeded, or not in a sign of [their] own sex" then the Moon is to be used. If she is in "no better a condition", then the Lord of the Hour is used instead.


Note; For the purposes of interpretation, the houses are divided into halves or thirds.

The subject of the inquiry is ...

1st House: The querent himself/herself.

2nd : Money, goods or estate

3rd house-- 1st part: Short journey
3rd house-- 2nd part: Brethern

4th house-- 1st part: Parents or ancestors
4th house-- 2nd part: House, farm or ship
4th house-- 3rd part: "the end of some buisness"

5th house-- 1st part: Children or scholars
5th house-- 2nd part: Joy or play
5th house-- 3rd part: Clothes, ornaments
5th house-- 4th part; Reports, Letters, Books, Messangers

6th house-- 1st part; sickness
6th house-- 2nd part: Servants
6th house-- 3rd part: "Small cattle" [i.e. small domestic animals]

7th house-- 1 part: Wife, sweetheart
7th house--2 part:  Querent's society
7th house--3 part: Theft, Lost goods.

8th house-- 1 part: Death
8th house-- 2 part:  dividing inheritances
8th house--3 part: Debts

9th house-- 1 part: Religion or law
9th house-- 2 part:  [Long] Journeys
9th house--3 part:  Dreams
[Notes: The 9th house was associated with Long Journeys, the 3rd with short ones. The section on 'dreams' refers to a practice of astrological dream interpretation. You would cast a chart for the moment the querent woke from a dream, or  (it seems) asked about the dream. By looking at the chart as a whole, the astrologer could foretell the effects of the dream. For more about this see here; 

10th house: "Kings, princes or potentates; of honour, office or dignity

11th house-- 1 part: "Merchants or Merchandizing:"
11th house-- 2 part:  Riches
11th house--3 part:  friends

12th house-- 1 part: Enemies
12th house-- 2 part:  Captivity
12th house--3 part: Beasts

The Sutra of the Sun and moon: Part 2: The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經

In this post I will translate The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經, or Sutra of the Stellar Worthy of the Great Yin  which is a hymn to the Moon. I...