Thursday, 21 January 2021

Culpeper's aphorisms part 2: elections for going to war

Elections for such as go to War.

[Impact of planets In ascendant on safe return. 
1. Such as go to War, ought above all things to have a care, that they may come safe home.
2. Therefore let the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, or the Dragons head, be in the Ascendant , otherwise they may come short home.

3. If  Saturn be in the Ascendant , he will come home again a coward, and will be surprised with fear, and not fight.

4. If Mars be there, he will either die, or be dangerously wounded.

5. If both Saturn and Mars be there, be confident he will never return.

6. If the Lord of the Ascendant  be in his fall, he will never return.

7. If no Planet be in the Ascendant , look in the eighth and tenth Houses: if an evil Planet be in the eighth, he will die; if in the tenth, he will be taken prisoner.

8. In Questions of Wars, if the Lord of the Ascendant , or other good Planets be in the Eastern Angle, the Querent will obtain what he desires.

9. If evil Planets be in the Ascendant , or the Lord of the Ascendant  be in his fall, the Querent will be vanquished.

[House significations for war]
10. The tenth, eleventh, twelfth, Ascendant , second and third Houses, are appropriated to the assailant; but the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, to the defendant; and so are the Planets found in them.

11. An ill Planet in M. C. signifies ill to the Querent, but in I. C. to the Defendant.

[Duration and conclusion of war]

12.If the Ascendant  be a fixed Signe, the War will hold long; if a moveable Signe, but a little while; if a mean Signe, indifferent.

13. If the Lord of the Ascendant , and the Lord of the seventh House be in square or opposition, when the Question is demanded, no peace is to be hoped for, or expected.

14. If the Lord of the Ascendant  and seventh House be in trine or sextile, a peace may be concluded by treaty, if they treat by such men as are of the condition of that Planet. which is Lord of the figure at the time of the Question.

15. If the Lord of the Ascendant be in the fourth House not impedited, or give good aspect to the Lord of the fourth, the Querent will obtain victory, honor, and profit.

16. If there be no aspect, nor collection, nor translation of light, &c. between the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Lord of the seventh, there will be no war at all.

17. If there be a good aspect, and the Planets good, there will be a firm and lasting peace established, by the free consent of both parties.

[Predicting the provisions of the enemy. This would be useful for seiges.]

18. If you would know whether the defendants have victuals or treasure, view the eighth House, and the Planets in it: for that is the second from the seventh; and signifies their substance and the Lord thereof will shew either their poverty or abundance.

19. If Saturn, Mars or the Dragons tail be there, they want; if Jupiter, Venus, part of fortune or the Dragons head be there, they have abundance; & the more that House is strengthened the better they are provided.

20. The like you may judge of the Assailants, by the second House, which is the House of their substance.

[Aphorisms for winning: Good for war and lawsuits]

21. If the Lord of the seventh House be in the fourth, or the Lord of the fourth House in the seventh, it is good for the defendant, provided they are not impedited for this one testimony is sufficient both in wars and law-suits.

22. Judge the like by the Ascendant  and tenth for the Assailant.

23. It is not good to fight when the Lord of the Ascendant  is in the eighth House.

24. The Sun doth no good in the Ascendant  in the hour of battle, nor yet joined to the Lord of the Ascendant .

25.The assailant always loseth the battle, if the Lord of the Ascendant  be an infortune, or retrograde, or combust.

26 But if the Lord of the seventh be so, the defendant will be beaten, and he that begins the battle first, will have the victory.

27. Let no King go to battle  when the Lord of the Ascendant  applies to the seventh House.

[Impact of mundane astrology on war]

28. There is no taking of a City, when the Lord of the Ascendant  at the revolution of the yeer of the world.

29. When the Moon, Saturn and Mars, are joined together in the same degree, Kings will be deposed, and there will be much effusion of blood, and war, in the places signified by that Signe they are joined in.


This Treatise was revised,
Sun 12 Scorpio,. 1648. NICH. CULPEPER.

Coeli enarrant Dei gloriam.

Sunday, 17 January 2021

The Heart Sutra as found in the Taisho Tripitaka , as well as several other notable sutras

 This is an image of the Heart Sutra as found in the Taisho Tripitaka: There is one major difference 

between this version and the Chinese version. The characters 僧莎訶 in the last but one line are, in Chinese versions replaced by the words 薩婆訶. 

another heart sutra 

the great compassion mantra 

the complete 25th chapter of the Lotus sutra, plus the Heart Sutra 

For the sake of completeness, here is the Heart Sutra as it was represented on the Chinese Wikisource. 

An image of the Great Compassion Mantra

The Sutra of the Sun and moon: Part 2: The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經

In this post I will translate The Sutra of the Moon 太陰星君聖經, or Sutra of the Stellar Worthy of the Great Yin  which is a hymn to the Moon. I...